Fire and Ice (animation)
Fire and Ice. From their stronghold in Icepeak, the evil Queen Juliana and her son Nekron (not that one, or the other one) send forth a wave of glaciers, forcing humanity to retreat south towards the equator. Nekron sends a delegation to King Jarol in Firekeep to request his surrender, but this is really a ruse for Nekron's sub-humans to kidnap Jarol's daughter, the Princess Teegra. But Teegra makes an escape and comes upon Larn, the only survivor of a village razed by glaciers, who offers to escort her back to Firekeep. As Teegra is recaptured, Larn teams with the mysterious Darkwolf to save Teegra and then travel to Icepeak to stop Juliana.
This animated movie was neither financially nor critically successful, but later became a cult classic among fans of the film's two creators, Ralph Bakshi and Frank Frazetta.
Not to be confused with A Song of Ice and Fire, a Doorstopper epic fantasy series by George R. R. Martin. Also not to be confused with the game, or the ski movie by Willy Bogner with the same name.
- Action Girl: Teegra, in many instances. Almost every time she's captured, she's tough and resourceful enough to escape on her own -- before the heroes arrive. She also easily escapes from the giant squid-like monster that nearly eats Larn.
- Aerith and Bob: Juliana is a perfectly normal name, but "Nekron"...?
- Alike and Antithetical Adversaries
- Amazingly Embarrassing Parents: Juliana
- An Axe to Grind: Darkwolf's axe.
- Authority Equals Asskicking: Nekron, shockingly.
- Badass: Darkwolf
- Badass Damsel: Teegra. Her length of time in captivity depends solely on how quickly she can pilfer a dagger from one of her captors, or even just a sharp stick. Once that happens...
- Battle Aura: Again Darkwolf.
- Big Guy: Darkwolf
- Big No When Teegra's brother died
- Blood Knight: Surprisingly out of all the barbaric looking (including Dark Wolf), it is Nekron, who should be the Smug Snake and Squishy Wizard. Rather than use his magic to simply kill Larn on the spot, he takes off his shirt, takes a sword and spars with him for a bit (though he does use magic in between this spar) and overpowers him. Nekron spars him to be rested because he wounded him and wanted to fight him again and he's interesting which doesn't happen because he's killed by Darkwolf. This would explain why a hot babe like Teegra and peace doesn't interest him.
- Dark-Skinned Blond: Larn
- Death World: At many points, it seems the characters can't go ten feet without getting attacked by dire wolves, killer pillbugs, freshwater giant squid, and giant iguanas.
- Determinator: Darkwolf
- Eerie Pale-Skinned Brunette: Julianna
- Mr. Fanservice: The men don't wear anything more concealing than the women, and their musculature is drawn with attentive detail.
- Everything's Better with Princesses: Teegra with the added bonus of a string bikini!
- Everything Trying to Kill You: Dinosaurs, man-and-mook-eating insects, giant squids, wandering packs of wolves... and that's before we even consider the actual bad guys.
- Evil Laugh
- Evil Overlord
- Evil Sorcerer
- Evil Tower of Ominousness: Icepeak
- Expy
- Fan Service: By Frank Frazetta!
- Foot Popping: At the very end of the film, when Larn and Teegra embrace, she does this.
- Frazetta Man: Also by Frank Frazetta!
- Giant Flyer: Dragonhawks
- Gainaxing: Arguably one of the earliest examples, though surprisingly, less than one would expect. They were dismayed to discover they couldn't find an actress with Teegra's endowments; if they had, she probably would have been bouncing like crazy when she ran.
- Good All Along: The Mooks after the main bad guys are killed. It's implied they'll go back to living in the north and not bother the protagonists.
- Good Hair, Evil Hair
- Gosh Dang It to Heck: Averted.
- Grim Up North
- Heroic Fantasy
- Kick the Dog: The first thing the sub-humans do when they kidnap Teegra, is kill her pet panther.
- Large Ham: Nekron! Others too at times, but most especially Nekron.
- Lean and Mean
- Mask Power: Darkwolf
- Mind Over Matter: One of Nekron's lesser but deadly powers after the Large Ham.
- Mooks: Sub-humans.
- Ms. Fanservice
- Not So Harmless: Teegra. Sure, she's a Princess with huge boobs and is wearing basically nothing but a string bikini... but don't let your guard down because of that, or you'll lose more mooks than you would expect.
- Older Sidekick: Darkwolf
- One Million BC: For all it's worth, cavemen riding pterosaurs and everything.
- Physical God: Darkwolf's face shows up in some ancient ruins...
- Raven Hair, Ivory Skin: Teegra
- Red Shirt
- Rotoscoping: The style is very similar to Ralph Bakshi's adaptation of The Lord of the Rings.
- Screaming Warrior: Darkwolf
- Shirtless Scene: Basically the whole movie.
- Show Some Leg: How Teegra escapes her captors the first time round. She bathes in a lake in an alluring fashion, whilst the sub-humans watch, before slinking below the water and swimming off.
- Sissy Villain: Nekron
- Sorcerous Overlord: Nekron
- Storming the Castle: This happens later in the movie but all the Red Shirts bite the dust.
- Stupid Sacrifice / Suicidal Overconfidence: Instead of running away from the approaching glacier, the warriors of Larn's people hold their ground and end up getting steamrolled. Did they really think they could fight a freaking glacier?
- Supervillain Lair: Icepeak
- Transformation Name Announcement
- The Unintelligible: The sub-humans, most of them.
- White-Haired Pretty Boy: Checking the YouTube comments by women, Nekron does have a bit of following. Which is amusing since Nekron doesn't seem interested in women at all, but practically licks his lips when Larn confronts him. Likely 3/4ths of the appeal.
- Why Won't You Die?: Uttered by Nekron.
- You Have Failed Me...: Juliana to the leader of her sub-human Mooks, after Teegra pulls off one of her (numerous) escapes from them.