There are a few characters in Fanhunter so here we have a list with the most important to the main plot. Feel free to add more.
In construction
The good guys
John Konstantin
The leader of The Resistance, paranormal consultant, and has certain abilities with The Pichurrina. Married to Belit and father of John Patrick (a.k.a Jack) and Erika Konstantin.
More powerful than he looks, has a few family issues... and please, don't ask him about Newcastle.
- Affectionate Parody: Of John Constantine
- Badass
- Guile Hero
- Half-Human Hybrid
- Luke, I Am Your Father: He's Alejo's son
- Heroic BSOD
- Magnificent Bastard: A rare heroic example.
- The Plan: The Final Conflict.
- My Greatest Failure: The Newcastle Incident.
- Slap Slap Kiss: The beginning (and most) of the relationship between Konstantin and Belit.
- Smoking Is Cool: Subverted HARD in the novel.
- The Hero.
Robert E. Howard and Conan the Barbarian most hardcore fangirl ever. She was the owner of a comic-book library, Antifaz Comics, until Alejo destroyed it and killed her first husband Paconan. She later joined The Desesperados (the first resistance group). Actually married to John Konstantin and mother of John Patrick (a.k.a Jack) and Erika Konstantin.
Extremely good with swords and other sharp things that hurt people.
- Action Girl
- Badass
- Boobs of Steel
- Dual-Wielding
- Hot Amazon
- Hot Mom
- Les Yay: With Leona Vasked in Dracula Returns.
- Mama Bear: Especially when Alejo visited her newborn twins (his grandchildren): exhausted woman who has just given birth threatening the current Big Bad with katanas.
- Tall, Dark and Bishoujo
- Slap Slap Kiss: See above.
Cels Denbrough
Member of the FPF (basically, The Federation) and one of the main members and founders of The Resistance. Cels is a fanpire, he feeds from comic-books and vhs or dvd covers. Died in combat only to get resurrected by Konstantin a few years later.
- Author Avatar
- Badass
- Bizarre Fanpire Biology
- Cool and Unusual Punishment: Cels Denbrough was frozen in carb...frozen in shit!. Cheaper and easier to work than carbonite.
- Crazy Awesome: Let's see... guy that needs to eat comic-books to survive, member of an intergallactic federation, joining a Ragtag Bunch of Misfits, and died and came back from the dead. I think it fits.
- Our Vampires Are Different: And how.
Don Depresor
Daredevil's greatest fanboy and member of The Desesperados. An accident with a radioactive flowerpot left him blind and with two bumps in the head. And he's extremely blid: no super powers, no special senses, just blind... but he doesn't think so and somewhat always ends as driver or pilot of something. Hilarity Ensues.
- A Day in the Limelight: In Fanhunter USA.
- Adorkable
- Affectionate Parody: Of Daredevil. Justified in what he was a fanboy of the character.
- Butt Monkey / The Chew Toy
- Cloudcuckoolander
- Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass
- Ensemble Darkhorse: One of the most, if not the most popular character in the series.
- Running Gag: Don Depresor as a driver or pilot. They just don't learn.
- Too Dumb to Live.
- Walking Disaster Area: Put him in an enemy ship, tell him to act naturally, enjoy seeing the ship sinking/exploding/etc.
Ridli Scott
Colonial Marine of the Star Hounds unit, founder member of The Desesperados (the root of The Resistance), veteran of a thousand battles, covered in orange fur and sweats acid when angry. Also, the ur-badass of the Fanhunter universe and a Sigourney Weaver fanboy.
- Badass: The ur-example.
- Berserk Button: Don't insult Sigourney Weaver in front of Ridli... Just don't.
- Bizarre Biology: The guy is supposedly human and yet he is covered in orange fur and sweats acid. What.
- Catch Phrase: Let's Rock!.
- Cloning Blues: His "daughter" was created with genetic material from Ridli and his love interest Ellen Replay.
- Papa Wolf
- Space Marine