

Flyleaf is a Post-Grunge / Alternative Metal band from Texas formed by Lacey Sturm (formerly Mosley), lead guitarist Sameer Bhattacharya, rhythm guitarist Jared Hartmann, bassist Pat Seals, and drummer James Culpepper. They are notable for their Christian faith, although their music is not explicitly labeled Christian.

The band has released two albums so far:

  • Flyleaf: The platinum selling, eponymously named debut album, released in 2005.
  • Memento Mori: The most recent album, released in October of 2009.

Flyleaf provides examples of the following tropes:
  • Badass Adorable: Lacey, of course.
  • Be Careful What You Wish For: In their cover of What's This, the singer sounds scared. So this trope might explain the line "Oh, could it be I got my wish?" in their version.
  • Big No
  • Big Yes: The EP version of the song "Cassie" opens with an emphatic "I...will...say YES!" It's moved to the bridge on the album version.
  • Careful with That Axe: "I'm So Sick". "I will BREAK!!"
  • Concept Album: Memento Mori. Each song is, according to the liner notes, based off of letters written by the fictional commander of an army that is at war with "The Dread Army". The war is an allegorical conflict based off of the general struggle between good and evil from a Christian point of view.
  • The Cover Changes the Meaning: "What's This?" used to be so...happy.
  • Fluffy Cloud Heaven: "Set Apart This Dream" seems to describe one of these.
  • Lighter and Softer: "Justice and Mercy" is one of the heaviest songs the band's ever written. "Justice and Mercy [Violent Love Version]" is not.
    • The Remember To Live EP, released in late 2010, is a collection of B-sides and alternate takes of several songs. The entire EP is this trope.
  • Metal Scream: Most famously on "I'm So Sick", but also on their songs Cassie (see Big Yes above), Sorrow, and Justice and Mercy. The screams are almost entirely absent from their second album, though.
    • Actually, in Memento Mori there is a certain amount of screaming, but these are usually two recordings played at the same time. One has Lacey singing, the other is screaming, with the screaming in the background. Listen to the end of "The Kind" (I'm sorry FATHER, I'm sorry SISTER, I'm sorry BROTHER...). It's easier to hear in "In the Dark" (Fill this space IDLE WORDS!!!) and (By the dark, DAMN THE DARK!!!!!), or "Swept Away" (So get this hell out get this hell OUTOUTOUT OF MY WAY!)
  • Mohs Scale of Rock and Metal Hardness: Varies wildly. They've covered everything from 2 to 7 over the course of just two albums.
  • Not Christian Rock: They're a band that takes inspiration from their strong Christian beliefs, however they're not a Christian band.
    • They pretty much gave up on arguing after the second album's release, though. They're also in a Christian Rock game, "Guitar Praise" (which is an obvious copy of Guitar Hero), despite not being a Christian Rock band.
      • While it's not vaguely Christian like the other album, the songs can be interpreted in different ways and they have yet to say they are a Christian Rock band.
  • Ominous Music Box Tune: Swept Away and Melting (Interlude).
  • The Ophelia: Lacey.
  • Rock Band: "I'm So Sick" is one of the 13 bonus songs in the original game, which is probably the first place many tropers heard of them.
  • Sanity Slippage Song: "I'm So Sick"
  • Signature Song: "I'm So Sick", though "Cassie" is quite popular too.
  • The Something Song
  • Strange Girl: Lacey pulls this off quite neatly.
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