The characters of the anime series Fractale:
Main Characters
Main Characters
Clain Necran
"Offer a wish?" It sounds kind of strange. It's normally a "prayer" that we offer, right? Yeah, I'm sure no reward will be returned. --I'm sure the only result will be that the day star will discover... my small, stupid wish... And... the day star will laugh at me.
Age: 14
Voiced by Yuu Kobayashi (JP), Brina Palencia (EN)
The main protagonist. Clain is young boy who admires antiques and is estranged from his parents, who watch over him in their doppel avatars but are physically in other places entirely. He meets a temple priestess named Phryne, and it is this chance encounter that leads him to learn about the secret of the Fractale System.
- Accidental Pervert: Enri and his doppel parents incorrectly get this vibe whenever he is interacting with Phryne and Nessa in a way that could be verbally implicated in a sexual manner. Clain never catches a break with this.
- Adaptation Dye Job: He is originally a blond in the promotional ads, but his hair was a paler shade of blond.
- Adorkable
- Always Save the Girl: Towards Phryne and Nessa.
- Barehanded Blade Block: Attempted one in Episode 7.
- Blue Eyes
- Butt Monkey: Can never catches a break in being called a pervert, mainly thanks to Enri.
- Calling the Old Man Out: Calls his parents out on leaving him in Episode 2.
- Cannot Spit It Out: His feelings for Phryne. He finally admits it in Episode 9 and tells Phryne herself in Episode 11.
- Costume Tropes:
- Fundoshi: Episode 5 reveals that this is his choice of underwear.
- Disguised in Drag: While in Xanadu.
- Disney Death: When Colin shoots him. He gets better thanks to the advanced medical technology of the Fractale System.
- Dogged Nice Guy: To Phryne.
- The Dulcinea Effect:
- When he first meets Phryne, he instinctively wants to help her, and she is probably the first, real human he's seen in a while since most humans use doppels. He is obviously attracted to Phryne and seems to have developed feelings for her, but it really kicks in when he is only concerned about Phryne during the temple's attack on Granites Village, and he chooses to rescue Phryne, leaving Nessa behind when she refuses to follow him in Episode 4.
- The same goes for Phryne's clone in Episode 8. He's not really interested in her, preferring to rescue "his" special Phryne, but after getting to know Phryne's clone, he decides that she's special to him too and refuses to let her die when she's been labeled an Expendable Clone.
- The Eeyore: Was initially pessimistic in earlier episodes.
- The Everyman
- Fan of the Past: Is a big fan of antiques.
- Hair of Gold
- The Hero
- Hollywood Hacking/Playful Hacker: Hinted at in the first two episodes, Clain is shown to be fairly good at hacking when the Lost Millennium's airship's system goes haywire during Episode 5.
- I Just Want to Be Special
- I Just Want to Have Friends
- Kid Hero
- Locked Out of the Loop: He is left out of the loop by Phryne, who leaves him in Episode 1 without so much as a word or farewell. When she tries to pull this a second time in Episode 4, he's had enough of being a pushover and calls her out on it.
- Longing Look: While looking at Phryne.
- Love At First Sight: Is described to have "fallen in love at first sight" with Phryne in summaries, whether he fully realizes this or not. He finally admits that he likes Phryne in Episode 9.
- Love Makes You Dumb: Sometimes, he can be a little too far into The Dulcinea Effect for Phryne to make more "reasonable" decisions.
- Nice Guy
- Non-Action Guy
- Oblivious to Love: When Enri tries to confess to him, he thinks she just has to go to the bathroom and she punches him in the face.
- Parental Abandonment: He lives with his doppel parents, but his biological parents are really traveling the world without him under the excuse that it would show a lack of trust if they stayed with him.
- Supporting Protagonist
- Tiny Guy, Huge Girl: Phryne is a little taller than him.
- Unexplained Recovery: After getting shot by Colin. See Disney Death.
- Unlucky Everydude
- Unresolved Sexual Tension: With Phryne.
- Unwanted Harem: Phryne, Nessa, and Enri all have feelings for him.
- What Is This Feeling?: Gets like this whenever he has mixed thoughts about Phryne.
"If I am to offer a wish to the day star... I would ask that Clain's smile last forever."
Age: 16
Voiced by: Minami Tsuda (JP), Caitlin Glass (EN)
A mysterious priestess being pursued by both the temple and Lost Millennium, Phryne is rescued by Clain. However, she leaves Clain shortly after, leaving behind a brooch to "protect" him. Phryne is said to be "the key to the world" and is the "daughter" (likely in a successor sense) of the Archpriestess Moeran.
