Final Fantasy Legends
A mobile phone spin-off game of the jaw-breakingly popular Final Fantasy series.
Like as Final Fantasy IV: The After Years, the game is released in an episodic format. It also uses a Job System as a base of its battles. The story begins with a great world war ended by the efforts of the Avalon Empire. In the present, two groups of youths meet each other: a group from a small, peaceful country, and a group from the harsh northern mountains riding an airship. When they meet, the Crystals give off a large burst of light around the world, and then the world is split in light and darkness. The game focuses on two different groups, the "Warriors of Light" consisting of a boy named Sol and his friends, and the "Warriors of Darkness" consisting of another boy named Nacht and his companions.
Not to be confused with the Final Fantasy Legend.
The Japanese site can be found here.
An IPhone release was announced in September 2011, and an international release in summer 2012 will occur under the name Final Fantasy Dimensions.
Feel free to add some more tropes.
- Action Girl: Sarah, Diana, and Alba.
- An Ice Person: Cocytus.
- Anti-Grinding: Earlier chapters have lower caps on the maximum character and job levels.
- Artificial Human: Argy.
- Bare-Fisted Monk: The Monk class.
- Black Mage: One of the first out of eight job classes you receive.
- Blow You Away: Vata.
- Cool Old Guy: The Mysterious Old Man. He also happens to be Frey, the king of the elves.
- Crutch Character: The guest characters, particularly early in the game, have elements of this, since each of them has high level abilities in a job the party hasn't unlocked yet.
- Dark Is Evil: Gehenna.
- Dark Is Not Evil: The Dark Warriors. Also, the Dark Knight Job class.
- Gram, the dark knight, counts as well.
- Dead All Along: Gram is the ghost of Sigurd.
- Defrosting Ice Prince: Nacht.
- Dishing Out Dirt: Asmodai.
- Dance Battler: Matoya. No, not that Matoya. Also, the Dancer class.
- The Empire: The Avalon Empire.
- Elemental Powers / Elemental Rock-Paper-Scissors: Air, earth, fire, water, ice, lightning, light and darkness.
- Empty Levels: Each job has 20 levels. Generally, 1/4 to 1/2 of those levels don't provide any benefit, while Memorist has a whopping 18 empty levels, only gaining new abilities at levels 10 and 20.
- Expy: Sid.
- The Faceless: Gehenna.
- Four Is Death: The Avalon Four.
- And the Divine Generals for the game's other four elements, lightning, ice, light and darkness.
- Fire, Ice, Lightning: No duh.
- Five-Man Band: Just like in Final Fantasy IV, anyone can fill out the positions on the band.
- Genki Girl: Alba.
- Guest Star Party Member: Every chapter.
- Humanshifting: Well, elfshifting. Asmodai disguises himself as King Frey in the Ranger's Tale.
- Instant Awesome, Just Add Dragons: Barbara. Also, the Dragoon job class.
- Interspecies Romance: Between Eduardo, a human, and his mermaid girlfriend, at the end of the chapter, he saves her but gets transformed into a frog, giving them a bittersweet Happily Ever After.
- Jerkass: Vata.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Sol.
- Job System
- Knight in Shining Armor: Subverted twice. Gawain seems to have taken up drinking for some reason... But he manages to get over it and helps the party out.
- La RĂ©sistance: Desert Moon.
- Laser-Guided Amnesia / Mind Probe: In the Ranger's Tale, Asmodai used magic to steal King Frey's memories in order to impersonate him (as well as stealing his eyesight).
- Last of Her Kind: Barbara is the only surviving Dragoon.
- Light Is Good: The Light Warriors.
- Light Is Not Good: Empireo.
- Magic Knight: The Red Mage class, of course. Particularly at higher levels once they've unlocked the Spellblade ability.
- Making a Splash: Styx.
- Musical Assassin: The Bard class.
- Mythology Gag: Some of the names of the characters and places come from the earlier games in the FF series.
- Ninja: There are kunai on the shield of the unnamed knight of the Knight Job quest picture.
- Playing with Fire: Baugauven.
- The Red Mage: No fucking duh.
- Shock and Awe: Shango.
- Summon Magic: The Summoner class.
- Stripperific Matoya's outfit.
- Also, Styx's outfit is something to look at as well.
- Tsundere: Diana.
- Unfinished Business: Gram.
- Victory Pose: Complete with the FF fanfare.
- White Mage: The White Mage class.
- Who Wants to Live Forever?: The Emperor of Avalon does.