< Final Fantasy VII

Final Fantasy VII/Fridge

Fridge Horror

  • Final Fantasy VII has the Lifestream. From the Lifestream, all things originate, and to it all things return. Meaning people are knitted together from spare fragments of spirit energy, go live in a crappy world, then when they die, their spirit and consciousness is completely dissolved bit by bit and the cycle starts again. Then there's the fact that even as a living being, contact with raw Lifestream results in mutations, insanity, and other unspeakable things.
    • Also, that lightbulb in your room? Powered by your dead grandfather's soul courtesy the ShinRa Electric Power Company.
      • Also, what happens to Grandpa's soul once it has been used to power that light bulb? Is it thoroughly spent? Is it trapped somewhere? Think about it. Or better yet, don't.
      • Not exactly Fridge, since there's a cutscene where Bugenhagen shows you a simulation/vision of all the Lifestream drained from the world, leaving it a lifeless rock...
    • Natural materia is quite rare, and with good reason: it's formed from the condensation of Mako over the course of many many years. Materia can be manufactured too, though it's said that man-made materia is less powerful than natural. Materia allows you to focus and call upon the powers of the land, or so they say. No matter how you slice it though, materia is spirit energy balled up into a crystal and used to perform magic. If you've ever used materia, you're a necromancer.
    • Another spooky thing about Midgar: We all remember the scene where ShinRa blows up the support beam holding up Sector 7, right? And how Reno mentions how its self-destruct is set to go off if anyone messes with it too much...while this was undoubtedly to prevent anyone from messing with it once they'd set it to get ready to blow, this opens a whole other can of worms. Think about it: A team of 8 people could get to each tower's control unit, goof around mindlessly a few times, and completely wipe out the entire city.
      • What he's saying is that if the heroes mess with the self-destruct that he just activated it will go off. Not that if anyone just futzes around with the console on a normal day it'd go off. That'd just be stupid. He's describing the current, specific circumstances, not how it always works.
      • Hell, just to take that bit of FH one step further: Why the hell were the primary support beams designed to be able to self-destruct in the first place!? Thank goodness nobody in this world thinks like that when designing major cities....umm, they don't, right?
        • Worse still: A member of your party is Shinra's Head of Urban Development!
      • Even worst; when ShinRa caused the plate to fall they killed two towns worth of people just to get at a group of six. This at first sounds like ShinRa holding a Villain Ball, until you realize how Mako works; they were refueling.
    • Aerith works as a flower girl. Sweet and innocent, right? Until you find out that "flower girl" has been used as a euphemism for "prostitute" in certain cultures, including China, and you think about where she works, and wonder if her price of 1 gil a bloom is enough to make the rent, and think about how readily she agreed to date Cloud, and how comfortable she was pretending to work at the Honey Bee Inn, and...well, it's WMG, but let's just say the poor girl might have had more than aphids to worry about...
      • If you talk to some of the men outside the Honeybee INN after Cloud enjoyed the company of 20 burly men (or just had a freak out, depending on which room you went in), you find out that Aeris sold some flowers to them for 500 gil. Maybe not a prostitute, but definitely a tease.
    • She's not a prostitute. She's a flower girl.
      • Whatever you say.
      • You appear to miss the part where "flower girl" is a euphemism for prostitution. That alone implies Aerith worked as a prostitute, not taking into accord the other evidence mentioned above.
    • Remember the scene where Sephiroth stabs Aerith?well Game Theory did an episode on it...
      • Building off of that, in the film sequel Advent Children, the villains bring all the sick kids to the Forgotten City and have the kids drink from the water there. And then you remember that Aerith's body has been down there decomposing for the past 2 years. Ewww.
      • ...Or rather, her body and soul became part of the Lifestream. That water's clean. ...Well, until Kadaj... does that weird black inky thing to it.
      • "Peeing in the water", as this troper's friend put it. Let that sink in...
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