- Adaptation Dye Job: Originally had purple hair and matching purple eyes in the promotional ads.
- Anchored Ship/Celibate Heroine: In Episode 7, she refuses to admit that Clain is anything more than a friend to her out of her belief that she doesn't deserve love.
- Attempted Rape: Was almost raped by Gail before Enri knocked him out.
- Badass in Distress/Damsel in Distress: She isn't necessarily a damsel in distress, but she is constantly pursued by both the temple priests/priestesses and Lost Millennium. She is quite capable in protecting herself and fending off against her pursuers, but she gets captured by Lost Millennium in Episode 4, is nearly raped by Gail in Episode 7, and is captured by Barrot in Episode 8.
- Barrier Maiden: As her status as the "key of the world." It turns out that she is half of the "key"--the body--while Nessa is the other half--the mind. When they become one, they can become the "key" that can restore the Fractale System.
- Blonde, Brunette, Redhead: The Brunette.
- Blue Oni: To Nessa's Red Oni.
- Broken Bird: Implied to be one beneath her stoic nature.
- Cannot Spit It Out: Refuses to speak of her past or her feelings for Clain, but she is gradually warming up to him.
- The Chosen One
- Convenient Coma: Been in a coma for a year ever since becoming the "key" with Nessa. When she awakens, it's revealed that while she looks like Phryne, she has Nessa's personality.
- Cool Big Sis: Eventually towards Nessa.
- Costume Tropes:
- Hair Decorations
- Stocking Filler
- Woman in Black: In her original character design, her temple priestess clothing was black instead of blue. Subverted in that her personality is neither dangerous nor menacing.
- Cloning Blues: Initially inverted when she reacts devastatingly at seeing the clones of herself that have been labeled "useless" getting destroyed. However, in a conversation between Barrot and Moeran in Episode 9, Barrot states that Phryne is "No. 152589," indicating that she is a Phryne clone as well.
- Cryptic Conversation: Is a constant offender of this.
- Dark and Troubled Past: Episodes 7 and 8 hint at it.
- Defrosting Ice Queen/Ice Queen: Zigzags between these two. She was already a defrosted ice queen in Episode 1 after bonding with Clain, but from the looks of Episodes 3 and 4, she seems to have regressed into an Ice Queen. By Episode 5, she's a defrosted ice queen again.
- Determinator Plucky Girl
- Fish Out of Temporal Water: Her cryptic words in Episode 1 implicate that she may not be from Clain's present era.
- Godiva Hair: For a bit when she needs help applying medicine to an injury on her back in Episode 1.
- Green-Eyed Monster: She reveals in Episode 5 that it was painful for her to see the doppel Nessa because she felt Nessa was more important to the temple than she is, and the reason she took the brooch containing Nessa was to "end things."
- Green Eyes
- Heroic Self-Deprecation: She doesn't think too much of herself and even doesn't believe she deserves love.
- Hidden Depths
- Hime Cut
- I Want My Beloved to Be Happy: An interesting variant. In Episode 9, Phryne leaves while Clain and Nessa are asleep in an attempt to stop Moeran and Barrot while wanting Clain and Nessa--who she feels is more of the person she was--to stay together.
- Ineffectual Loner
- Innocent Fanservice Girl: She easily strips her clothes off on a whim.
- It Is Pronounced Tro-PAY: Her name is pronounced "Free-Oo-Ne."
- Just Friends: Phryne's preferred view of her relationship with Clain in Episode 7, claiming that she has no right to be loved.
- The Lancer
- Long Hair Is Feminine
- Loss of Identity: The reason why Phryne escaped the temple. She feared she would only be regarded as the "key" and would lose herself in the process.
- MacGuffin:
- Manic Pixie Dream Girl: Subverted. See Defrosting Ice Queen.
- Meaningful Name: Phryne means "a demand for one's arbitrary condition" or "toad" in Greek and is also the name of a famous courtesan in Ancient Greece. It's ironic to say the least that while she is strong-willed and stubborn as the first meaning of her name suggests, she is implied to be a virgin.
- Meet Cute
- The Messiah: She eventually develops into this role, not just because of her status as the "key" and the world's beloved maiden. She leaves Clain and Nessa in order to negotiate with the temple instead of constant conflict and in order to protect Clain, Nessa, and Lost Millennium while trying to free the world from the Fractale System so people can think for themselves for once. She even decides to save Moeran as well when Moeran reveals that she has envied Phryne for being loved by the world when she is not.
