Fluffy Bunny Domination
Fluffy Bunny Domination is a weekly webcomic by Miss Rose Psmith, portraying a Lighter and Softer version of BDSM.
The comic can be NSFW, so the above link is to the SFW first comic. All below links should be SFW, but some are highly borderline.
Tropes used in Fluffy Bunny Domination include:
- All Girls Like Ponies: Spoofed in strip 7, along with Freudian Excuse (NSFW.)
- Casual Kink: The main character typically wears a plain T shirt and jeans.
- Cowboy: She steals his hat. (SFW, but only barely.)
- Fan Service: With Catholic School Girls Rule and Ho Yay Lube Wrestling.
- Fetish: Many ways to play with this trope.
- Fetish Fuel: In-Universe. From the first strip, and its blurb.
- Foot Focus: Strip #30, which of a pair of feet and a speech bubble saying "My eyes are up here."
- It Makes Sense in Context: At least she hoped it did.
- My Eyes Are Up Here: In a different manner than normal.
- Pink Means Feminine
- Pretty in Mink: A toy wand she got had two white fur puff balls attached, making her imagine she could use it to turn into a Magical Girl, with a similar ball as a bunny tail.
- Sorry to Interrupt: Strip 16 (NSFW.)
- Unfortunate Implications: Noted about a strip In-Universe. "This is going to offend, like, half the people I know."
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