Flint the Time Detective/Characters
Flint Hammerhead / Genshi
A young, strong caveboy and the main character of the series. Flint was fossilized by Petra Fina, and wasn't freed until the 25th century. Flint was quickly enrolled as part of the Time Police, who must protect the flow of time.
- Big Eater
- Expy: He's got quite a few things in common with Goku.
- The Hero
- Kid Hero
- Meaningful Name: Flint's name comes from "flintstone".
- Trademark Favorite Food: Pizza.
Rocky Hammerhead / Dad-tan
Rocky is Flint's father, who was also fossilized by Petra Fina. Unfortunately, his defossilization didn't turn out quite right, as he is now permanently a slab of hard stone. He was fashioned into a high-tech stone ax, and serves as Flint's mentor.
- Came Back Wrong: His personality was fully retained, however.
- Catch Phrase: HAMMERHEAD ROCK!!!!.
- Deadpan Snarker: It certainly helps to have a face of stone.
- Drop the Hammer
- Meaningful Name: "Hammerhead".
- And "Rocky". Because he's a rock, get it?
- Was Once a Man: He's a stone forever, but that doesn't seem to bother him.
Dr. Bernard Goodman / Professor Yamato
A brilliant but somewhat goofy scientist. He's in charge of the Bureau of Time and Space, and is responsible for restoring the Hammerheads.
- A Day in the Limelight: In Raldo's episode, he takes the role of the main Goodman. The twins get reduced to extras.
- Determinator: He won't stop asking Dr. Jillian out.
- Mission Control: He stays behind, and conveniently sends in the right Time Shifter when need be.
Sara Goodman / Sora Yamato
The older Goodman twin, and the doctor's niece. She joins Flint on his missions.
- Animal Motif: Rabbits.
- Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever: Just look up the show, that episode will most likely be suggested.
- Nana Mizuki
- Rose-Haired Girl
- Sibling Yin-Yang: With Tony, obviously.
Tony Goodman / Tokio Yamato
The younger Goodman twin, and nephew of the doctor. Like his sister, he joins Flint on his missions.
- Brilliant but Lazy: He's pretty smart, but hardly puts in effort.
- Time Police: He wants to be a time detective on his own.
- Sibling Yin-Yang: Naturally with Sara.
- Winged Humanoid: With Wing's help, of course
Pterry & Getalong / Puu & Love-Love
Pterry is a robotic pterodactyl, who serves as a guide to Flint and company. He's also responsible for wiping out any trace of their presence in the past. Getalong is a Time Shifter. Her power is making people get a long and be happy, but her power weakens with constant uses.
- The Ghost: Getalong's Master and Con forms.
- Meaningful Name: What could Getalong possibly do?
- Mr. Exposition: Pterry explains some historical background of each place traveled too. He sometimes adds in what a Time Shifter does.
- Punny Name: Both.
Merlock Holmes / Kyoichiro Narugami
A dhampir time detective, who shows up later in the series. Bindi, another Time Shifter, is almost always by his side.
- Badass Cape
- Clingy Jealous Girl: How Bindi acts around him.
- Named After Somebody Famous: Obviously.
- Stalker with a Crush: He's quite attracted to Sara. His worst offense is possibly his choice of outfit for her.
Petra Fina Dagmar / T.P. Lady
A seasoned time thief who is wanted for messing up the timeline. She's allied herself to the Dark Lord, and is trying to get the Time Shifters before Flint and friends. When not traveling through time, she's under her alter-ego "Miss Iknow", a strict teacher.
- Animal Motif: Cats.
- Hey, It's That Voice!: She's voiced by none other than Rita Repulsa!
- Lady in Red
- Meaningful Name: Her name possibly comes from "petrify", or the ancient city of Petra.
- Paper-Thin Disguise: Miss Iknow.
- Punny Name: Miss Iknow's name. It also sounds similar to "Aino", Iknow's Japanese name.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: Her eyes are naturally red.
- Start of Darkness: The episode with Raldo shows us that she wasn't evil when she was younger, until the end...
- Statuesque Stunner
- You Gotta Have Green Hair
- Zettai Ryouiki
Dino & Mite
A humanoid eel and frog, respectively. They serve as loyal henchmen to Petra, and provide comedic relief. Like their boss, they take on civilian form when not traveling through time.
- Deadpan Snarker: Dino has his moments.
- Henchmen Race: They use to be average animals. It's never really explain fully, but Petra somehow made them humanoid.
- Paper-Thin Disguise: Their civilian alter-egos are pretty obvious.
- Theme Naming