- Mysterious Waif
- Nuns Are Miko
- Onee-Sama: To the other priestesses, if the "real" Nessa (who turns out to be one of Phryne's clones) is anything to go by.
- Only One Name
- Pursued Protagonist
- Rape as Backstory: Implied by Barrot.
- Raven Hair, Ivory Skin
- The Runaway: Her running away from the temple (and taking the brooch containing Nessa along with her) drives the plot of the story, as Phryne is pursued by both the temple priests/priestesses and Lost Millennium because of her status as the "key."
- The Stoic
- Not So Stoic:
- When she delivers an Armor-Piercing Slap to Clain in Episode 4.
- When Gail attempts to rape her in Episode 7.
- Seeing her clones that have been labeled useless getting destroyed in Episode 8.
- Not So Stoic:
- Sugar and Ice Personality
- Take Me Instead!: In Episode 10, Phryne pleads to Moeran that she will stay in the temple as long as Nessa is spared.
- Tall, Dark and Bishoujo
- This Is Something She's Got To Do Herself: Which is why she always keeps Clain Locked Out of the Loop. In Episode 9, she leaves Clain and Nessa in an attempt to stop the temple herself.
- Tiny Guy, Huge Girl: She's a little taller than Clain.
- Tomboy: In Clain's opinion. And he's not entirely wrong since she lacks modesty and strips whenever she pleases, and Clain and Phryne have a childish running race up a hill for no apparent reason in Episode 6. Even Barrot thinks so, having referred to Phryne as "my sweet tomboy" in Episode 7.
- Unresolved Sexual Tension: With Clain.
- Unwanted Rescue: Clain twice tries to rescue her in Episode 4 from Lost Millennium, but she isn't fairly cooperative in either attempts.
- The Veronica
- Virgin Power: According to Barrot, Phryne needs to be a virgin to maintain her status as the "key."
"Nessa hates hate. Nessa loves love!"
Age: 10
Voiced by: Kana Hanazawa (JP), Luci Christian (EN)
Nessa is a happy-go-lucky female doppel who appeared from Phryne's brooch. Clain initially assumes she is Phryne's doppel, although Nessa has no memories of Phryne, and she can be physically touched--a rarity in doppels. Nessa "loves" love and "hates" hate.
- Artificial Human
- Adaptation Dye Job: Originally had purple hair and matching purple eyes in the promotional ads.
- Barrier Maiden: She is half of the "key"--the mind--while Phryne is the other half--the body. When they become one, they can become the "key" that can restore the Fractale System.
- Berserk Button: She can easily be provoked if Clain is ever harmed in a threatening manner.
- Beware the Nice Ones: Unleashes a power that destroys the illusion of the doppel city Xanadu in order to protect Clain.
- The Betty
- Blonde, Brunette, Redhead: The Redhead.
- The Chick
- Children Are Innocent
- Clingy Jealous Girl: In Episode 4, she takes an instant disliking to Phryne after she slaps Clain. She gets over it in Episode 5.
Nessa: Clain! You're thinking of Phryne, aren't you?!
Clain: Huh...? Well...
Nessa: Don't think about Phryne! [glomps] Think only about Nessa! Nessa, Nessa, Nessa, Nessa!
- Completely Missing the Point/Innocent Inaccurate: She often misunderstands situations out of her naivety and innocence. When the temple's airship attacks Granites Village in Episode 4, she sees it and is in awe by how pretty all the "flickering lights" are.
- Costume Tropes:
- Detached Sleeves
- Flower Motifs
- Hair Decorations
- Giant Waist Ribbon: With the ribbon at the front instead of from behind.
- Kimono: Her dress resembles one (more so in her clothing's original color and design).
- Mini-Dress of Power: Her black dress underneath.
- Woman in White
- Curious as a Monkey
- The Ditz
- For Happiness
- Genki Girl
- Girlish Pigtails
- Green-Eyed Monster: She is jealous because, as a doppel, she cannot experience things like humans can, such as the taste of food. She also got quite clingy and jealous over Clain whenever Phryne is involved in Episode 4. She gets over it in Episode 5.
- Green Eyes
- Heroes Want Redheads: Inverted. It's the redheaded Nessa who is attached to Clain.
