Fringe/Characters/B Side
Main Characters: B Side / Red Universe
(Alternate) Fringe Division
The Fringe Division located in the parallel universe. Much like in the prime universe, it is a special-case police force lead by Colonel Philip Broyles that deals with science-related crimes as well as tears and vortexes in space and time. However, unlike the prime Fringe Division, this one is exclusively its own department, and does not consist of members from Homeland Security and the FBI (which doesn't exist in the alternate universe). This Fringe Division reports directly to the United States Department of Defense, and Secretary Walter Bishop.
Tropes associated with the Alternate Fringe Division:
- The Ace
- Police Are Useless: Due to the various vortex and tears of space fabric, Fringe Division almost entirely replaced standard police in the alternate world.
Olivia Dunham
Olivia Dunham / "Fauxlivia"
Portrayed by Anna Torv
First Appearance: Season 2, Episode 22: "Over There, Part 1"
An Alternate Fringe Division agent working directly for the Secretary of Defense, she is tasked with infiltrating our universe's Fringe Division and posing as Olivia Dunham, while simultaneously coaxing Peter into completing the Wake Sink Device
Tropes associated with Fauxlivia:
- Action Girl
- Action Mom: If only for a short while.
- Anti-Villain
- Badass
- Pregnant Badass
- Heartbroken Badass: In season 3, when Frank leaves (admittedly for a good reason). In season 4, Frank leaves again and then Lincoln dies.
- Becoming the Mask
- Bitch in Sheep's Clothing
- Break the Haughty: In both timelines.
- Defector From Decadence
- Doppelganger Replacement Love Interest: Like his alternate, Lincoln is madly in love with her. To the point of crossing universes.
- Drowning My Sorrows: She doesn't drink and, unlike Olivia, has a no tolerance for alcohol. But she does finish off a few glasses when Lincoln dies.
- Fake American: Anna Torv is of Australian nationality.
- Friendly Sniper: She's a fairly cheerful woman most of the time. She also has an Olympic gold medal in marksmanship.
- Heel Face Turn: As of "6:02 am".
- Improbable Aiming Skills: Put to good use in "Everything In It's right Place"
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: She fluctuates between smug bitch and fun loving, affectionate friend depending on whether or not you're in her good books.
- Manipulative Bitch
- Made of Iron
- Mata Hari: Hilariously lampshaded by Walter. He actually calls her that in Season 4 (even when there was no Peter for her to seduce).
- Odd Friendship: With Walter.
- Psychotic Smirk: Prone to these every now and then.
- Single Woman Seeks Good Man: She likes the "nice guys" apparently.
- Smug Snake: Comes across as this every now and then. Her confrontation with our Olivia and her "I could befriend a vacuum cleaner" comment to Newton after she's given him a razor blade to off himself with stand out.
- The way she mocks Walternate when he realizes that our universe activated the machine and turned it against the alternate universe also counts.
- Spot the Imposter
- Stepford Smiler: She has a tendency to smile when she's miserable.
Walter Bishop
Secretary Walter Bishop / "Walternate"
Portrayed by John Noble
First Appearance: Season 2, Episode 16: "Peter"
Former US Government scientist, and current Secretary of Defense, the alternate universe's Walter Bishop is a stark contrast with ours: Calm, calculating, and manipulative, he freely uses the Fringe Division to attain his goals.
Tropes associated with Walternate:
- Archnemesis Dad
- Big Bad
- Drowning My Sorrows: Alternate Character Interpretation aside, the guy looked genuinely heartbroken after his son was kidnapped and (like his opposite) tried to drink himself into oblivion to stop the pain.
- Even Evil Has Standards: He's extremely protective of children, and refuses to use them for any scientific experimentation, no matter how beneficial. Interestingly, despite being the Big Bad, he draws the line where our Walter does not. This is a result of his son being kidnapped, which our Walter did not experience.
- Mad Scientist
- Manipulative Bastard: "I'm still a scientist Brandon; I just have a much larger laboratory."
- Omnicidal Maniac: As of "6:02 A.M.", most definitely.
- "The Day We Died" took this Up to Eleven.
- Papa Wolf: He still loves his son, and wants him back just as much as anything. ...Or does he?
- Roaring Rampage of Revenge: in "The Day We Died", he would destroy the entire A Universe to avenge the loss of the B Universe.
- Well-Intentioned Extremist: He wants to save his universe, only at the cost of another one.
- Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds: Occasionally came off as this. Not so much in the final.
