< Following the Footsteps of Destiny

Following the Footsteps of Destiny/Characters

These are the characters in Broken Angel 01's epic fanfic Following the Footsteps of Destiny.

Digidestined Destiny

Daichi "Dai" Motomiya

Son of Davis and Noriko, age 13.

Makiya "Mickey" Takaishi

Son of T.K. and Kari, age 13. Older twin brother of Matty.

Masato "Matty" Takaishi

Son of T.K. and Kari, age 13. Younger twin brother of Mickey.

Ryoko Ishida

Son of Matt and Mimi, age 13.

Takara "Kara" Kamiya

Daughter of Tai and Sora, age 13.

Sam Ichijouji

Son of Ken and Yolei, age 13. Named after his deceased uncle.

Partner Digimon - Digidestined Destiny


Digimon Partner of Dai.

His digivolutions are as follows:

  • In-Training:DemiEmbermon
  • Rookie:Embermon, his default form.
  • Champion:Dragermon
  • Ultimate:FireDragermon
  • Mega:Ignisdramon


Digimon Partner of Mickey.

His digivolutions are as follows:

  • In-Training:Palelymon
  • Rookie:Halomon, his default form.
  • Champion:Gabrielmon
  • Ultimate:HolyGabrielmon
  • Mega:Metatramon


Digimon Partner of Matty.

His digivolutions are as follows:

  • In-Training:Goldmon
  • Rookie:Celestimon, his default form.
  • Champion:Angelicmon
  • Ultimate:ArchAngelicmon
  • Mega:Sandalphmon


Digimon Partner of Ryoko.

His digivolutions are as follows:

  • In-Training:Iramon
  • Rookie:Alopemon, his default form.
  • Champion:Tirimon
  • Ultimate:IceTirimon


Digimon Partner of Kara.

Her digivolutions are as follows:

  • In-Training:Fluttermon
  • Rookie:Dovemon, her default form.
  • Champion:Ibismon
  • Ultimate:Kestrelmon


Digimon partner of Sam.

His digivolutions are as follows:

  • In-Training:Glimmermon
  • Rookie:Glowmon, his default form.
  • Champion:Dracomon
  • Ultimate:Odonatamon

Motomiya Family

Daisuke "Davis" Motomiya

Noodle cart owner, age 37. Husband of Noriko Motomiya, and father of Ami and Dai. Younger brother of Jun Kido. Was the leader of the "second" group of Digidestined.

Noriko Motomiya (née Kawada)

Book store owner, age 36. Wife of Davis Motomiya, and mother of Ami and Dai. A former "Dark Spore" victim.

Ami Motomiya

Older sister of Dai, age 14.

Kamiya Family

Taichi "Tai" Kamiya

Firefighter, age 41. Husband of Sora Kamiya, and father of Kara and Tay. Older brother of Kari Takaishi. Was the leader of the "original" group of Digidestined.

Sora Kamiya (née Takenouchi)

Florist, age 41. Wife of Tai Kamiya, and mother of Kara and Tay. Member of "Team Tai".

Taysuke "Tay" Kamiya

Younger brother of Kara, age 10.

Ishida Family

Yamato "Matt" Ishida

Gourmet chef, age 41. Husband of Mimi Ishida, and father of Ryoko and Baby. Older brother of T.K. Takaishi. Member of "Team Tai".

Mimi Ishida (née Tachikawa)

Part-time model, age 40. Wife of Matt Ishida, and mother of Ryoko and Baby. Member of "Team Tai".

Baby Ishida

Takaishi Family

Takeru "T.K." Takaishi

Novelist, age 37. Husband of Kari Takaishi, and father of Mickey, Matty, and Rina. Younger brother of Matt Ishida. Member of "Team Tai" and "Team Davis".

Hikari "Kari" Takaishi (née Kamiya)

Teacher, age 37. Wife of T.K. Takaishi, and mother of Mickey, Matty, and Rina. Younger sister of Tai Kamiya. Member of "Team Tai" and "Team Davis".

Yurina "Rina" Takaishi

Mickey and Matty's younger sister, age 6.

Ichijouji Family

Ken Ichijouji

Convenience store co-owner, age 37. Husband of Yolei Ichijouji, and father of Miya, Sam, and Nao. Member of "Team Davis".

Yolei Ichijouji (née Inoue)

Convenience store co-owner, age 38. Wife of Ken Ichijouji, and mother of Miya, Sam, and Nao. Youngest of the four Inoue siblings. Member of "Team Davis".

Miya Ichijouji

Older sister of Sam, age 15.

Nao Ichijouji

Younger brother of Sam, age 7.

Kido Family

Joe Kido

Doctor, age 42. Husband of Jun Kido, and father of Noah and Ema. Member of "Team Tai".

Jun Kido (née Motomiya)

Hair stylist, age 41. Wife of Joe Kido, and mother of Noah and Ema. Older sister of Davis Motomiya and the only non-Digidestined adult.

Nobunari "Noah" Kido

Oldest son of Joe and Jun, age 16.

Ema Kido

Youngest daughter of Joe and Jun, age 10.

