Fangs and Fins/Characters
In Fangs and Fins, it is often hard to distinguish who is a main character and who is a supporting character, as the page time in the original fic was not exactly shared evenly. Please think before you put a character under Main Cast or Supporting Cast.
The new members of the season 2 main cast have been added to the Main Cast folder, obviously.
Main Cast
Rose Collins
Duration: Season 1 -
The main character of the series. Rose starts of as an absurdly quiet, cynical girl who is still distraught over the death of her mother six years prior. She starts dating a new arrival in town, James Wood, only to discover that he is not exactly normal - though she herself isn't either. She changes throughout the series, becoming more verbose and empathetic.
- All Take and No Give
- Blue Eyes
- Character Development
- The Cynic
- Disproportionate Retribution: Frequently
- Easily Forgiven
- Emotionless Girl
- Hair of Gold
- Ice Queen: Defrosted!
- Lack of Empathy: Early on. She eventually becomes more sympathetic.
- Lethal Chef: If Lewis is to be believed her attempts at making eggs resulted in the Collins' need a new stove. She's right up there with Orihime Inoue.
- Loners Are Freaks
- Missing Mom
- Odd Friendship: With Ben. Though it's a little bit more than just friendship.
- Playing with Fire: Her power.
- Selective Obliviousness
- Took a Level in Jerkass: YMMV.
Lily Collins
Duration: Season 1 -
Rose's older, more responsible sister. Initially she's a very concerned Cool Big Sis, but revels Hidden Depths as the series progresses.
- Always Someone Better: Subverted. Her friends are more devoted to Rose than they are to her (excluding Lewis).
- Apologizes a Lot: Often times, it's not even her fault.
- An Ice Person: Her power.
- Bi the Way: Pansexual, actually
- Blue Eyes
- Broken Bird
- Cool Big Sis
- Gayngst
- The Heart
- Missing Mom
- Name's the Same
- Promotion to Parent
- Schoolgirl Lesbians: With Arianna
- The Smart Guy
Lewis Williams
Duration: Season 1 -
Lily and Rose's best friend. He and Lily used to have a thing which he has a hard time getting over. Lewis is a responsible guy, is always there for the girls and forms an Odd Friendship with Ben over the course of the series.
- Blue Eyes
- Women Are Wiser
- The Heart
- Hollywood Nerd: Not to the extent that he was in H₂O: Just Add Water
- The Lancer
- Love Martyr: See the main page.
- Muggle
- Nice Guy
- Odd Friendship: With Ben.
- Romantic False Lead: For Lily
- The Smart Guy
James Wood
Duration: Season 1 -
Initially James appears to be a prefect Prince Charming. Kind of. However, underneath that he's a Broken Ace and a Control Freak who is constantly pressured by his father.
- Anti-Hero
- Apologizes a Lot: In the same boat as Lily.
- Beware the Nice Ones
- Birds of a Feather: His relationship with Minerva.
- Big Brother Instinct
- Brown Eyes
- Brainy Brunette: Implied.
- Butt Monkey
- Extra Ore Dinary: His power, discovered on his 18th birthday
- Friendly Neighborhood Vampire
- Missing Mom
- Nice Guy
- Parental Favoritism: See the main page.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: James is the blue to Ben's red.
- Sibling Rivalry
Benjamin "Ben" Wood
Duration: Season 1 -
Ben starts off as a perverted, Jerkass who Really Gets Around / James's friend. He is eventually reveled to be James's half-brother, and we learn his Jerkass tendencies were a a facade. He has an Odd Friendship with the group.
- Adult Child
- Anti-Hero
- Ascended Extra
- Attempted Rape: In early chapters, he constantly invades Rose's personal space to the point where it probably counts as this trope, however we eventually learn we he only did this to get her to stay away from his family so that his father would not but a price on her head and/or force Ben to kill her. It didn't work.
- The Atoner
- The Beard: He and Arianna spread rumors that they had a 'thing' so that her parents wouldn't get suspicious about Arianna's sexuality.
- Broken Ace
- Character Development
- The Casanova
- Dark Secret
- Easily Forgiven
- The Gadfly: You have to wonder if Arianna would be a Tsundere at all if Ben didn't constantly mess with her.
- Giver of Lame Names: Ben has a nickname for everyone - Rosie for Rose, Connie for Constance, Annie for Arianna, Funsponge for James, etc. He doesn't have names for Lewis and Lily - yet.
- Incompatible Orientation: Kind of implied that he WAS interested in Arianna before she told him she was gay.
- Jerkass Facade
- Missing Mom
- Odd Friendship
- Platonic Life Partners: With Arianna
- Really Gets Around
- The Sixth Ranger
- The Unfavorite
Arianna Cromwell
Duration: Season 1 -
Arianna is ambitious and independent. But she has a secret and is often preoccupied with keeping it. Because of the style her hippie human father and strict vampire mother raised her, Arianna thinks for herself, generally goes against the grain and is determined to follow her idealistic principles and whatever they dictate.
