” ...I killed and controlled life by my own agency. I bring nothing but destruction. Were I to have a mate, even a child, neither of them would last very long by my hands. I am a cursed being doomed to desire but not receive. What I did to Mew was as such. My desire was not returned, at least not in the way I hoped it would. That, my friend, is my human side…”
The story begins three centuries in the future with bad news: the Pokémon world is on the brink of a world war. Ho-oh calls for a conference for the Legendaries on this issue, giving first-hand accounts about the world falling apart. For fear of becoming as the common man, he instructs everyone to get over rivalries and make friendships with one another.
Skip ahead two months to when the rumored war comes to pass, and the future looks grim. That is until the world is suddenly destroyed, leaving the Legendaries (all thirty-three of them) alive and devastated.
But that is when the story really begins.
Forsaken is a Pokémon Fanfic written by lilpurplebird, revolving around the lives of the Legendaries as they attempt to recover and fix up the world. They go through their own personal trials of life, and then are put to the test by an outside force that has chosen the dead world for its own evil purposes, doing so through Mew and Mewtwo.
Have we mentioned this is a romance story?
The story is currently on-going, and can be read here.
- Abuse Is Okay When It Is Female On Male: Usually between Suicune and her brothers, though other females have smacked around other males for being perverts or for saying something out-of-line; this is often done for comedic reasons. Not so when it comes to a possessed Mew smacking around Celebi and Mewtwo.
- Adam and Eve Plot
- Adult Child: It’s not Entei’s fault. Even Mew had her reasons for her immaturity.
- A God Am I: Legion wanting a world of demons suggests he wants to be the ruler of it.
- All Men Are Perverts: It’s hard to tell if Deoxys is even this trope, or just enjoys messing with everyone’s heads.
- Amicably Divorced: Darkrai and Cresselia, though more like “amicably separated”.
- Apocalypse How: Class 4
- As the Good Book Says...: A few characters quote passages from the Bible throughout the story (directly or indirectly), in which one doubles as a Title Drop.
- Arceus and Amber actually quote from The Book of Mormon.
- Some of the accompanying lyrics in the beginning of chapters are scripture verses.
- The Atoner: A few characters fall under this category, though it’s Mewtwo and Mew who expresses it the most.
- Attempted Rape: Both Mew and Mewtwo experience this. see also Near-Rape Experience
- Berserk Button: If you hurt Mew at all, better hope she wants to stop Mewtwo from killing you.
- Heavily implied this happens to Latios when his sister gets hurt badly.
- Big Bad: Legion
- Big Damn Heroes: Ho-oh and Kyogre froze and burned Jediah and his followers after Taken for Granite courtesy of Azelf. Deconstructed with Lugia who got lost.
- Big OMG: Lugia gives a big one when he sees a dead body.
- Blood Lust: Legion all the way.
- Body Motifs: The eyes get a lot of attention before the numerous scars start appearing.
- Break the Cutie: Good Lord.
- Chekhov's Gun: The vial containing the remnants of Clarity Lake.
- Chekhov's Skill: The water had to be transferred mouth-to-mouth to keep from spilling.
- Cliff Hanger: A cruel one is in chapter seventeen.
- Cloudcuckoolander: Entei may be this.
- Convenient Miscarriage with traumatic results.
- Darker and Edgier: Very.
- Demonic Possession
- Despair Event Horizon: Good God this happens a lot. Even though a lot of characters go through this, it's Mew who has it worse off.
- Downer Beginning
- The Dragon: Jediah, something he’s proud of, though he may be The Pawn if Shaymin was serious about it.
- Driven to Suicide: More like forced to.
- Erotic Dream
- Eye Scream: Rayquaza ending up losing an eye fighting off meteors. He gets better.
- Faith Heel Turn: Happens to Mew prior to the story. Implied this happens or has happened to a lot of the Legendaries.
