Fafnir the Dragon

Fafnir the Dragon is a Webcomic about the dragon of myth, Fafnir,and the people who summon him for their own means. How they use him, of course, is entirely up to them. The comic can get rather political at times, so be warned. Available here

Tropes used in Fafnir the Dragon include:
  • Action Survivor: Jon Stewart in the post-apocalyptic future of the first storyline.
  • Achilles' Heel: Fafnir has godlike power. The problem is, to use that power effetively requires imagination, which is something that Fafnir is seriously lacking in. See Literal Genie below.
  • A God Am I: Edward Catheter after drinking Fafnir's blood. Of course, that's NOT how you're supposed to do it...
  • Apocalypse How: Caused by Anne Coulter in the first storyline, via a bioweapon bomb up her ass (no, really). Ends up as a class 3.
  • Apocalyptic Log: Jon Stewart made one to chronicle what happened as the country fell apart thanks to Eek.
  • Author Appeal: The author of the comic freely admits that they are a bit obsessed with men from earlier times.
  • Barack Obama: Is one of the main characters of the first chapter
  • Body Horror: What happens to the victims of "Eek" virus. Also the "freaks" (who are, ironically, classic vampires-just cut from different folklore).
  • Bond One-Liner: Jon Stewart spouts off a few to the chompers.
  • Cannon Fodder: Edward treats his fans this way, using them to slow down Fafnir.

"Well, everybody's dead but Edward has gained an extra two minutes of life!"

    This article is issued from Allthetropes. The text is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike. Additional terms may apply for the media files.