- Action Girl
- Blue Eyes
- Women Are Wiser
- Dark Secret
- Deadpan Snarker
- Hair of Gold
- Lipstick Lesbian
- Liz Lemon Job: Played straight.
- Schoolgirl Lesbians: With Lily
- Platonic Life Partners: With Ben
- Shock and Awe: Her power, discovered on her 18th birthday.
- The Sixth Ranger / The Lancer: She's The Sixth Ranger along with Ben and the new characters by default, but plays to role of The Lancer to Lily and Ben (and the group as a whole).
- Straight Man
- The Three Faces of Eve: The child.
- Tsundere: Pretty mild Type A, she's best comparable to Kagami of Lucky Star (i.e. the grumpy pessimism/straight-forwardness and here deredere-ness is in-regards to loneliness as a whole, not just romance)
- When She Smiles: Lampshaded by Lily.
Minerva Montgomery
Duration: Season 2
Minerva is hard-working and absolutely determined to succeed. She has a quick temper and pushes herself and others to reach impossibly high standards (standards which her three older, successful sister have already reached). She has a thirst for attention, but her only surviving parent is much more focussed on her oldest sister Marie's upcoming wedding. She tries to befriend James, and is reluctant to encourage his feelings for her.
- Attention Whore: A minor example, and it's more subconscious if anything.
- Birds of a Feather: With James.
- Brainy Brunette
- Control Freak
- Curtains Match the Window: Brown hair, brown eyes.
- Dark Secret
- Establishing Character Moment: Minerva moves from generic Tsundere to awkward teen girl with trust issues after she fights with Marie.
- Fallen Princess
- Inferiority Superiority Complex
- Ivy League for Everyone: Her goal.
- Jerkass: Occasionally acts like a mild-grade variant. Arianna has a tendency to call her out on it.
- The Klutz: She falls when just pushing a bicycle.
- Light'Em Up: Her power
- Not So Above It All
- Rich Bitch: Subverted. Her family is well-off, but they're not as noble as the Woods or Cromwells. Her family wants her and her siblings to marry into important families to boost their status
- Tsundere: A better example than Arianna. She's a pretty straight-forward Type A.
- The Unfavorite
Will and Laurel Burke
Duration: Season 2
Will and Laurel are the children of Rose and Lily's father's girlfriend. Will is laid-back, a star on the school swim team and is extremely concerned about his sister's well-being. Laurel, on the other hand, is an outwardly cheerful girl, but beneath her calm demeanor she is unstable and harvesting a massive secret.
- Disappeared Dad
- Jerk Jock: Averted with Will.
- Nice Girl: Laurel.
- The Ophelia: Laurel is a subtle one.
- The Quiet One: Laurel.
- Rebellious Spirit: Will.
- The Three Faces of Eve: Laurel is The mother.
Constance Wood
James and Ben's adoptive sister.
Duration: Season 1
- Cloudcuckoolander
- Genki Girl
- Happily Adopted: Kind of
- Hidden Depths
- The Ingenue
- Killed Off for Real
- Manic Pixie Dream Girl: Subverted.
- Second Love: Lewis.
- Too Good for This Sinful Earth
Supporting Cast
Ash Johnson
Duration: Season 1
Ash is introduced as a boy in a few of Lily's classes who appears to be interested in her and vice versa. Eventually we learn that he is a vampire hunter trying to track down various targets of varying offences. He kills Constance in the finale, thinking she had committed crimes that Ben was actually responsible for.
Byron Lyle
Duration: Season 1
Byron comes to stay with the Collins as a house guest (he and Lily were on the swim team together/were good friends as kids) and resides in Elliot's room. It is implied that he is a vampire that Ash is looking for who is hiding out in the area - especially around Mako. Also implied that he is the vampire who attacks Rose at Mako, and the one who attacked Lily and Lewis a few days after. We learn that he was turned by Elliot.
- Blondes Are Evil
- Demoted to Extra: He never had a huge role, but we do see him having breakfast with Lily, Rose and Lewis at least once or twice, Rose is seen eavesdropping on his conversations and he used to spend time with Lily. Apparently he left the house for long periods of time and this is why his pagetime was noticeably smaller (to non-existent).
- I Hate You, Vampire Dad: Averted
- Killed Off for Real
Jewel Lockwood
Duration: Season 1
Jewel is introduced as a blonde, bitchy friend of James's. The Lockwoods are family friends of the Woods, and whenever Jewel is in town she hangs around with James, Ben and Constance (should be noted that Jewel is intersted in James, though he does not reciprocate). She is horrendous to Constance, and this is ultimately what gets her killed.
