< Fish Hooks
Fish Hooks/YMMV
- Crazy Awesome: Milo
- Critical Dissonance: The show has not been as well recieved by critics as another animated Disney series, but this show still scores about 3 million viewers on average each new episode. Not to mention the pilot, "Bea Stays In the Picture", scored a huge 4.8 million, which is about more than most SpongeBob SquarePants episodes.
- Ear Worm:
- The theme song.
- Final exam! Final exam! You better get ready for the final exam!
- Eat Dip! Eat Dip! Eat Dip, Eat Dip, Eat Dip!
- Marty Stu: Steve Jackson.
- Nightmare Fuel:
- Clamantha's appearance is just kind of unsettling and her creepy obsession with Oscar just makes it worse.
- At the end of Two Clams In Love we get to see the world from Clamantha's eyes. The result is . . . unsettling.
Clamantha: So, do you wanna kiss now or what?
Oscar: (Screams)
- The way how the fish are sometimes portrayed with human limbs and faces can be very disturbing.
- How about the flea that came off of Murphy? HORRIFYING!
- In "The Albert Glass Story," Bea tries to make friends with Albert by playing a violin for him. She ends up playing so badly that his face cracks and his organs float out, dragging his body with him.
- The last shot of "The Dark Side of the Fish".
- In "Hooray for Hamsterwood", a hamster considered eating Bea... WHILE SHE WAS STILL ALIVE AND HYDRATED.
- The ending scene in the episode where Milo pretends he is sick. He gets sent to a tank that looks like a mass grave or hospice, with all the other sick fish tightly packed in with him. Then one guy offers him some food, and his face peels off, revealing the muscle behind it. Cut to black
- The Lincoln monster that hatches from the penny. Again, another ending scene. Noticing a trend?
- At one point, Mouse manages to get Snake to eat herself into oblivion. It's a bit disturbing.
- One-Scene Wonder: Brandon Bubbler, the Justin Bieber Expy.
- Pair the Spares / Ships That Pass in the Night: With the Oscar x Bea pairing, there tends to be a paring of Milo x Shellsea, despite that both have very little dialogue together, the most being in the sleepover episode, when Milo is Disguised in Drag.
- Ruined FOREVER: Some fans are declaring this already because of an unaired episode that involves Oscar finding a new love interest and Milo going on a date with Bea.
- They Wasted a Perfectly Good Plot: both fans and haters of the show agree that if the show was focused less on school, and more on the weirdness, it wouldn't be such a indecisive crowd. Needless to say, episodes like "Fish Out of Water" or "Peopleing" are better received than episodes like "Queen Bea" or "Fish Floaters".
- Uncanny Valley:
- The pet shop cat. Dear God.
- Bea with make-up
- The Woobie:
- Clamantha becomes a much more sympathetic character after "Two Clams In Love."
- Albert Glass could also count as one.
- At times, Oscar also qualifies.
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