- Holy Child
- The Ingenue
- Invisible to Normals
- Laser-Guided Amnesia: Clain assumes that she is Phryne's doppel, but she has no recollection of Phryne. In Episode 3, Nessa appears to be the doppel of an actual priestess at the Star Festival, who calls Phryne "nee-sama." However, Episode 8 reveals that the priestess "Nessa" is one of many clones of Phryne from her childhood. Episode 9 has Phryne tell Clain that Nessa and she are two halves of the "key"--Nessa as the mind and Phryne as the body to host it--and when they are one, they will be able to restore the Fractale System.
- Little Miss Badass
- The Load: Initially considered this by Clain (and briefly by Enri).
- Love Freak
- MacGuffin:
- Manic Pixie Dream Girl
- Meaningful Name: Nessa means "pure" in Greek.
- Moe
- Non-Human Sidekick: Technically, since she is a doppel.
- No Sense of Personal Space
- Offscreen Teleportation: As a doppel, Nessa can disappear or teleport to any given place.
- Only One Name
- Playing Against Type: Her seiyuu Kana Hanazawa is often known for voicing quiet or soft-spoken and shy characters.
- Plucky Comic Relief
- Plucky Girl/The Pollyanna
- Red Headed Heroine
- Red Oni: To Phryne's Blue Oni.
- Stealth Hi Bye
- Stepford Smiler: Clain realizes that Nessa is this in Episode 7 and apologizes to her for not noticing it sooner.
- Tagalong Kid
- Third Person Person: She always indicates herself in the third person.
- Token Mini-Moe
- Took a Level in Badass
- Tsundere: See Clingy Jealous Girl and Green-Eyed Monster.
- Unstoppable Rage: While searching for Clain in Episode 8.
Lost Millennium
Lost Millennium
A rebel group consisting of humans who desire to liberate mankind from the Fractale System and resume a natural way of life without its influence or relying on doppels--growing their own crops, teaching their children without using data, and resorting to regular medical aid without the Fractale System's more advanced medicines. The Granites family is one a part of the many factions of the organization. They are considered "terrorists" by those who follow under the Fractale System.
- Airborne Aircraft Carrier: Lost Millennium's airship Danan.
- Arcadia: Lost Millenium, who have chosen to live without the Fractale System to achieve "true freedom" without the Fractale System's seeming Utopia: their advanced medical, their easy way of life, and especially their Brainwashing.
- Cool Airship
- From My Own Personal Garden: Sunda makes a point to boast to Clain their Granites Village's coffee--along with all their crops--are grown by L.M. members without the use of the Fractale System.
- Good Old Ways
- Grey and Gray Morality
- Hero with Bad Publicity
- La RĂ©sistance
- Multigenerational Household: Episode 4 reveals that several members of Lost Millennium (of a variety of age) are all a part of the Granites family.
- Ragtag Bunch of Misfits
- See-Thru Specs: Having removed their Fractale Terminals, Lost Millennium members are unable to see doppels unless they wear special eye monitors.
- Well-Intentioned Extremist: Are not above killing their enemies--regardless of gender, age, or innocent civilians--and some factions of L.M. are more morally ambiguous than others.
Enri Granites
Age: 13
Voiced by: Yuka Iguchi (JP), Monica Rial (EN)
Enri is a member of Lost Millennium and the younger sister of Sunda. She has made attempts to capture Phryne and constantly accuses Clain of being a pervert.
- Adaptation Dye Job: Her original character design gave her orange hair and matching orange eyes.
- Big Brother Worship: Towards her older brother Sunda. She's fairly affectionate towards him and refers to him respectfully as niisama, and he seems to be the only one who can silence her.
- The Big Guy
- Blonde, Brunette, Redhead: The Blonde.
- Blue Eyes
- Braids of Action: While she appears incompetent and purely there for comic relief, she does manage to capture Clain and Nessa in Episode 2 and she certainly knows how to use a gun.
- Bratty Half-Pint
- Cannot Spit It Out: Her feelings for Clain. When she tries to confess to him in Episode 9, Clain automatically assumes she wants to use the bathroom and she punches him in the face.
- Costume Tropes:
- Hair Decorations
- Paper-Thin Disguise: Her multiple disguises while spying on Clain in Episode 1.
- Curtains Match the Window: In her original character design.
- Cute Little Fangs
- Femme Fatale: The caption for the opening page of Chapter 4 in the manga labels her as this, but she's not really much of one.
