Freaks and Geeks/Characters
Lindsay Weir
- The Ace: Starts as one but despite being a Freak, she still gets good grades. She just stops caring about them towards the end and ditches a University summit to follow the Grateful Dead.
- Age-Appropriate Angst
- All Girls Want Bad Boys: Early on in the series, she appears to have a bit of a crush on Daniel, particularly evident in "Beers and Weirs".
- Brainy Brunette
- Bully Hunter: She doesn't take any shit from some of the nastier elements at Mc Kinley High, and is seen variously:
- Stepping in to protect her brother Sam from his arch-nemesis, Alan.
- Calling out a group of jerks (twice) for mistreating mentally handicapped student, Eli.
- Taking on smug, patronizing mathlete Shelly Weaver (and kicking her ass) at a "mathlete scrimmage".
- Smacking the enormous Siedelman when he is harassing a female student.
- ...of course, this doesn't always work out for her, and on occasion her good intentions backfire, but the pluckiness is admirable.
- Eerie Pale-Skinned Brunette: Enforced: the show was set in the Midwest, and Feig noted that tanned people in the Midwest were rare; Cardellini was required to have makeup that made her paler.
- Expository Hairstyle Change: As seen in "Looks and Books", where Lindsay opts for much girlier hair when she (temporarily|) falls back in with the mathlete crowd after she gets sick of the Freaks' Toxic Friend Influence.
- The Hero: Along with her brother, Sam.
- Hollywood Atheist: The death of her grandmother before the start of the series spurred her into atheism. Specifically, Lindsey was there at her deathbed when the grandmother confessed her terror at facing death in her last moments.
- Limited Wardrobe: Her father's old army jacket, which is also symbolic of her transition to the Freaks
- Secret Diary
- She Cleans Up Nicely: As seen in "Noshing and Moshing" at the Schweiber's cocktail party, where she ditches the army jacket, puts on a hot dress, and deservingly attracts the (welcome) attention of the Schweiber's eldest son, Nice Jewish Boy Barry.
- The Smart Guy
- Soapbox Sadie: She represents a mild (and likeable) example. Definitely in evidence when (at the time) Vice President George Bush pays a visit to Mc Kinley High.
Lindsay: Why did your staff reject my question? Are you afraid of engaging the students in an open discourse?
- Teen Genius: As a former "mathlete", she is seen to be able to do complicated arithmetic in her head.
- Toxic Friend Influence: Used most evidently as a Plot Device in "Looks and Books".
Daniel: C'mon Lindsay, don't be lame.
- Wild Teen Party: She throws a house-party to try to impress the Freaks, as seen in "Beers and Weirs".
- Yoko Oh No: She inadvertently becomes this in "I'm with the Band", where she splits up the Freak's band when actually trying to get them to improve. Ken even calls her Yoko at one point.
Kim Kelly
- Abusive Parents
- Betty and Veronica: A non-romantic version, she's the Veronica to Millie's Betty.
- Broken Bird: Due to her fairly hellish home-life, as seen in the episode "Kim Kelly is My Friend".
- The Bully: Early on in the series, to both Lindsay and Sam.
Kim: Hey Karen, was this guy trying to break into your locker?
- Character Development: Like her boyfriend Daniel, she goes through quite the rehabilitation process as the series progresses, starting off as an antagonizing, mean-spirited bitch early on, but ending up as Lindsay's best friend by the finale "Discos and Dragons".
- Defrosting Ice Queen
- Foil: To Lindsay. Comes from a poor, broken home in contrast to Lindsay's more well-off loving parents, gets poor grades in school to Lindsay's straight A's, and so on.
- Hair-Trigger Temper
- Hot-Blooded
- Jerkass Woobie
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Towards the end, especially in "Dead Dogs and Gym Teachers".
- The Ladette: Enjoys beers, cars, swearing, fighting and sex. Mellows later on in the series.