- Wouldn't Hurt a Child: Due to losing Peter, he's extra protective of children in general. He refuses to even consider testing cortexiphan on children. However, in the Bad Future of the S3 finale, over the last 15 years he's become willing to destroy the entire A Universe-- and especially Peter-- out of pure revenge.
- You Have Failed Me...: He has Broyles killed pretty quickly after discovering that he helped Olivia escape.
Philip Broyles
Philip Broyles / "Dopple-Broyles"
Portrayed by Lance Reddick
First Appearance: Season 2, Episode 22: "Over There, Part 1"
The direct head of Fringe Division as Colonel, working for the Secretary of Defense. Broyles is...he's actually not terribly different to his counterpart.
Tropes associated with Dopple-Broyles:
- Bald Black Leader Guy
- Benevolent Boss
- Da Chief
- Death Glare
- Happily Married
- Heel Face Turn
- Heroic Sacrifice
- Honor Before Reason
- Killed Off for Real
- Papa Wolf
- Screw the Rules, I'm Doing What's Right: Indebted to Olivia for saving his son's life and catching the "Candyman", he ends up helping our Olivia get back to her universe. She gets back, but it doesn't end so well for him...
- The Stoic
- You Have Outlived Your Usefulness
Astrid Farnsworth
Astrid Farnsworth / "Astrid-Instance"
Portrayed by Jasika Nicole
First Appearance: Season 2, Episode 22: "Over There, Part 1"
A young Fringe Division agent, she mainly works as mission support for the team. Unlike her smart and friendly counterpart from our universe, this Agent Farnsworth is calculating to the point of seemingly lacking any and all emotions.
Tropes associated with Agent-Instance:
- Adorkable
- Emotionless Girl
- The Igor
- Mission Control
- Military Brat
- Spock Speak
- The Rainman: While not outright stated in the show, Jasika Nicole states that she based her performance of alt-Astrid on her autistic sister.
- The Stoic
Charles Francis
Charlie Francis / "Scarlie"
Portrayed by Kirk Acevedo
First Appearance: Season 1, Episode 19: "The Road Not Taken"
Fringe Division agent, and longtime friend of Olivia's and Lincoln's, he usually accompanies them on missions.
Tropes associated with Scarlie:
- Badass
- Body Horror
- Deadpan Snarker
- Genre Savvy: Ever since learning that they're dealing with an alternate universe, Scarlie immediately began suspecting that their Olivia was replaced with the prime one with the slightest shifts in personality. He mostly wrote off these suspicions until he and Lincoln ran into Henry.
- Good Scars, Evil Scars
- Noodle Incident: A particular past case ended up with Charlie having worms infesting his body...
- Only Sane Man
- Put on a Bus: Nowhere to be seen since Season 4 started. Apparently he married Bug Girl.
Lincoln Lee
Lincoln Lee / "Alterlee"
Portrayed by Seth Gabel
First Appearance: Season 2, Episode 22: "Over There, Part 1"
A key agent of the alternate Fringe Division, he reports directly to Colonel Broyles. Is a longtime friend of both (B)Olivia Dunham and Charlie Francis.
Tropes associated with Lincoln:
- A Death in the Limelight: The fangirls were begging for an episode with the two Lincolns. Be careful what you wish for indeed.
- And I Must Scream: The burns he suffered early on.
- Anguished Declaration of Love: To Fauxlivia while she was giving birth.
- Awesomeness By Analysis
- Bad Liar
- Badass
- Badass Bookworm: Not only is he a badass Captain of the alternate Fringe Division, but also knowledgeable in science, notably bio-chemistry and physics.
- Colonel Badass: Got promoted to this following Broyles' death.
- Delivery Guy: With Henry.
- Dogged Nice Guy
- Embarrassing Middle Name: Tyrone.
- Estrogen Brigade Bait
- Fun Personified
- Killed Off for Real: Was shot by Maddox as he was trying to transfer and protect Canaan.
- Mission Control
- Secret Keeper: Subverted. He can't keep a secret for shit.
- The Good Captain
Brandon Fayette
Brandon Fayette / "Evil Brandon"
Portrayed by Ryan McDonald
First Appearance: Season 2, Episode 22: "Over There, Part 1"
The chief science officer of the alternate Department of Defense, he answers directly to Secretary Bishop and is responsible for the brainwashing of the prime universe Olivia.
Tropes associated with Fayette:
- For Science!
- Hollywood Nerd
- Kick the Son of a Bitch: Admit it, you were cheering for Fauxlivia of all people when she floored him.
- Strapped to An Operating Table
- Smug Snake