Izumi Family

Koushiro "Izzy" Izumi

Head of a large software company, age 39. Husband of Mina Izumi, and father of Taniko. Member of "Team Tai".

Mina Izumi

Indian Digidestined, age 38. Wife of Izzy Izumi, and mother of Taniko.

Taniko Izumi

Daughter of Izzy and Mina, age 11.

Hida Family

Cody Hida

Youngest member of "Team Davis", age 35. Husband of Rosa Hida, and father of Kenzo.

Rosa Hida

Mexican Digidestined, age 32. Wife of Cody Hida, and mother of Kenzo.

Kenzo Hida

Son of Cody and Rosa, age 11.

Partner Digimon - Original Digidestined and Digidestined 02


Digimon partner of Davis.

His digivolutions are as follows:

  • In-Training:DemiVeemon
  • Rookie:Veemon, his default form.
  • Champion:ExVeemon


Digimon partner of Noriko.

His digivolutions are as follows:

  • Rookie:Penguinmon, his default form.
  • Champion:Sabirdramon


Digimon partner of Tai.

His digivolutions are as follows:

  • Rookie:Agumon, his default form.
  • Champion:Greymon
  • Ultimate:MetalGreymon
  • Mega:WarGreymon


Digimon partner of Sora.

Her digivolutions are as follows:

  • Rookie:Biyomon, her default form.
  • Champion:Birdramon
  • Ultimate:Garudamon


Digimon partner of Matt.

His digivolutions are as follows:

  • Rookie:Gabumon, his default form.
  • Champion:Garurumon
  • Ultimate:WereGarurumon
  • Mega:MetalGarurumon


Digimon partner of Mimi.

Her digivolutions are as follows:

  • Rookie:Palmon, her default form.
  • Champion:Togemon
  • Ultimate:Lilymon


Digimon partner of T.K.

His digivolutions are as follows:

  • Rookie:Patamon, his default form.
  • Champion:Angemon
  • Ultimate:MagnaAngemon


Digimon partner of Kari.

Her digivolutions are as follows:

  • Champion:Gatomon, her default form.
  • Ultimate:Angewomon


Digimon partner of Ken.

His digivolutions are as follows:

  • In-Training:Minomon
  • Rookie:Wormmon, his default form.
  • Champion:Stingmon
  • Ultimate:JewelBeemon. First appears after Ken's Crest of Kindness glows.


Digimon partner of Yolei.

His digivolutions are as follows:

  • In-Training:Poromon
  • Rookie:Hawkmon, his default form.
  • Champion:Aquilamon


Digimon partner of Joe.

His digivolutions are as follows:

  • Rookie:Gomamon, his default form.
  • Champion:Ikkakumon
  • Ultimate:Zudomon


Digimon partner of Izzy.

His digivolutions are as follows:

  • Rookie:Tentomon, his default form.
  • Champion:Kabuterimon
  • Ultimate:MegaKabuterimon


Digimon partner of Mina.

His digivolutions are as follows:

  • Rookie:Candlemon, his default form.
  • Champion:Meramon


Digimon partner of Cody.

His digivolutions are as follows:

  • In-Training:Upamon
  • Rookie:Armadillomon, his default form.
  • Champion:Ankylomon


Digimon partner of Rosa.

His digivolutions are as follows:

  • Rookie:Gotsumon, his default form.
  • Champion:Monochromon

Inoue Family

Mantaro Inoue

Yolei's brother and the eldest of the Inoue siblings, age X.

Kiyomi Inoue

Mantaro's wife, age X.

Makku Inoue

Mantaro and Kiyomi's oldest son, age 17.

Taka Inoue

Mantaro and Kiyomi's youngest son, age 14.

Enomoto Family

Tatsuya Enomoto

Momoe's husband, age X.

Momoe Enomoto (née Inoue)

Yolei's sister and the second-born of the Inoue siblings, age X.

Tanami Enomoto

Momoe and Tatsuya's oldest daughter, age 16.

Rumi Enomoto

Momoe and Tatsuya's youngest daughter, age 15.

Igawa Family

Emori Igawa

Chizuru's husband, age X.

Chizuru Igawa (née Inoue)

Yolei's sister and the third-born of the Inoue siblings, age X.

Hana Igawa

Chizuru and Emori's daughter, age 16.

Renmi Igawa

Chizuru and Emori's daughter, age 14.

Hikaru Igawa

Chizuru and Emori's son, age 11.

Digidestined Prime

The group of Digidestined before Tai's group.

Takahiro "Tal" Kuroki

Kenji Iwamoto

Inca Sasaki-Kuroki

Mai Nakaniwa-Iwamoto

Seta Sugiyama

Prime Digimon Partners

The digimon partners of the Digidestined Prime.


Digimon partner of Tal.


Digimon partner of Kenji.


Digimon partner of Inca.


Digimon partner of Mai.


Digimon partner of Seta.
















  • Face Heel Turn: Used to be an angel digimon who would do anything to protect his friends and his people, but something happened to him involving the Dark Ocean that turned him into a fallen angel digimon.
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