- Slap Slap Kiss: With Daniel.
- Wrong Side of the Tracks
- You Wouldn't Like Me When I'm Angry
Kim: Are you calling me irrational? Because I'll tear your head off, Daniel. I'll tear it off and I'll throw it over that fence!!
Daniel Desario
- All Girls Want Bad Boys: Especially if he's James Franco....
- Asleep in Class
- Book Dumb
- Character Development: He starts out as an archetypal too-cool-for-school bad-boy, but by the end of the series, after several humbling experiences, he has become friends with Sam's group.
- The Charmer
- Manipulative Bastard: Especially if he needs Lindsay's help with his math homework...
- Cool Loser
- Cool People Rebel Against Authority:
Mr Rosso: You think you're pretty cool, don't you, Daniel?
Daniel: No, I don't think I'm cool...
Mr Rosso: You don't think you're the Fonz or something?
- Estrogen Brigade Bait: SO much!
- Everybody Hates Mathematics: Daniel especially so - it stands between him and repeating the school year....again.
- Hidden Depths: He confides in Harris that he is secretly worried about just how badly he is doing in school, and makes a genuine effort (after initial frostiness) to be useful when he joins the AV club.
Harris: (to Daniel) You'd make a good Dungeon Master, I can tell.
- Improbably Cool Car: His (beat up) Pontiac Trans Am, which were available no earlier than 1979 and since the show takes place in 1980, it is highly unlikely that a high school student from a low-income family could afford what was then a fairly new car.
- School Is for Losers: His attitude before Character Development kicks in, later on in the series.
- The Slacker
- Troubled but Cute
- Wounded Gazelle Gambit: His regurgitated sob-story when he's busted for cheating on a math test.
Daniel: *sobbing*..and track 3 is the dumb kids.
Nick Andopolis
- All Love Is Unrequited: He never really gets over Lindsay, despite hooking up with Sara by the series finale.
- Calling the Old Man Out: He has a huge argument with his father and storms out after he sells his drums.
Nick: I hope you enjoy your peace and quiet!
- Cringe Comedy: "Lady L" anyone?
- Dogged Nice Guy
- Dreadful Musician
- Gentle Giant: He's 6'4", and was MVP on the school's basketball team in his younger years.
- Hopeless Suitor: Where Lindsay is concerned.
- Military Brat: His over-bearing father is in the Air-Force.
- Obsession Song: Oh God yes...
Nick: Lady L, La la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la, That's the sound of L.
- Her Codename Was Mary Sue: Or rather, Lady L.....
- One Head Taller: He's a clear foot taller than Lindsay.
- Panty Shot: As seen in "Smooching and Mooching", whilst staying over at the Weirs place.
- The Slacker
- The Stoner: He's the biggest pot-head in the Freak group, even best-friend Daniel says so.
Daniel: The guy's turning into a waste-basket.
Ken Miller
- A Day in the Limelight: He plays a mostly supporting, snarky-sidekick role in the series and isn't the subject of a main storyline right up until the penultimate episode "The Little Things".
- Deadpan Snarker: His most overt trait.
- Gayngst: The above mentioned episode focuses on his sexual confusion on learning that his girlfriend, Amy, was born with both male and female sexual organs (although who is now purely female physically).
- Grumpy Bear
- Invisible Parents: Unlike all of the other main characters, Ken's parents are never seen. From what he briefly mentions of them, they don't seem to have been around much in his life.
Ken: I was raised by a nanny...Katherine.
(When asked what his parents are like) Well....they're good at their jobs...
Sam Weir
- Adorkable: He really is.
- Annoying Younger Sibling: Occasionally, but Sam and Lindsay get along pretty well and at worst, they just bicker.
- Audience Surrogate
- Author Avatar: Sam = Paul Feig.
- Bishonen: Sam is a realistic, geeky portrayal of this. He hadn't quite hit puberty yet, so his height, facial features,and voice made him a bit girlish-looking...just not in the exact "attractiveness" that the trope requires. Unless...
