< Friendship Is Witchcraft

Friendship Is Witchcraft/Funny

  • The ABBA-lanche.
  • "I think it's about time you took a bath. Now." "But the water makes me feel funny..."
  • The lecture on robots.
    • If you put the vid on captioning, you can read about Cheerilee thinking her husband was a robot.
  • The Equestrian national anthem.
  • This little exchange in Neigh, Soul Sister:

Sweetie Belle: I bet you don't even have a war face!
Rarity: (half-heartedly) Rawrr...!
Sweetie Belle: RAWWRR! See!? Mine's better!

  • "Oh! Did you find a new friend?" *crushes apple* "I killed it!"
  • Twilight apparently being an avid fanfic writer who ships "Applesack" and "Charity" together. When Applejack and Rarity have to stay at Twilight's house, she forces them to re-enact all 70 chapters of her story.
    • At the end of that episode, Twilight sends her fanfic to Princess Celestia, who has a great reaction to Twilight's letter telling her about it.

Princess Celestia: Please let it be a one-shot!
Twilight: Enclosed are all seventy chapters!

"I just follow the crowd!"

    • From the fourth episode in the Cute-Cinera

"Parties are for grownups too!"

  • From Dragone Baby Gone:

Applejack: With just a little teamwork, we can all-
Twilight: I'm going in alone!

  • The history of Celestia and Molestia.

"The two sisters would spin in circles for hours, because having fun is part of life."

  • Zecora's voice. Oh, and:

Zecora: Hey there kiddo, don't be sad. This night didn't turn out so s-sad... Just listen to what I've... sai-aid.. And then you won't feel so sad!

    • Zecora in general is good for a laugh.

Mayor Mare: Here to drop the 4-1-1 on Molestia, I present Zecora, the whimsical rhyming zebra!

Zecora: Gather kids and form a circle, and listen as I... (beat, then muttering to herself) um... circle... circle... uh.... Hey kids, who wants to follow me to the creepy statue?

  • This particular exchange:

Pinkie Pie: I'm just a kid! I fit in!

Twilight Sparkle: Pinkie Pie, didn't you already have a childhood?

Pinkie Pie: ... No.

  • Fluttershy's "ritual".
  • The following:

[CHERRY]jack: Aww, corn! Luna's gone back to Space Camp! Without someone to gawk at, our own faults are exposed! Especially the children.

Noi: I just wanted to feel validated!

Twilight: Eww, look at her dress!

[LEMON]jack: I know, right?

Twilight: Let's have a dance party!

[WATERMELON]jack: A dance party?

Twilight: Whenever I feel depressed, I just DANCE PARTY!

(dance party ensues)

[KIWI]jack: Well, cob. The dance party's over! Without somethin' to groove to, we have to think about life and stuff! Especially the children.

Noi: I just wanted to boogie down!

[BANANA]jack: In that dress? I don't think so.

  • Pip's love for Luna. "Awkward, but fun! Nerdy, but fun! Silly, but fun! Purple, but fun! Secret... but fun! Not fun, but fun! Funfun, funfun!"
    • Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara's vocal cameos. "We're not friends Pip!" "Stop following us!"
  • "You made Spike break!"
    • And then,

Twilight: Hmmm...
Spike: Twilight...help...
Twilight: Mmmm.

  • From Sweetie Belle and Rarity's argument:

Rarity: What would you know about strength? You can't even walk down the stairs without tumbling forward like a slinky!
Sweetie Belle: I'm leaving! (Walks offscreen, accompanied by thumps and slinky noises) Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow.

  • From the end of Lunar Slander:

Luna: I do not see how these scary teeth will make me more sexy...
Twilight: Because... vampire!

  • As if Bon Bon's "I didn't put those in my bag!" line wasn't funny enough by default in the original, it gains an even more Jerkass tone...
  • Many of Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon's lines in "Cute From The Hip" combined with their male voices:

Diamond Tiara: Hey, Cakey is MY best friend, I get to decide when she dies!

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