milestone one
"Sara is not a slave. There's more purpose and worth to being a slave."
"Everything about [Rune/Sara] seemed off, from the moment I met her. The indistinguishable presence, the expressions devoid of emotion, and the lifelessness...
Every word she speaks, every action she performs, it all feels so artificial and inhuman..."—Ritona's thoughts.
"Rune Zhevitz, the stigma of the Zhevitz family...
...wore a beautifully deceptive web of affections and promises for six years, and swatted it all away in one fell swoop, revealing the truth in all of its terrific splendor.
In order to thoroughly and effectively destroy the family that loved their wild-child daughter, despite all her shortcomings, Rune Zhevitz committed suicide.
Why couldn't she accomplish the exact same task without killing herself?
Because Rune Zhevitz was death incarnate...
and my dearly departed sister."—Rudo
"Oh, I find it oh so fascinating how those with seniority can fancy themselves into senility..."
—Rudo, to Gkrouwlies.
"I often observed people, living their bright, monochromatic lives with a purpose, day by day.
However, I had all the purpose of an empty clamshell."—Rune Zhevitz's thoughts.