- Had the series not been cancelled, then Sam's potential attractive-bishonen might've been reached; John Francis Daley grew nearly a foot taller within the year after cancellation, and his voice would eventually crack.
- Catch Phrase: "Oh, hi Cindy" whenever he starts a conversation with Cindy Sanders.
- Cringe Comedy: Sam frequently finds himself in ball-shrinkingly humiliating situations.
- Geek Physiques: Of the skinny, 103 pounds variety.
Alan: Nice pecs Weir! You look like a flat-chested girl!
- Give Geeks a Chance: Actually gets to date his crush Cindy. Of course, it didn't last, but at least he got to do the dumping when the time came...
- The Hero
- Naked People Are Funny
- Censor Box: As seen when he forced to streak through the halls.
- Older Than They Look: He's 14, but looks younger (arguably, he looks 14 but is an aversion of Dawson Casting surrounded by straight examples).
Karen Scarfoli: You don't even have any hair on your pits!
- Saw Star Wars 27 Times: Told to us by Neal in the first episode, partially the Trope Namer.
- Tiny Guy, Huge Girl: Him and Cindy.
- Wide-Eyed Idealist
Bill Haverchuck
- Daytime Drama Queen: He adores Dallas.
- Disappeared Dad: It's mentioned that he has contact with his father, but it's quite rare and we've never seen him on-screen
- Give Geeks a Chance: Gets to make out with the head cheerleader.
- Hollywood Nerd: Type 1. Bill looks like the archetypal nerd out of the Geeks, although he isn't exactly "intelligent" - He is witty and has amazing one-liners, but he's actually kind of dumb.
- Hot Mom: His mom, Gloria.
- Single Mom Stripper: In one episode, Bill worriedly asks his mom if she's going to start "dancing" again.
- The Klutz: He's clumsy and more than a little mal-coordinated.
- Momma's Boy
- Nerd Glasses: Of the large, clunky, unflattering variety.
- Picked Last: A hugely upsetting issue for him.
- Wholesome Crossdresser: As seen in the Halloween episode, "Tricks and Treats", where he trick-or-treats dressed as Jaime Sommers.
- You're Not My Father: As seen when Coach Fredericks starts dating his mom.
Neal Schweiber
- Ambiguously Jewish: Averted. Although it's not an important part of the plot, it comes up quite a few times.
Neal: Last year I was elected school treasurer. I didn't even run!
- Attention Whore
- Casanova Wannabe: Neal thinks he's a ladies' man, so he's a Casanova Wannabe in training.
- Creepy Doll: His "figure", Morty.
- Cringe Comedy: Even Sam and Bill are embarrassed by his ventriloquism skit.
- Culture Blind
- Dogged Nice Guy: Neal has been in love with Lindsay since he was five years old and always showed himself to worry about her, but his dogged nice side really showed in "Beers and Weirs".
- Extroverted Nerd
- Its Pronounced Tropay
Neal: It's SCHW-'EYE'-BER!!
- Jewish and Nerdy
- Locked Out of the Loop: Before Sam and Bill told him, everyone in his family except him knew his father was cheating on his mother. Poor kid.
- Parental Issues: He reacts (understandably) very badly to the above news.
- Calling the Old Man Out: This comes to a head at the Schweibers cocktail party in "Noshing and Moshing", where he uses his ventriloquism act as a platform to berate and humiliate his father.
Bill: I told you that thing would take him over....
The Parents and other family members
Harold and Jean Weir
- Abusive Parents: In "Smooching and Mooching", it's implied that Harold's father was one of these.
Harold: Nick's father is a hard man, and my father was the same.
Lindsay: Yeah, I know the feeling...
Harold: Lindsay, trust me, you don't.
- Bumbling Dad: Harold takes himself very seriously, but his kids find him amusing at best and confoundingly frustrating at his worst.