- Alpha Bitch
- Blondes Are Evil
- Demoted to Extra: She was initially billed as a major supporting character if not a main character.
- Jerkass
- Kick the Dog
- Killed Off for Real
- Rich Bitch
- The Three Faces of Eve: The seductress.
- Took a Level in Jerkass
- Toxic Friend Influence: A prime example is when she forces James to cheat on Rose with her.
Sofia Lockwood
Duration Season 2
Sofia is Jewel's smarter, more well-mannered younger sister. She enters the series having returned from a trip abroad trying to find her sister (there family did not tell her that Jewel had died. She is excluded from vampire society despite her family being as important as the Woods and Cromwells because her mother had her out of wedlock with a rogue vampire who had recently been changed. Initially she appears to be an antagonist, but it eventually becomes clear the she just wants to save her skin from the Woods/Lockwoods and find out who her father is.
- Ax Crazy: Subverted. It may seem so in the beginning, but interaction with other characters make it perfectly clear that Sofia is sane.
- Badass
- Brainy Brunette: Especially compared to her sister.
- Brown Eyes
- Doomed Hometown: The Woods and Lockwoods teamed up to destroy the town where Sofia's father came from
- Faux Affably Evil
- Start of Darkness: 2.07 "Sofia"
The Collins:
Elliot Collins
Duration: Season 1
Robert Collins
Duration: Mentioned in season 1; first physical appearance at the end of season 1/in season 2.
Lily and Rose's father. He used to work as a freelance writer, but now writes exclusively for a popular magazine.
- Bumbling Dad: He's certainly not stupid or lazy, yet the entire Collins household thinks so
- Doting Parent: You have to give the guy credit for being an attentive and loving father who raised a happy and emotionally well-adjusted daughter to adulthood ... eccentricities notwithstanding. He could have done the same for Rose, had she allowed him.
The Woods:
Issac Wood
Duration: Season 1 -
Anna Pike
Duration: Mentioned season 1; no physical appearance.
Ben's mortal mother, was killed by his father out of pressure from their relatives.
The Cromwells:
Alena Cromwell
Duration: Season 2
Arianna's strict, domineering vampire mother. She is separated from Arianna's mortal father and has never remarried.
Ashley Cromwell
Duration: Mentioned both seasons; no physical appearance.
James's deceased mother.
Marc Clare (Cromwell)
Duration: Season 2
Arianna's care-free, hippie human father. He is separated from her mother and has remarried and has two young daughters.
- Cool Dad
- Happily Married: Just not to Arianna's mother.
The Montgomerys:
Mathilda Montgomery
Duration: Season 2
The third eldest Montgomery sister, and the Black Sheep of the family. Notably, she is the only Montgomery sister who is not a Tsundere.
- Alliterative Name
- Black Sheep
- Blue Eyes
- Cool Big Sis: Minerva does not regards her as such, though.
- Different As Night and Day: From her other sisters.
- Friendly Neighborhood Vampire
- I Just Want to Be Normal
- Wide-Eyed Idealist
- Wise Beyond Their Years
- Vegetarian Vampire: She is the only one in the family.
Madeleine Montgomery
Duration: Season 2
Second eldest Montgomery sister. She just graduated from college (double-major in biology and botany with a minor in Russian).
- Alliterative Name
- Beware the Nice Ones
- Brainy Brunette
- Cool Big Sis
- Green Eyes
- Tsundere: Tsun-y side up. Although she does gradually mellow out. Somewhat.
- Though since she actually treats Minerva much better than Marie and is simply kind of abrasive in general, she may qualify as as Jerk with a Heart of Gold instead.
Marie Montgomery
Duration: Season 2
The eldest Montgomery sister; she is marrying Jewel's brother Matthew Lockwood.
- Alliterative Name
- Attention Whore
- Black Sheep: Subverted, she is the only Type B Tsundere in the family, whereas Minerva and Madeleine are violent Type As. Compare Mathilda who is not a Tsundere.
- Book Dumb
- Bitch in Sheep's Clothing
- Curtains Match the Window: She and Minerva look the most alike.
- Ojou
- Tsundere: Type B. Initially she appears mellower than her sister, but they are very much mistaken.
Micheal Montgomery
Duration: Season 2
Minerva's father
The Lockwoods:
Blake Lockwood
Matthew Lockwood
The Quinns:
Beatrice Quinn
Duration: Season 2
Matthew, Jewel and Sofia's mother.
The Campbells
Martha Campbell
Duration: Season 2
Minerva's mother; a distant (paternal) relative of the Campbells
The Nereids
The group of young mermaids both Elisabeth Burke and Violet Collins belonged to as teenagers. They operated in Perth but dissolved shortly after Violet Lange was stripped of her powers and sentenced to live a normal life after she killed another member of the group.
