Fallen Hero (fanfic)
Fallen Hero is an Adventure Time fanfic by Futanari Is Fail, better known on TV Tropes as Sizzly Bacon. The story is told all from Finn's perspective, but due to tragic events, he has forgotten his own name, and is retelling his account of the death of Princess Bubblegum and Marceline (who... by the way... were kind of in a committed relationship.), the man who killed them (who, apparently, is supposed to be Finn's brother, or an alien, or any combination of the two), Finn's relationship with the man, and how he learns to deal with the recent change of events.
Finn is even given the powers of Finn's brother, who belongs to an ancient order of homicidal gods, which eventually drives him into madness. Finn's... problem, shall we say, experiences conflicting emotions about his... brother? Erm...
Anyway, after some failed escape attempts and some psychological Mind Screws, Finn is brought to his problem's lair and eventually uses the power he is given to sacrifice himself for the better of his world, which sends him into the realm of the people of the order, which Finn had became a member of by gaining his problem's powers through a mysterious stare. After a short stay, Finn is brought back to this mortal realm by his "problem," who decides that he no longer wants to use his powers for evil by getting rid of them altogether. He brings back Princess Bubblegum and Marceline from the dead, and all is tenderness and laughter, for forever after.
Wait, what?
This strange fic gained attention by /co/ when the author posted a few threads about it, which sparked all kinds of strange reactions, as well as some unnecessary trolling, yet it has been met to some sparse, but generally positive reviews on Fanfiction.net, and the author has continued working on fanfics from time to time.
- Aborted Arc: What's that? Marceline and Bubblegum are lesbian lovers? Oh cool, I'd like to see- what? They die before the first chapter's over? Dangit.
- Not to mention, chapter 3 has a plot about Finn, while in the afterlife, meeting a girl and becoming close to her. That was also cut short by the plot.
- Alliteration: Chapter 2 has Finn using this to describe pancakes, of all things.
Finn: I was then treated to a sizable stack of sizzling sweetness. ... squeezing out the rich rations as I really ravished those round, refreshing revitalizations. ... Alliterative appeal arguably adds amazement to this accomplishment.
- The Alcoholic: Finn's problem guzzles down an unhealthy amount of alcohol during his interrogation. When Jake calls him out on his actions, Finn's problem simply takes a quick swig in confusion.
- And I Must Scream: Finn has a nightmare that he cannot wake up from, and is also hoarse in his sleep. Jake is absolutely powerless in waking him up.
- Apocalyptic Log: Before Finn's problem was such a problem, he was actually a great military leader who vanquished the reapers (people belonging to a homicidal order of gods) in a civil war, with many drastic effects on both the Land of Ooo and himself. This was all found in a log of alien life and pre-apocalyptic observations of Ooo done by Finn's problem himself.
- Awesome McCoolname: Archimedes the Atoner. It wasn't even his real name, but you have to admit, it sounds cool. Rufus, his real name, may also count.
- Bread, Eggs, Milk, Squick: Finn's problem's office has many things cluttered around it; file cabinets, desks and drawers, and weapons of mass extermination, of all things.
- Cain and Abel: While Finn and his problem aren't necessarily bitter towards each other (his problem is somewhat envious, if forcing towards him), the things that Finn's problem does to him lead one to wonder just what is his problem.
- Closet Shuffle: Finn's problem hides in Marceline's house in what else.
- Cloudcuckoolander: Finn's problem is... a loony. He never takes any situation seriously unless he's pushed over his limit, and interrogates Finn while drinking heavily.
- Cool Bike: Finn is given a motorcycle in his journey of escaping his problem. Eventually, it is destroyed during his Face Heel Turn, but it is soon replaced by an even cooler bike, with machine guns, flamethrowers, thrusters, and the ability to destroy anything in its sight.
- Curb Stomp Battle: The Reaper War. While the Reapers are horribly outnumbered, they at least have an incredible advantage in terms of strength and ability. A vast majority of Finn's problems cavalry are already dead by the time only a few Reapers stand. It doesn't help that this war lead to a state of political and economic turmoil afterwards.
- Driven to Suicide: Finn's problem's personal secretary hanged herself after he used "the stare" on her.
- Good All Along: Finn's problem was possessed the whole time.
- Gratuitous Spanish: "Mi hermano" seems to be a catchphrase of Finn's problem, almost a pet-name.
- Heroic Sacrifice: Finn uses his powers to kill himself in regret, which evokes a My God, What Have I Done? from his problem.
- I Lied: After Finn goes on a murderous rampage while possessed, Finn's problem agrees to keep them out of trouble legally. The next morning, he then reveals that he reported Finn to the local police as a way of "becoming a better person."
- Infant Immortality: Averted brutally in the Apocalyptic Log of the Reaper War. Men, women, and children fight against the reapers and just barely come out the victors.
- Kubrick Stare: How the reapers spread their powers to one another. Also counts as Mind Rape, as Finn's problem so describes it in his diary.
- Mind Rape: The reapers' stare is described in this in Finn's problem's Apocalyptic Log, both literally and figuratively, in that it serves as a way of passing on the legacy, which is, in essence, reproduction, and thus, can be considered rape.
- My God, What Have I Done?: The reasoning for Finn's problem's Heel Face Turn.
- The Nameless: Finn is never referred to by name in the story, except for near the end when he finally recollects who he was. For that matter, neither was his problem, save for a brief mention during Finn's stay in the underworld. His real name, however, was said at the very end of the fanfic.
- No, Mr. Bond, I Expect You to Dine: What does the villain do when he finally has Finn in his power? Bring him to his lair and prepare him a ham dinner. Um... okay?
- Pietà Plagiarism: Lampshaded by Finn, of all people. Interestingly enough, he's able to hold two women in this pose that are already locked in each other's arms, which leads to an Inception reference by Finn.
- "The Reason You Suck" Speech: Said by Jake in the beginning of the third chapter:
Jake: What kind of sick pleasure do you derive from torturing young boys? You're just a lonely, insane, desperate, psychopathic, conspiring, hate-filled waste of space with no friends and no socially acceptable behaviors. You keep telling him that it's all 'in good fun' and 'there's no running away' but whenever you're right within everyone's reach, where you can freely use your power to wipe them all out, you run away and plot your next pathetic moves. You killed two girls just to prove that your 'hermano' needs to grow up, but you yourself act so immaturely and in desperation that maybe we should just kill someone you love. Oh wait! No one loves you, because you'd rather kill everyone in Ooo and rule in terror than kill some people and have a hypnotized, deluded following. So either stop bugging us and get your shit together, or just go on doing what you do and maybe you'll receive that comeuppance you're desperately in need of.
- The beauty of it is that Finn's problem had no reason not to kill him there and then for saying that, but simply swigged liquor due to how dumbfounded he was.
- Title Drop: Finn's problem says that it's an honor by his standards to be considered a "fallen hero," which Finn then contemplates the meaning of.
- Together in Death: Marceline and Bubblegum die literally in each other's arms. After falling. It's unclear just how Finn survived this fall, though.
- What a Piece of Junk!: Said by Finn's problem regarding his first motorcycle.