- Good Parents: Ostensibly, compared to the rest of the cast's parents.
- Housewife: Jean, of the traditional variety.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Although strict and stubborn, he is a loving father who is very proud of both his children
- Overprotective Dad: Harold, so, so much. Although he always gets overruled by Jean.
- Reasonable Authority Figure: Jean.
- Scare'Em Straight: Harold often employs this method:
Harold: I had a friend in high school who smoked. Thought it made him look cool. Know what he's doing now? He's DEAD! Let's go dig him up now and see how cool he looks.
Harold: I knew a girl who had premarital sex, do you know what she did on homecoming night? She DIED! Of an overdose. Heroin.
Harold: You know who used to cut class? Jimi Hendrix. Know what happened to him? He DIED!. Choking on his own vomit.
Harold: You can't cut corners in life! You know who cut corners? Kennedy! Kennedy cut corners when he was running the Bay of Pigs. A lot of good men lost their lives because of it. You know who else cut corners? Janis Joplin -
Lindsay: DAD! what are you talking about?!
- Sexless Marriage: AVERTED.
Jean: Nobody's home. You wanna have a little sex?
Dr Vic and Lydia Schweiber
- Broken Pedestal
- Cool Old Guy: How the Geeks see Neal's dad....before his cheating is discovered.
- Extreme Doormat: Lydia - she knows her husband is cheating, but never voices her feelings.
- Good Parent: However, she only does this to spare her sons the misery.
- Handsome Lech: Dr Vic, although he isn't a bad guy per see, but rather seems to regret not living as much as he could have and seems entirely aware of how much pain his actions cause. They could have shown him as an unrepentant Jerkass but the writers admirably took the more mature path.
- Happy Marriage Charade
- Not That Kind of Doctor: Dr Schweiber is a dentist.
- Your Cheating Heart: Barry tells Neal that their father has been cheating on their mom with other women for years.
Barry Schweiber
- Big Brother Mentor: To Neal, of course, but all of the Geeks look up to him too.
- The Casanova: Now he's at college:
Barry: I reinvented myself as the handsome, dashing Jew.
- Nice Jewish Boy
- Temporary Love Interest: Lindsay finds him very attractive and they make out after his parent's cocktail party.
Gloria Haverchuck
Neal: I can kinda see why Coach Fredericks is dating her. She is kinda hot.
- Looking for Love In All the Wrong Places: Dating her son's hated PE teacher, for example.
- Mama Bear: She's very protective of her son, and really lays into Alan after Bill falls into a coma following Alan's peanut prank.
- Single Mom Stripper: Although, she is now retired.
Col. Henry Andopolis
- The Captain: He's a tough military man and very strict with Nick.
- Creepy Monotone: He comes across as far more imposing because he doesn't shout.
- Military School: Where he keeps threatening to send Nick, if his grades don't improve.
- Stealth Mentor: He claims to be looking out for Nick's future, which in essence is true, but the way he goes about it is incredibly harsh.
Col. Andopolis: End of conversation.....
Cookie Kelly and Arlo, Kim's Stepfather
- Abusive Parents: The episode "Kim Kelly is My Friend" was not shown by NBC in the initial run because of it's portrayal of Kim's violent homelife.
- Ax Crazy
- Berserk Button
"Benton Harbor Street....?"
- Dumb Muscle: Kim's step-dad.
- Dysfunctional Family: And how...
- Eighties Hair: Cookie's hair-spray edifice.
- Evil Matriarch: Cookie - she's a tough, mean old broad.
- Hair-Trigger Temper
- Jerkass: Both of them....
- Joisey: Cookie's got the accent (and look).
Cookie: GED OUDDA DA CAW!! (get out of the car).
Kim: You're not my father, FAT-ASS!!
Chip Kelly
Cookie: My son Chip, he's a doll. Kim....she's another story.
