< Final Fantasy XV

Final Fantasy XV/YMMV

  • Abandon Shipping:
    • Noctis and Iris are cute to some people, but the fact he's still got a Canon love interest aside, she's also 15 and he's an adult, which has made some, but not all, desert this pairing. There is a Time Skip in which this no longer becomes an issue though.
    • Somewhat reversed for the Ignis/Noctis shippers, throws tons of fuel on the fire for them, to the point interpreting Ignis' actions as romantic in that DLC is a surprisingly plausible interpretation. Ignis even is willing to DIE for Noctis, whom he calls "the most important person in his life" at one point.
  • Angst? What Angst?: While Noctis being upset over his dad passing is understandable, it's strange the detahs of family belonging to your other party members dying around the same time does not seem to phase them that much, though given their families are all retainers to the Crown, they might have been long prepared for that.
  • Anticlimax Boss:
    • While the game does scale to some extent, it's still possible to Level Grind until you are far more powerful than many bosses.
    • Episode Prompto's final boss will likely give anyone who is a veteran of Rail Shooter games little trouble, given it uses all the tactics you'd expect, you have unlimited ammo, and with a modest bit of skill you can suffer no damage or very little at best by the end.
  • Ass Pull: Episode Ignis allowing an alternate ending where the Big Bad dies without The Hero Dies comes off as this, doesn't help Word of God on the Plot Holes is rather vague.
  • Author's Saving Throw:
    • This game underwent so much change from Final Fantasy Versus XIII to what it actually was released as that it's point of contention as to whether what was actually released better than most of what stayed on the cutting room floor. Some argue what we got was better, some argue it was worse in some ways, and some are just happy the game released at all.
    • Character switching was not possible in initial versions of Final Fantasy XV despite being a feature since it was first announced in its prototype stages. Added back in since the 1.20 patches though.
  • Base Breaking Character:
  • Cargo Ship:
    • The Regalia and the Chocobros.
    • Gladio and Cup Noodles is even worse, given how he goes on an absurdly philosophical rant at one point how you have to bust your ass to get the perfect ingredients to make it taste just right, and the quests to do so come off as overkill no matter what route you choose to do this.
  • Demonic Spiders: Red Giants. Iron Giants are scary until you realize they are surprisingly slow and predictable and can be easily beaten to death for a lot of EXP. If you that though, Red Giants will replace them until the next morning, are far tougher, and resist everything but Light damage. Gets doubly annoying if you get a quest at night, kill an Iron Giant enroute to it, then you have to wait till morning before trying again because a Red Giant is at your destination.
  • Evil Is Cool: Ardyn sure does seem to make some people appreciate how much fun he has being an asshole.
  • Evil Is Sexy: Ardyn, for the fangirls who go for the Sharp-Dressed Man with the snappy fedora who revels in being an absolute dick and still drool over him anyway.
  • Foe Yay: Aranea must have broken some record, since her very first line is calling Noctis a pretty boy right in his face, after failing (or deliberately failing) to kill him.
  • Good Bad Bugs: Several.
    • A simple glitch allowed Aranea to be a permanent party member in early game releases. Removed in a later patch, though she does show up as an ally and training partner later regardless.
    • Sometimes the animation will have hilarious spazout moments, such as Noctis leaving the Regalia into midair before settling back down on actual ground. Ignis will also occasionally have his head act like he's possessed at some points.
  • Strangled by the Red String: How some feel about the Noctis/Lunafreya pairing, feeling it was set up rather weakly and focuses more on telling us they are in love than giving many examples proving it. Other cite the lack of focus it gets even if you do accept it's Canon, making it seem more a cliche than something that developed organically.

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