Fafnir the Dragon
Fafnir the Dragon is a Webcomic about the dragon of myth, Fafnir,and the people who summon him for their own means. How they use him, of course, is entirely up to them. The comic can get rather political at times, so be warned. Available here
Tropes used in Fafnir the Dragon include:
- Action Survivor: Jon Stewart in the post-apocalyptic future of the first storyline.
- Achilles' Heel: Fafnir has godlike power. The problem is, to use that power effetively requires imagination, which is something that Fafnir is seriously lacking in. See Literal Genie below.
- A God Am I: Edward Catheter after drinking Fafnir's blood. Of course, that's NOT how you're supposed to do it...
- Apocalypse How: Caused by Anne Coulter in the first storyline, via a bioweapon bomb up her ass (no, really). Ends up as a class 3.
- Apocalyptic Log: Jon Stewart made one to chronicle what happened as the country fell apart thanks to Eek.
- Author Appeal: The author of the comic freely admits that they are a bit obsessed with men from earlier times.
- Barack Obama: Is one of the main characters of the first chapter
- Body Horror: What happens to the victims of "Eek" virus. Also the "freaks" (who are, ironically, classic vampires-just cut from different folklore).
- Bond One-Liner: Jon Stewart spouts off a few to the chompers.
- Cannon Fodder: Edward treats his fans this way, using them to slow down Fafnir.
"Well, everybody's dead but Edward has gained an extra two minutes of life!"
- Curb Stomp Battle: Vlad Tepes vs the sparklepires.
- Enemy Mine: In a villainous version, the far right wing of the Republican Party with Al Qaeda.
- Did Not Do the Research: In universe example with Edward "Catheter" and dragon blood. Well, not so much this trope as it is doing the research wrong.
- Death World: Eek results in Earth becoming one of these.
- Engrish: Used by the crew of the Japanese whaling boat.
- Explosive Stupidity: The Pineapple Upside-Down Man.
- Fan Disservice: Joe Lieberman. Stephanie Meyers.
- Giant Spider: In the Eek timeline, Cheney has mutated into a being who is what happens when you make a centaur out of one of these.
- Glowing Eyelights of Undeath: The vampires have them.
- Gory Discretion Shot: Averted. HARD. The comic is rather bloody.
- Go Mad From the Isolation: Afteer so much time with no one else around to talk to, Jon Stewart isn't the sanest man around.
- Hollywood Acid: Rush Limbaugh gets this power.
- Immune to Bullets: As a magical creature, Fafnir is more or less immune to anything that isn't magical.
- Impaled with Extreme Prejudice: Done by Vlad tepes to the sparklepires. Consider who he is, it's not exactly surprising.
- Jerk Jock: Edward "Catheter" comes across alot like this.
- Killer Rabbit: The Frogzerkers.
- It's All About Me: The Twilight vampires are shown to be quite self absorbed.
- Literal Genie: Fafnir. It's not malicious, though-he's simply not the sharpest knife in the drawer, and will take your commands literally.
- Lovecraftian Superpower: What Cheney and Limbaugh end up with as a result of Eek.
- MacGuffin: Any peice of Fafnir's hoard can be used to summon him for nine days and nine nights. After which, he gets it back and leaves.
- Macross Missile Massacre: Done by, of all things, a whaling ship (with harpoons)...to almost no effect.
- Mind Control: Intended goal of Dick Cheney and Rush Limbaugh, via virus. Doesn't work as intended...
- More Dakka: Used by the Micheal Bay Saguinites...to no effect.
- Mugging the Monster: Surprising, not used literally. Played Straight, however, by the Twilight vampires, who attack a woman who owns a frog farm. Problem? For one, the farm is also a Medieval Weapons Museum. For another, the frogs are Killer Rabbit Frogzerkers.
- No Celebrities Were Harmed: AVERTED. The only time when someone's real name has not been used was in the Bloodsuckers are Not Sexy Chapter, and even then only for the fictional characters.
- Offscreen Moment of Awesome: Vlad Tepes curbstomping the sparklepires.
- Our Dragons Are Different: In-Universe example. Every dragon is different from each other, although to date none other than Fafnir have made an appearance.
- Our Presidents Are Different: Obama becomes a bit of a President Action during the first arc.
- Our Vampires Are Different: Played with. The forgoing of vampire tradition to create new vamps makes them into classic vampires...from different folklores.
- Our Zombies Are Different: They're caused by brain-sucking leeches.
- Paper-Thin Disguise: Used by Ann Coulter to infiltrate Obama's inauguration.
- Room Full of Crazy: More like Stephanie Meyer's HOUSE full of crazy. Also counts as a Stalker Shrine.
- Royals Who Actually Do Something: Vlad Tepes most definitely counts.
- Shout-Out: To Vampire: The Masquerade in the Bloodsuckers are not Sexy Chapter. Along with a number of other, more hidden shoutouts throughout the comic.
- Speed Stripes: Appear when one of the vampires is going really fast.
- Take That: Multiple cases. The biggest one, however, is the entire Bloodsuckers are Not Sexy chapter.
- Taken for Granite: Happens to Ann Coulter as Fafnir's way of neutralizing the bioweapon-he sends her back to Pompei right as the volcano erupts.
- Tastes Like Chicken: Jon Stewart says this of the harpies from the post apocalyptic future.
- There Is No Kill Like Overkill: How A.R.I.E.L. the terminator mermaid finishes off Stephanie Meyers.
- Throw the Pin: In the "Bloodsuckers Are Not Sexy" arc, one of the vampires is an expert with grenades... only he wound up throwing the pins at Vlad the Impaler. It ends exactly how you'd expect.
- Time Travel: One of Fafnir's powers, and used in the first chapter by Barack Obama and Jon Stewart.
- Torches and Pitchforks: In Jon Stewart's apocalytpic timeline, this was one of the results of the rapid spread of "Eek."
- Trademark Favorite Food: What does Fafnir like? Virgins tied to a rock or pole? Knights in shining armor? Nope! Dahmer's Hotwings.
- Twenty Minutes Into the Future: The first story is set in a post-apocalyptic version.
- The Virus: Causes the first storyline, related to Apocalypse How.
- Your Vampires Suck: The entire "Bloodsuckers are Not Sexy" chapter is one massive tirade against Twilight-style vampires. The one who kills them all? Vlad the Impaler.
- Zerg Rush: Edward uses his masses of new converts to slow down Vlad Tepes and Fafnir long enough for the sun to rise, letting them die almost to a man in the proccess. Also done with the Twi-Moms.
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