- Police Brutality: Kim's older brother was beaten up by the police and appears to be brain-damaged.
- Empty Shell: Following the above incident, he lies on the couch all day sleeping and "never parties".
Eugenia Desario
- The Caretaker: Daniel's father is an invalid, and his older brother is a drug addict.
- Parental Obliviousness
- Skewed Priorities: Rather than encourage her son Daniel to go to school (when he insists he needs to go), she's more concerned with him running errands for her.
- Unnamed Parent: Daniel's parents are not named in the show - he calls his mother "ma".
William McKinley High School
Millie Kentner
- Brainy Brunette
- Betty and Veronica: A non-romantic version, the Betty to Kim's Veronica.
- Foil: Again, to Lindsay. Good student, goes to church, listens to her parents and cares about school in contrast to Lindsay, possibly reflecting what Lindsay used to be before she joined the freaks.
- Christian Rock
Millie: (singin) Jesus is just alright with me! Jesus is just alriiiiight!
- A Friend in Need: Helps Lindsay out when she's stoned and has to babysit.
- Holier Than Thou
Millie: I haven't had anything to drink, and I'm having more fun than any of you!
- Les Yay: A lot of fans think Millie has the hots for Lindsay.
- Moral Guardian: She acts like this to Lindsay, and is constantly trying to bring her back into the mathlete crowd, early on in the series.
- Not Herself: Following the death of her dog, Goliath, she goes slightly off the rails and starts hanging out with Kim of all people and plans on attending a Who concert with the Freaks. She reverts back to her chaste self after Kim admits she and Lindsay were the ones who ran him over...
- Saintly Church
- "Stop Having Fun!" Guys
Cindy Sanders
- All Guys Want Cheerleaders
- Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: She's not so much a bitch per see, but it's pretty shocking when we finally see her flip-side.
Cindy: You're supposed to be nice! That's the only reason I'm going out with you in the first place!
- Class Representative: For the young Republicans club.
- Derailing Love Interests: Prior to dating Sam, she only comes across as perfectly pleasant, just a little shallow and ditzy perhaps. Her character Face Heel Turn into a bossy, controlling shrew is abrupt and surprising.
- Lust Object: For Sam.
- Shallow Love Interest: Justified, as it actually shows the downside of dating someone you barely know. Sam has to break up with her.
- Strawman Political: When Sam starts dating Cindy and we find out just how rude and vapid she is, we also find out she's a staunch Republican.
- Tsundere: Type B. This previously unseen side of her personality emerges when she starts dating Sam.
Vicki Appleby
- Alpha Bitch
- Heel Realization: She becomes less frosty as the series progresses and in "Smooching and Mooching", she apologizes to Bill when he calls her out for acting like a jerk while they're stuck in a closet playing "seven minutes in heaven". To make up for it, she proceeds to french the hell out of him.
- The Cheerleader
- Girl Posse: She's head-cheerleader and rules with an iron fist, it would seem.
- Hair-Trigger Temper: She's really irritable.
- Lust Object: For Neal.
Todd Schellinger
- Big Man on Campus
- Bishounen:!
- Chick Magnet
- Eighties Hair: He sports the "feathered" look.
- Hair of Gold
- Lovable Jock: He's a genuinely nice guy.
Todd: Hey man, gimme a high 5 for the big game!
- And is likewise a Democrat.
- Lust Object: For Cindy.
Gordon Crisp
- Big Fun: He shows an infectious enthusiasm for the Geeks favorite interests: sci-fi, Dungeons & Dragons, etc.
Harris: The world loves a jolly fat guy.
- Fat Guy
- Geek Physiques: Of the clinically obese variety.
- Hidden Depths: He's seen to be quite an intuitive, astute guy and offers Sam relationship advice about Cindy.
- Nice Guy: Once he's taken up by the Geeks, he's seen to be a very complimentary, constructive friend.
Gordon: (When he learns Sam is finally dating Cindy) She's the one who's lucky - you're a catch!
