< Friendship Is Witchcraft

Friendship Is Witchcraft/YMMV

  • Alternative Character Interpretation: In addition to the standard "characters are far different from their original characterizations for the sake of humorous juxtaposition" found in abridged series and similar web remixes, "Dragone Baby Gone" suggests that Rainbow Dash and Applejack got their Elements mixed up. This references a common joke in the fandom that they often seem to suit one another's elements more than their own.
    • Fluttershy's father may not be the Complete Monster he's made out to be, seeing as how Fluttershy seemed more concerned about missed softball practices than being left out in the frozen tundra and being eaten by African Ants that might not be able to survive in such temperatures. It's possible she's lying to gain sympathy (that's not to say he wasn't abusive, but setting one's toys on fire is a different kettle of fish than abandoning them in the wilderness).
  • Awesome Music/Ear Worm: Almost all of it, but there are some especially good examples.
  • Broken (Spoof) Aesop: Twilight concludes that it doesn't matter how far you slide, as long as you look cool doing it, but Sweetie Bot states that the only thing that matters is how far you can slide. YOU CAN'T HAVE IT BOTH WAYS, PEOPLE!!!
    • To be fair, that was part of Sweetie Belle's song, wherein she admits that she did "sacrifice some meaning just to have the words rhyme." Well, half-rhyme, really...
  • Complete Monster: Fluttershy's dad. She returns the "love" years later.
  • Ensemble Darkhorse: Sweetie Belle. Even as a robot, people find her utterly adorable.
  • Fandom Rivalry: There's a minor one between this show and The Mentally Advanced Series.
  • Fridge Brilliance: During "Sweetie's Big Race" in the fifth episode, Rarity and Sweetie Bell enter the chicken coop, which has "One egg per sentient life form" written on its side. They come out with a single egg because Sweetie Belle is a robot.
    • Also, Fluttershy initially doesn't want Pinkie Pie to sing her a song in "Dragone Baby". But then all the sudden, she gets over her fears and jumps the cavern. Why? Because why wouldn't a girl upset about confronting her abusive father feel better after hearing about having both your parents die.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: Rainbow Dash actually needs to dash. Apparently, Pinkie Pie really IS a gypsy. Also Twilight does have a brother. Oh, and robots really do exist [dead link] . Talk about eye candy!
    • In 'Cute From The Hip', there's a joke about Apple Bloom earning a spinning cutie mark. In 'The Cutie Pox', one of the cutie marks she got was a spinning-related one.
  • Ho Yay: The very first scene of the first episode shows Fluttershy singing "Hellfire." Coincidentally, the song is about an evil religious leader confessing his lust for a gypsy.
    • Continued in "Cute from the Hip," where Apple Bloom claims that Fluttershy told her that Pinkie Pie has "evil gypsy powers and the voluminous hair of a temptress."
    • "Cute from the Hip" also implies that Diamond Tiara has a thing for Apple Bloom, which she tries to hide by teasing her. Silver Spoon also wants to be more than friends with Diamond Tiara, but is aware of her feelings for Apple Bloom and spurred to jealousy.
  • Memetic Mutation: With page views growing it is becoming popular. "Cutie Mark Acquisition Program!" might have been the first quote to spread.
  • Tear Jerker: "Pinkie, if you're hearing this, it means we're dead and gone. Please don't bake a portal. Just accept it and move on."
  • The Woobie: Spike. How can anyone not feel bad for him?
    • Pinkie as well, given she's treated as a nut and a witch, as well as the fact her parents died. "Pinkie's Brew" is about her being so desperate to reunite with her parents that she's willing to fudge the space-time continuum to do it. She succeeded.
    • Sweetie Belle, who keeps telling Rarity how much she loves her only to get brushed off as a 'broken record' (which she quite literally was at that moment).

Sweetie Belle: My primary function is failure...

    • Rarity was screwed up pretty badly by the war, if Sweetie Belle's statement about how she spends every Veterans Day is any indication.
    • Luna/Molestia. She's so socially awkward and sounds so lost that it's pitiful.

Luna: (to the creepy statue outside Ponyvile) Oh statue, you are my only friend...

    • Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds: Based on what little information is given about her childhood, if you peeled away the layers of Antichrist on Fluttershy, you'd find a profoundly damaged young woman.
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