< Faster


  • Crowning Music of Awesome: Particularly "Just Dropped In" by Kenny Rogers and "Short Change Hero" by The Heavy.
  • Dull Surprise: Let's put it this way--not going down as one of The Rock's best performances, unless breathing heavily and crying makes you worthy of an Oscar.
  • Show, Don't Tell: The film struggles with this problem constantly. Several incredibly important emotional scenes are simply told rather than shown, such as Driver's father abusing him as a child and his girlfriend aborting his son while he was in jail without telling him, and thus barely have an impact on the viewer.
  • Unfortunate Implications: The film seems to be unable to decide if it conveys that revenge is right or wrong or if forgiveness for wrongdoing is possible. Driver is a Karma Houdini despite going back and killing someone in the middle of surgery, talking to the victim's dead son, and murdering a handful of other people, but Cop, who seemed to be trying to get his life in order, gets the shaft in the end. Why did Driver decide the Preacher was forgivable but Cop was not? He had no idea Cop was trying to get his life right so it makes the entire situation seem arbitrary.
    • Except in Cop's chase getting his life in order meant wrapping up loose ends, like killing the man who wouldn't die ten years ago. Also it's a virtual trope of itself in revenge fics (those that take place years after the original crime) that the avenger will encounter at least one target (usually with a young child) who regrets what happened and is trying to live a decent life, yet gets killed anyway.
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