- The Pig Pen: He's not messy, but due to a medical condition (trimethylaminuria), he reeks.
- Sixth Ranger
Harris Trinsky
- All Powerful Bystander: Lampshaded in "Discos and Dragons", where he plays the Dungeon Master in the Geeks Dungeons and Dragons game.
- Deadpan Snarker
- Mentor Archetype: Very much so to the Geeks (and occasionally Daniel), he provides sage counseling on a variety of topics.
Harris: Get a woman laughing, you've got a woman loving.
- Nerds Are Sexy: His girlfriend, Judith, finds him irresistible.
- Older and Wiser: Than the Geeks, despite being only one year older.
Harris: *sigh* You're so young.
- Please Put Some Clothes On: He has no compunction about strutting around in the locker room naked, much to Sam's discomfort.
- The Smart Guy
- Wise Beyond Their Years: Even older students like Daniel have asked his advice on things.
- Zen Survivor: To the Geeks - he actually survived freshman year!
Alan White
- Arch Enemy: To Sam.
- The Bully: He picks on Sam and the rest of the Geeks mercilessly during the first half of the series.
- Heel Face Turn: He does this briefly, but only after almost killing Bill by hiding a peanut in his sandwich, to which he did not realize Bill was deathly allergic.
- Jerkass
- Jerkass Facade: In reality, he's an unhappy, lonely kid but can't bring himself to hang out with the Geeks, despite sharing the same interests (comic books and sci-fi).
- Create Your Own Villain: And as it turns out, he admits to Bill that he is angry because they left him out of their fun in the lower grades.
- My God, What Have I Done?: He really never meant to hurt Bill and is devastated when he finds out what he did.
- The Napoleon: His short stature probably explains a lot.
Amy Edwards
- Deadpan Snarker: She can even out-snark Ken at his own game.
- Hermaphrodite: She was born with both male and female sex organs, but is now physically purely female. This causes temporary Gayngst in Ken when she tells him in confidence.
- In-Series Nickname: "Tuba-girl" - she's in the school's marching band.
- Love Interest: For Ken.
- They're Called "Personal Issues" for a Reason: She is understandably hurt and furious when she finds out Ken has told Nick and Daniel her secret.
- Earn Your Happy Ending: All's well in the end - Ken later tells Amy he is sorry and he doesn't care. They are still together when the show ends.
- Ascended Extra: She's one of the show's recurring extras before her big spotlight in the finale.
- Disco Dawn: She loves it, despite the backlash against disco at the time.
Sara: We're going to dress up like ABBA!
- Fan Girl: She admits to having had a crush on Nick for years.
- Genki Girl
Maureen Sampson
- Girl Next Door
- Hello, Nurse!
- New Transfer Student
- One of the Boys: The Geeks are instantly smitten with her when she reveals a similar sense of humor and a love of firing off bottle rockets.
- Replacement Love Interest: With Maureen on the scene, Sam (brilliantly) doesn't give Cindy a look in.
- Ambiguous Disorder
- Berserk Button: Don't call him "retarded".
- Butt Monkey: He is mentally handicapped and is subject to ridicule from some of the more Jerkass students.
- Fan Boy: He adores Three's Company and will happily chat away to anyone about the show.
- Speech Impediment: He emphasizes "sh" sounds - "Yesh pleashe!"
Karen Scarfoli
- The Bully: She takes particular exception to poor Sam, giving him the nickname "Pygmy Geek".
Karen (to Neal): What was that, Bilbo Baggins!?
- Jerkass
- The Ladette
- Really Gets Around: Even hitting on Daniel, for which she (obviously) incurs Kim's wrath.
Shelley Weaver
- Break the Haughty: She freezes and embarrasses herself at a mathlete competition where Lindsay's brilliance wins the day.
- Holier Than Thou: She's unbelievably prim and patronizing.
