Frothy Pint of Metal
Frothy Pint of Metal is a Video Review Show made by Sean "Happy Viking" Rankin. As the show title indicates, he is a music reviewer specializing in Metal. His show can be seen here, on Reviewtopia and on YouTube.
Tropes used in Frothy Pint of Metal include:
- Alliteration: In the Heidevolk review:
Alestorm and Týr are [...]freewheeling fighters, fuckers and fornicators.
They love their adrenaline-addled antics.
- Bacon Addiction: It turns out the reason why Gelderland is so gosh darn amazing is that it has bacon trees.
- Badass Beard: Happy Viking admires Rasputin's beard.
- Badass Long Hair: Well, he is a metalhead with long hair.
- Canada, Eh?: Happy Viking lives in Canada, which is reflected in his love for hockey.
- Catch Phrase:
'Sup, heathens!
- Caustic Critic:
- Averted. His goal is to feature metal most people have not heard of, so his reviews tend to be positive in tone.
- Played straight in the Maximum Overdrive review, as he despises the movie.
- Christmas Episode: The Immortal Guardian review.
- Cloudcuckoolander
- Cluster F-Bomb: He cusses a lot, but then, this is only proper for a metal reviewer. Although he likes to use 'darn' too for some reason.
- Conspiracy Theorist: Only mildly, but he is prone to bizarre theories. Such as Graveyard being time travelers from the 70's to prevent a Bad Future, and Neonfly being martians.
- Crossover:
- With The Rosen Hacker for the Brutal Legend review.
- And Funky Monkey, for what else, Heavy Metal!
- He reviews Bal-Sagoth with Diamanda Hagan.
- Deal with the Devil: Happy Viking reckons this is how Van Canto made a capella metal awesome.
- Ditzy Genius
- Double Entendre: A lampshaded example in the Natural High review:
You know what they say about guys with big hammers: They got big hammers.
- Female Gaze: Happy Viking thinks the only reason why women would go to a DragonForce concert is to ogle the guys' bodies, as the music itself appeals more to male tastes.
- Filth: He uses it to grab the viewers' attention in the Týr video.
- Halloween Episode: His reviews of Maximum Overdrive and Ahab.
- Heavy Metal: Duh.
- High-Class Glass: He wears a top hat and a monocle in the Ahab review.
- Hipster: He maintains that snobby Metal fans have far more in common with hipsters than they realize.
- Horny Vikings: Not only got Happy Viking his name from them, he has Danish roots so he has them as ancestors. In the Svartsot review he even is in a real viking tomb. Of course, many reviewed groups have them as motif too.
- Hot-Blooded
- Jesus Was Way Cool: Happy Viking, even though he wears a Mjölnir pendant, thinks so and even uses the same image as the trope page to illustrate.
- Just for Pun: He is dead serious about broadcasting from a real viking grave in the Svartsot review.
- Large Ham
- Manly Tears: He shed those when Undergrads ended.
- Metalhead
- Milestone Celebration: The Anvil review is the one year anniversary.
- The Munchausen
- Nerds Are Virgins:
- He jokes in the Undergrads review that it is so full of Geek references you can become virgin again by watching it.
- A joke of this manner is made in the DragonForce riff.
- No True Scotsman: He criticizes the tendency in Heavy Metal to squabble over the question what "true" metal may be and especially loathes those who only accept the most brutal metal possible. He also despises those who maintain that certain sexual orientations are incompatible with being a metalhead, as can be seen in the Power Quest review where he voices his annoyance with people who call Power Metal "gay metal".
- Overly Long Gag: He goes on for a long while in his DragonForce riff on how nerdy the band is. He Lampshades this.
- Pretentious Latin Motto: He uses Sic Parvis Magna (“Greatness from Small Beginnings”), the personal motto of Sir Francis Drake, in his Týr review to describe how such a great metal band can come from the unassuming Faroe Islands.
- Porn Names: Happy Viking is convinced White Wizzard's Jon Leon has the perfect name for a porn star.
- Red Scare: Parodied in the Metal Shots! Rasputin video, where the target of paranoia are not Communists, but "crusty old white people".
- Rock Me, Asmodeus: The theme in the Ghost review.
- Rule of Cool: Name-checked by Happy Viking in the Natural High review and the only reason why the tactical blunders in the reviewed music video can be excused.
- Rule of Funny: According to Happy Viking, the only exception to the rule of not dissing your metal brethren is when it's done funny.
- Running Gag: During the Alestorm review: The sound of an erection hitting against the desk.
- Self-Deprecation: He makes fun of himself e.g. for getting emotional over a music video featuring war scenes by Sabaton.
- Shout-Out:
- To Doctor Steel in the Raubtier review.
- To Bill and Teds Excellent Adventure, Obscurus Lupa and The Nostalgia Critic in the White Wizzard review.
- To Rey Mysterio, Evil Dead, Warhammer 40,000 and Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann in Metal Shots! Natural High.
- To Kevin Smith in the Undergrads review.
- To Finnegans Wake in the DragonForce riff.
- Slasher Movie: Parodied in the Ahab review.
- Something Completely Different: A few reviews are not music reviews:
- One of Korgoth of Barbaria, although this is of course a very "metal" series pilot.
- One of Undergrads, which is reviewed purely for nostalgic reasons.
- For Halloween he reviews Maximum Overdrive.
- Stalker with a Crush: He jokes that Napalm Records, a Metal label, is stalking him because many groups that are signed with it appear in his show.
- Stupid Sexy Flanders: Happy Viking has this reaction to the members of Týr, who like to play shirtless.
- Stylistic Suck: One of DragonForce's videos makes Happy Viking immediately laugh because of this trope.
- Suspiciously Specific Denial: No, Happy Viking certainly did not shed Manly Tears upon hearing that a founding member of Heidevolk leaves the band.
- Take That:
- He delivers one against Birthers in the Heidevolk review.
- Happy Viking delivers many ones against Twilight in Metal Shots! Natural High.
- Against Emo kids in the Ahab review, because Funeral Doom is depressive music for grown-ups.
- Against snobby Metal fans and hipsters in the DragonForce riff.
- Testosterone Poisoning
- Toilet Humour: He does a fart joke in the White Wizzard review.
- Too Dumb to Live: One of his main problems with the characters in Maximum Overdrive, as e.g the giant noisy monster trucks are able to sneak up on people.
- Warrior Heaven: Happy Viking describes the Norse heaven as a never ending bar brawl and uses that to illustrate how fun-loving Vikings were which was ruined by christianization.
- A Worldwide Punomenon: He promised his viewers "boobies" after the credits in the Týr review. They get of course a picture of the seabird.
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