- Gender Blender Name: "Enri" is an Irish name typically for boys.
- Goldfish Poop Gang/Terrible Trio: She is the leader of two henchmen, Butcher and Takamii. During the ambush of the Star Festival, Butcher is shot and killed by one of the temple priestesses.
- The Gunslinger
- Hair of Gold: Subverted. She starts off as a quirky antagonist, but quickly develops into a more grey-shaded heroine.
- Kick Chick
- Mouthy Kid
- Plucky Comic Relief
- Plucky Girl
- Red Oni: To Sunda's Blue Oni.
- Show the Forehead
- Sibling Yin-Yang: With her enthusiastic but practical brother Sunda.
- Take Up My Sword: Enri is the new leader of Lost Millennium's Granites faction following Sunda's death.
- Third Option Love Interest: For Clain.
- Tsundere: Is tsun-tsun towards Clain and Nessa, but is dere-dere towards Sunda and the rest of the members of Lost Millennium. She later plays this straight in regards to Clain.
Sunda Granites
"In this world... whether it's working or even working your body, doppels take care of everything that's troubling for you. But... the things that you experience for yourself are far more shocking. Isn't that right, boy?"
Age: 20
Voiced by: Shintaro Asanuma (JP), Scott Freeman (EN)
Enri's older brother and the leader of the Granites faction of Lost Millennium, Sunda and the rest of the L.M.s have chosen to live their lives without relying on the Fractale System. He wants the Fractale System to collapse.
- Adaptation Dye Job: Also originally had orange hair and matching orange eyes in his original character design.
- Badass: Punches Clain (for calling L.M. "murderers") and Dias (for planning on having Phryne killed) in Episode 10.
- Big Brother Mentor: To Enri and a bit towards Clain.
- Bishounen
- Brown Eyes
- The Captain
- Curtains Match the Window
- Deadpan Snarker: Nicely shown in an exchange in Episode 8:
Sunda: It's nice to be old, huh? You can be irresponsible.
Old Leader: What did you say?
Sunda: Er, nothing.
- Heroic Sacrifice
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold
- Large Ham: Has a bit of a tendency of this.
- Last Stand
- You Shall Not Pass: Sunda stays behind and fights off the temple's militia while allowing Clain, Phryne, and Nessa to escape.
- Mentor Occupational Hazard
- Mr. Exposition
- The Nicknamer: He never seems to call Clain or Phryne by their names and calls them "boy" and "princess" respectively in earlier episodes until Episode 8.
- Promotion to Parent: Since Enri and his parents don't seem to be around.
- Reasonable Authority Figure: Though it's a bit of a stretch all things considering, he is far more reasonable than other L.M. faction leaders like Dias.
- Rebel Leader: Of the Granites faction of Lost Millennium.
- Sibling Yin-Yang: With his impulsive and hotheaded sister Enri.
- The Smart Guy
- Would Hit a Girl: Shoots elderly temple priestesses and later knocks Phryne out to kidnap her.
The Temple
The Temple
Priests and priestesses who reside in the temple and follow the Fractale System, a seeming religious-like utopia that began in the 22nd century to create a comfortable and orderly life for mankind. Their leader is the Archpriestess Moeran. They seek the return of their fellow priestess Phryne, Moeran's daughter (likely in a successor sense) and the "the key to the world."
- Brainwashing/Brainwashing for the Greater Good
- Church Militant
- Grey and Gray Morality
- Knight Templar
- Light Is Not Good
- Utopia
- Villain with Good Publicity
- Well-Intentioned Extremist: Are not above brainwashing civilians, killing their enemies, capturing a missing priestess by anything necessary in other to instill order in Fractale as they see fit.
"Hey! It's no use running away! You smell no matter how far you go! I can smell you anywhere you go, Miss Phryne!"
Age: 48
Voiced by: Mitsuru Miyamoto (JP), Bucky Pearl (EN)
A temple high priest who attempts to bring Phryne back to the temple. He acts in a somewhat childish manner.
In Episode 8, Phryne calls Barrot "Father/Oto-sama" and later reveals to Clain that Barrot was the one who raised her to be the "key." He is the developer of all the Phryne clones.
- Archnemesis Father-Like Figure
- Berserk Button: When Phryne escapes him in Episode 4, he shouts the above quote.
- Beware the Silly Ones: He seemed like a fairly comical and weak villain in his first appearance, but in Episode 8...
- Brown Eyes
- Butt Monkey: When he hilariously fails to capture Phryne in Episode 4.