- Flaying Alive: Poor Manaphy and Mewtwo
- Flipping the Bird: Usually done between Deoxys and Rayquaza; also because the author didn’t want to write explicit swears despite the M-rating.
- Good Thing You Can Heal: Nastily done with Deoxys after getting his hands cut off.
- Gorn: It got more prominent as the story progressed.
- Gory Discretion Shot: Played straight during the C-section, but was subverted with the deaths of the scientists. Later on, it's nearly-played straight when Manaphy was whipped, but when Legion turns on Mewtwo the scene cuts away to Mew's physical reactions to the whipping, then shortly returns for the end result.
- Growing Up Sucks / Who Wants to Live Forever?
- Guardian Angel: Amber. She watches over Mewtwo, but has gone to Mew in her time of need.
- Hellish Pupils
- Hollywood Atheist: Giratina. He also likes to taunt Latios when wanting Biblical answers, sometimes crossing the line.
- Horny Devils: Legion wants Mewtwo to love him, dammit!
- Innocence Lost
- Intimate Healing: Mewtwo does this with a starved Mew, which eventually leads to a kiss. She doesn’t take it well.
- It Got Worse: And HOW.
- I Want My Beloved to Be Happy
- Journey to the Center of the Mind: Done by Legion to show Mewtwo what happened to Mew couple of years prior to the story.
- Kill the Cutie: She got better, though.
- Kiss of Life: Done on a more spiritual sense until it's played straight when Mew drowns.
- Kubrick Stare
- Laughing Mad: Always Legion. Made creepier as it's done through Mew.
- Lecherous Licking: Legion again. For the most part.
- Longing Look: Both Scyther and Ho-oh have pointed this out to Mewtwo in a couple of occasions.
- Lust: Mewtwo struggles over it, believing man created him as such.
- Manipulative Bastard: Where do we begin with Legion?
- Meaningful Name: Mew’s real name reflects both her personality and desires.
- Darkrai and Cresselia’s son is named Adam.
- Mind Rape: Implied Legion did this to Mewtwo as “punishment”.
- Near-Rape Experience: Mewtwo just wanted to be loved.
- Neck Snap: Happens with a psychic blow to the head. It's actually described as a loud pop, but when Legion sat back up, he twisted Mew's neck back into place with such a snap. And it's bloody.
- Nobody Poops: Later averted
- No-Holds-Barred Beatdown: Legion delivers this to Celebi early on for no reason other than to know the feeling of physically beating someone up.
- Ouija Board: It gets messy. Deoxys should have listened.
- Our Zombies Are Different
- Potty Failure: Poor Entei.
- Prayer Is a Last Resort
- Precision F-Strike: “Falling my ass, we're not doing shit about it!”
Legion: "Fuck me. Hard."
- Pre-Climax Climax / Sexy Discretion Shot: Maybe.
- Really 700 Years Old: Many if not all of the Legendaries are thousands of years old despite their mortality.
- Scars Are Forever: Mew has deep scars on her wrists, face, and neck and throat from Legion's impact.
- Every Scar Has a Story: She also has a faint one from her C-section.
- Shout-Out: The shoulder angel and devil seemed to have been inspired by Kronk's shoulder entities.
- A blink-and-you'll-miss-it where Mew burns a bra in her hand.
- The Flaying Alive scene was pretty much taken from The Passion of the Christ.
- Slasher Smile
- Sneeze of Doom: Keep Entei away from freshly-purified waters when he’s got a cold.
- Spit Trail Kiss: There’s quite a few.
- Thousand-Yard Stare
- Title Drop
- Villainous Breakdown: Mewtwo’s tested Legion’s patience far too many times…
- Wham! Episode: The end of chapter seven.
- What Could Have Been: Word of God says chapter eleven wasn't originally going to be from Mew's point of view, but there was a given option of rewriting the entire chapter to literally project Mewtwo into the past and not in her head on request if it proved too confusing to the reader.
- Will They or Won't They?
- Yank the Dog's Chain: Too many to name, or else you'd be here all day.