Furry Fury
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Furry Fury started out with four questionably sane high-schoolers and a notebook. It has since grown into a thriving role play group [dead link] which, on occasion, has had over 20 members who tend to fit right into the category of Heroic Sociopath. But hey, we're saving the world, so who cares if we abuse it a little?
Got a crazy personality? Random violent tendencies? A Dark and Troubled Past? Then you'll feel right at home here. Oh, it also helps if you have fur, otherwise you may be treated with a bit of Fantastic Racism.
So far there have been three major plots, Same Story which is complete, and has a comic adaption in progress, Telmaro, which focuses on Seth, and Shattered Redemption, which focuses on Justice and Silveen.
- Action Girl - Most female player characters, especially Wing, Ohka, and Jezza.
- Attack! Attack! Attack! - With a couple of exceptions, most characters will fight until the end no matter how ridiculous the situation is.
- Back from the Dead - Sinku revived Ohka, although she was not to thrilled with that.
- Badass Long Hair - And you're in serious trouble if you lay a finger on it.
- Badass Normal - While not having anywhere near the power level of the player characters, Luther manages to hold his own quite well, and has more than once helped the group out of some tight spots.
- Bare-Fisted Monk - Reign never uses a weapon, and very rarely uses magic.
- Berserk Button
- Big Damn Heroes - That's right.
- Black and Gray Morality - Not because the protagonists have bad intentions, but because usually destroying whatever evil tends to entail a lot of destroying everything else in the process.
- The Big Guy - Reign, not surprisingly.
- Bodyguard Crush - Reign's got this one something terrible.
- Calling Your Attacks - A lot of the more powerful spells and techniques involve this.
- Chivalrous Pervert - Sion, complete with his own Unwanted Harem.
- Reign has moments of this in regard to Wing.
- Crowning Moment of Funny - There have been MANY.
- "I am a knight of Lefaun and am sworn to protect the innocent and destroy evil. And that means you!"
- Cute and Psycho - Chelly, dear God Chelly.
- Cute Clumsy Girl - Silent couldn't get any clumsier without causing a disaster on the scale of a nuclear war.
- Dark and Troubled Past - Everybody.
- Destructive Savior - Most of the heroes, particularly Sinku.
- Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu? - The last battle. And boy was it satisfying.
- Disposable Fiance - Although not willingly in Wing's case, Lance may count as this.
- Enfant Terrible - Chelly WILL kill you dead.
- Even the Guys Want Him - Actually more like ONLY the guys want him. Poor Sinku.
- Eyepatch of Power - A consequence of Jezza's Eye Scream incident.
- For a villain example, Blood has a crystal eyepatch.
- Everyone Can See It - Damn it Wing, just kiss the man already.
- Eye Scream - Three guesses.
- The Fighting Narcissist - Sion holds these
- Girls Love Stuffed Animals - Chelly of the Creepy Stuffed Animal variety.
- He Is Not My Boyfriend - Wing flatly refuses to admit that she and Reign are anything more than friends. Justified considering her fiance completely forgot her and ran off with another woman.
- Healing Factor - Jezza, although its a case of Harmful Healing in the end.
- Heel Face Turn - Blood in the final battle, albeit temporarily.
- Heroic BSOD - Wing in several cases.
- Hot Chick with a Sword - Wing.
- Internal Monologue - Used liberally to reveal character pasts.
- Interspecies Romance - Well technically...
- The Ladette - Jezza in a nutshell.
- Lady of War - Also Wing.
- Major Injury Underreaction - Just about everyone at some point. IT'S ONLY FIVE BROKEN RIBS.
- Meaningful Name - Wing De Fiancee, a kitsune who is left with a single wing after tragically losing her fiance.
- Sir Justice is a particularly ironic example.
- Blood is a very fitting name for a Complete Monster.
- Mismatched Eyes - Both Ulfang and Thorn have this.
- Jezza's right eye is considerably different from her left, to say the least.
- Nice Job Breaking It, Hero - A ridiculous amount of these mainly due to sheer impulsiveness and testosterone.
- Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot - Sinku is a Scottish pirate tanuki with an Egyptian Book of the Dead that occasionally turns into a dragon. No, really.
- Parrot Exposition - Epoch, the Eldritch Abomination creation of Dr. Lazarus does this when fighting Fury in a particularly creepy way.
Epoch: The world always finds new and exciting ways too kill a man. I say we just invent a new one today.
- Pirate Girl - Jezza. Well duh.
- Quit Your Whining - Jezza does not like angst.
- Really Seven Hundred Years Old - There are -um- three characters who look their age?
- Red Oni, Blue Oni - Sinku and Ohka
- Revolvers Are Just Better - Jezza is a firm believer in this trope.
- Rule of Cool
- She Cleans Up Nicely - The coronation ball. Ohka in a dress. Not killing anyone. Is this some kind of alternate universe?
- Shipper on Deck - According to a a certain comic, Jezza is one of these. Although it's unclear whether she is completely serious, or just messing with Sinku.
- Sibling Yin-Yang - Ohka tends to be logical and level-headed while Sinku is violent and short-tempered.
- Stripperiffic - All the females. Need we say more?
- Team Spirit - We do not have it.
- Token Mini-Moe - Chelly, though heaven help you if you get fooled by that cute appearance.
- Trigger Happy - Don't piss Ohka off. Ever.
- Tsundere - Most obviously Wing, although Ohka has her moments as well.
- Unholy Matrimony - A sadistic child vampire and a giant mutant tentacle monster, how sweet!
- Not to mention Sir Justice and the psychotic shape-shifting witch Silveen.
- What the Hell, Hero? - Wing at least is notably distressed at the outcome of the dragon battle.