- Costume Tropes:
- All-Encompassing Mantle
- Color-Coded Patrician: Wears a distinct blue cape/mantle among the other priest/priestesses.
- Nice Hat
- Curtains Match the Window
- Exact Words: Uses this on Phryne in Episode 8. He said he transported Clain to the treatment room, but he never said anything about Clain actually getting treated for his wound.
- Hoist by His Own Petard: Barrot is killed by none other than Phryne--his "beloved daughter."
- I Have You Now, My Pretty:
- In Episode 8, Barrot takes Phryne to a temple underground base instead of the temple so he can be alone with her, glomping her by the stomach and smelling her. When learning that Clain is "precious" to Phryne, he is determined to check if she is still "qualified" to be the "key" or not.
- Reuniting with Phryne in front of Clain and Nessa in Episode 10, Barrot embraces Phryne and licks her cheek, claiming that Clain has to know that Phryne and he are "bound by abundant love."
- I Will Punish Your Friend for Your Failure: Barrot threatening Phryne with Clain's well-being.
- Large Ham
- Lean and Mean
- Not So Harmless
- Only One Name
- Parental Substitute: For Phryne. It's not a good thing.
- Pervert Dad: Barrot is not Phryne's biological father, but it still comes off as this, especially since he is the one who raised Phryne, calls himself "Daddy/Papa" around her, and goes so far as to check if she's still a virgin. It gets worse when Moeran makes an off-hand comment about Barrot sucking the life and love out of all the Phryne clones, and Phryne mentioning that Barrot has "defiled" them all numerous times.
- Psychopathic Manchild: Gives off elements of this.
- Sinister Minister
- Stalker with a Crush: He's practically one for Phryne.
- Terms of Endangerment: Has referred to Phryne as "naughty Phryne," "my sweet tomboy," and "my precious daughter."
- Unexplained Recovery: He survived the temple underground base explosion... somehow. Though not without injuries.
- Villains Never Lie: See Exact Words.
- Villainous Cheekbones
"She cannot go anywhere. Everything is connected in this world. When she comes back, she needs to be severely punished."
Age: 40
Voiced by: Sumi Shimamoto (JP), Stephanie Young (EN)
The Archpriestess who seeks Phryne's return to the temple.
Episode 9 reveals that Moeran is a Phryne clone as well and is a figurehead for the Fractale System.
- Absurdly Youthful Mother/Hot Mom: Subverted. She turns out to not be Phryne's mother.
- Beneath the Mask
- Berserk Button: Hers was pushed when Phryne said that they came from the same Phryne. See Driven by Envy/The Resenter.
- Beware the Nice Ones: She chokes Phryne in a fit of jealousy, having always been envious of Phryne for being the world's beloved maiden and loved by the world when she is not.
- Broken Bird
- Cloning Blues: She is envious towards Phryne--a fellow clone--because she was chosen as the world's beloved maiden, and she blames the world for making her the way she is and wants to make everyone just as miserable as she is.
- Costume Tropes:
- All-Encompassing Mantle
- Color-Coded Patrician: Wears a distinct red cape/mantle among the other priest/priestesses.
- Lady in Red and Woman in White
- Nice Hat
- Curtains Match the Window
- Driven by Envy/The Resenter: Episode 10 reveals that she has envied Phryne for being the world's beloved maiden and having something to love and someone to protect, which she herself--in spite of being a Phryne clone as well--is unloved and yet must to protect the world. And she says this all while choking Phryne.
- Evil Matriarch: Subverted. She is not Phryne's mother and expresses concern and regret towards Phryne in Episode 9, possibly because she is herself a Phryne clone as well--No. 141923.
- Facial Markings
- Iron Lady
- Long Hair Is Feminine
- Older Than She Looks: She does not look forty-years-old.
- Onee-Sama: To Phryne.
- Only One Name
- Purple Eyes
- Mysterious Parent: Episode 9 reveals that she really isn't Phryne's mother and is also a Phryne clone.
- Rapunzel Hair
- Revenge: Her apparent revenge towards the world is to restart the Fractale System over and over again with people dying without realizing the happiness of being alive or what is important to them so they will feel exactly the same way she does.
- Show the Forehead
- Single Tear: Moeran sheds a single tear before asking Phryne come closer to her and allows Phryne to rest on her lap. Then she proceeds to choke her.
- Stepford Smiler
- The Unchosen One
- You Gotta Have Purple Hair