Shelley (to Lindsay): I just don't know why you'd give up first block to hang around with freaks??
- The Rival: To Lindsay, when it comes to math.
- Smug Snake
- The Aggressive Drug Dealer: Averted - he's friends with the Freak crowd, and serves as Nick's main go-to-guy for pot.
- Messy Hair: He sports a big curly mop of blond hair.
- The Stoner
- Stoners Are Funny: He's a friendly, vaguely goofy kind of guy.
Eugene Seidelman
- Fat Bastard: He's literally spherical......and a bastard.
- Giant Mook: He's one of the nastier elements at Mc Kinley, picking on Sam and Lindsay on occasion.
- Jerkass: So much so even teachers enjoy putting him in his place.
Kowchevski: Siedelman knock it off! Why don't you pick on someone your own size - there's a bus in the parking lot.
- Granola Girl: She's a flaky Deadhead, and befriends Lindsay in the series finale.
- Hello, Nurse!
Ken: The Grateful Dead: music sucks, the chicks are HOT!
- Moe: She provides a good real-life example.
The Teachers
Coach Ben Fredericks
- Coach Nasty: He comes off like this to the Geeks, but he's actually a pretty nice guy once off the field.
- Jerk Jock: Subversion. He actually turns out to be quite nice.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: As seen when he risks losing his job to have a more frank discussion about sex with Sam after realizing that he's seen a pornographic movie.
Mr Jeff Rosso
- Beware the Nice Ones: Gives this speech to Daniel before sending him to the AV club.
- Cool Teacher: Tries to be this and mostly fails spectacularly. But he's still pretty badass at times.
- He Cleans Up Nicely: As seen when (then) Vice President George Bush visits the school.
- Hippie Teacher
- Honor Before Reason: He believes in what he is doing so much he doesn't even mind the admittedly crappy salary.
- Obfuscating Stupidity: Although he appears foolish, he is quite intelligent and usually preempts the kids problems.
- Politically-Motivated Teacher: On occasion. Of the liberal persuasion, naturally.
- Psychologist Teacher: He's the school guidance councilor.
- When I Was Your Age: Relates to other students this way. Sometimes it works...mostly it doesn't.
Rosso: I.have.herpes...
Mr Frank Kowchevski
Kowchevski: Actually Lindsay, I think I'm the best person at math in this school.....
- Invisible to Gaydar: Seriously. Watch the deleted scenes on the DVD...all is revealed when he's called upon by Mr Rosso to help out Ken with his Gayngst.
- Only Sane Man: So he thinks.
- Sadist Teacher
Mr Casper
- Ambiguously Gay: He has an overtly camp manner.
- Apathetic Teacher: As seen with the despairing attitude he displays towards the pupils in his English Lit class.
Casper: *sigh* pearls before swine....
- Break the Haughty: He's pretty pompous, which makes him a prime target for back-chat from his pupils, such as when Lindsay ripped apart his attack on Kim by proving her opinion on Kerouac's On the Road book valid.
- Deadpan Snarker: He's a waspish, bitchy sort, and reserves particular venom for Daniel when he is trying to set up a projector for his class in "Discos and Dragons".
Mr Fleck
- Cool Teacher: Easily amongst the nicest of the teachers at Mc Kinley, he heads up the AV club that the Geeks enjoy thoroughly.
- Mentor Archetype: To the Geeks - he's more like a friend than a teacher.
- Seen It All: He reassures the Geeks on the high school hierarchy and how the lives will turn out for the jocks who bully them.
Fleck: ...and yes, Mr Jock who cleaned me out, I will have fries with that.
Miss Foote
- Cool Teacher: Like Mr Fleck, she's far nicer than most of the Mc Kinley staff. Even Alan shuts-up after she gently chides him for teasing Bill in class.
- Hot for Teacher: Bill is especially taken with her, and goes all dreamy-eyed during her history class in "Chokin' and Tokin".
- Hot Teacher