Violet Lange Collins
- A God I Am: Strays into this. She doesn't have a god complex, but she really wants to live forever and is power-hungry so...
- All Girls Want Bad Boys: Her relationship with Isaac
- Ambition Is Evil
- Ax Crazy: Definitely heading towards this trope.
- Bitch in Sheep's Clothing
- Brought Down to Normal: Her powers are stripped after she kills Abigail. Until Isaac changes her years later.
- Cold-Blooded Torture: Does this to Ariadne.
- Depraved Bisexual: Hinted at.
- Even the Girls Want Her
- Faux Affably Evil
- Faking the Dead
- Femme Fatale
- Fiery Redhead
- Floral Theme Naming
- Immortality: And she murders to get it.
- Jerkass
- Manipulative Bitch
- Mind Game Ship: With Elisabeth and perhaps Abigail
- Manipulative Bastard
- Missing Mom
- Mysterious Parent
- Romantic Two-Girl Friendship: With Elisabeth
- Slasher Smile
- Smug Snake
- Start of Darkness: 2.04/the entire Nereids flashback
- Tall, Dark and Snarky
- Unholy Matrimony: With Isaac
Elisabeth Ftizgerald Burke
- Bi the Way: She seems to be headed for this trope.
- Romantic Two-Girl Friendship: With Violet
- Unlucky Childhood Friend: While her and Violet didn't know each other as kids, they did grow up together at the boarding school, and yet...
- We Used to Be Friends
Ariadne Kahn
Ariadne is the leader of the girls (until Violet steps in). Amiable and ambitious, Ariadne has a good heart and is a born leader, though she has a quick temper and is always willing and able to put someone in their place and will interject if Violet is being particularly nasty.
- Alpha Bitch / Lovable Alpha Bitch: This initially appears to be her designated role, but she is more hostile towards Violet and by association - Elisabeth - than she is to the others.
- Ambition Is Evil: Averted
- Defrosting Ice Queen
- Hidden Depths
- Lipstick Lesbian
- Red Oni: To Léa's Blue.
- Religious and Mythological Theme Naming
- Schoolgirl Lesbians: With Léa
- Spoiled Brat: Based on Violet's description of her, you'd think she fit this trope, but she's surprisingly not bratty at all - unless, of course, she's speaking to Violet.
- Tsundere: A minor example. Basically, the only person she is not abrasive in general to/genuinely nice to all the time is Léa
Léa Abel
Ariadne’s best friend. Léa is more stoic than the rest of her friends, though she is reliable and shows a deep concern for others and is more tolerant of Violet than the others are. Until, of course, Violet tortures Ariadne...
- Action Girl
- Ambiguously Jewish
- Berserk Button: She's generally a nice girl, but if you hurt her girlfriend, you should fear for your life.
- Beware the Nice Ones
- Break the Cutie
- Blue Oni: To Ariadne's Red.
- The Lancer: Technically Ariadne's, but they see each other pretty equally.
- Lipstick Lesbian
- Morality Pet / Kick the Morality Pet: She is arguably Ariadne's and vice versa. Ariadne has a tendency to be nicer when Léa's around.
- Opposites Attract: With Ariadne
- Schoolgirl Lesbians: With Ariadne
- Shrinking Violet
Abigail Novak
Abigail is the youngest member of the group. She’s spacey and romantic to the point of naivety. Murdered by Violet
Gabrielle Kozel
Gabrielle is the most conventionally pretty and feminine of the girls. Because of this she worries about being stereotyped as shallow and dumb and compensates by engaging in multiple extracurriculars and trying to maintain a high GPA.
- Action Girl
- Ascended Extra: Arguably. She ended up going with Elisabeth and Léa to look for Ariadne, Abigail and Violet, though her role in the story had been minimal before and unlike Léa and Elisabeth she had no connection to any of the girls who were missing.
- Dumb Blonde: Averted.
- The Big Guy: Kind of.
- Hair-Trigger Temper: She and Violet get into a fight after Violet calls Gabrielle a bitch.
Petra Thames
Apparently she left the group to become a vampire hunter, Lily and Ash meet her in Fangs & Fins.
- Action Girl
- Child Prodigy
- I Just Want to Be Normal: Inverted. Gives up her powers and becomes a vampire hunter. Also becomes a blonde.
- The Smart Girl
Elle Simons
Elle is sweet, compassionate and very forgiving. Most of the other girls see her sweetness as an act, much to her contempt.
- Blue Oni: To Odile's Red.
- Nice Girl
- Those Two Girls: With Odile
Odile Porter
Odile is more assertive than Elle, and really doesn't like Violet.
- Last-Name Basis: She only refers to Violet by her last name.
- Red Oni: To Elle's Blue.
- Those Two Girls: With Elle