< Facebook


Facebook is the first step towards a 1984 environment.

By ensuring that everyone in the world is interconnected, the World's Government can ensure that Big Brother is watching over every profile and scroll through their social and combined network data to make sure they're compliant. By controlling the revenue of FB games, half of the world is engaged in Double-Speak. There is no privacy of information and the FBI has a whole database at their disposal... Soon everyone will be controlled?

Everyone on Facebook, except you, is an AI.

Think about it. You don't know for sure if any of these people are actually real. You can become friends with people you will never meet in your life, weird people who you will never see. It's all part of 'the Patriots' plan to control the flow of information. By interacting with these "friends", they can slowly change your mind about things, until you start to see things the way 'the Patriots' want you to. Facebook controls all information. Facebook is the Patriots.

    • I saw my own brother edit his Facebook account, so Jossed.
      • Most people I friend, I've met in Real Life, so reJossed.

Facebook was created by aliens in order to gather as much information about humanity as possible in future preparation for a full-scale alien invasion.

By collecting all the social and private data about the human race, the aliens can infiltrate our database systems. This will ensure that the aliens will have an easier time learning about their own enemy. By doing so, humankind shall cause their own downfall... And it's all thanks to logging in... The true creator of Facebook might be the official 'spokesperson' of the aliens in a human body as we cannot comprehend their true selves and the humans will Go Mad from the Revelation...

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