< Fable III


  • Alas, Poor Villain: If you choose to execute Logan.
  • Complete Monster: Good GOD, the Crawler. Massacred damn near all of Aurora, drove Logan insane after killing his army, assaults and almost destroys Walter and then tries doing the same to you, succeeding to a lesser degree. It will then kill most of Albion unless you can fund the army needed to drive it off, and even if you do it possesses Walter, forcing you to kill him in order to give it the Karmic Death it deserves.
  • Crazy Awesome:
    • Sabine. He just loves blowing things up.
    • The Hero of Brightwall in the third game can be this as a monarch. As one achievement is to make a royal decree while dressed as a chicken, this is highly likely to come up for most gamers at least once.
      • That's one of the best ways you the player can create Narm.
  • Disappointing Last Level: The build-up to the Crawler invasion takes an enormous amount of time and money if you want to do it the good way, but the invasion level itself is extremely short and culminates with an easy boss fight.
  • Ensemble Darkhorse: She only appeared in one trailer and the opening, but the Rebellious Chicken captured the hearts of all who knew her. Rest in peace, noble chicken - you shall be avenged.
    • Not Quite Dead - A black soot chicken scurries out of the kitchen at the beginning of the play-through. If you have the patience to follow her long enough, she leads you to a silver key chest in the garden.
  • Fridge Brilliance: Logan's monlogue about how Albion is his to mold and shape sounds evil at first, till you realize that his threats are actually facts based on when the Crawler arrives and slaughters all of Albion.
    • More specifically, that Albion is his and the people will do what he says or they will die. He's more right than you could possibly think, and NOT in the figurtive sense either. It's just that he's not going to be the one to kill them.
  • Good Bad Bugs: When the Hero has sex, it doesn't stop other NPCs from playing their standard interaction dialogue if they wander in the room. Having your child demand a toy or your wife coo "Oooooh, nice doggie!" during sex is absolutely hilarious. Although, your son screeching "I want to come, too!" shortly after your wife's first moan during the blackout can be... somewhat disturbing.
  • Iron Woobie: Supremely. The game really gives Walter hell.
  • Moment of Awesome: Technically speaking, Jonathan Ross gets killed by Balverines while Stephen Fry smugly ignores his cries for help.
  • Moral Event Horizon: The player can cross it by ruling Albion like a tyrant, then taking the money he/she gained over the year for said deeds and hoarding it as personal wealth, leaving Albion completely exposed to the Crawler attack.
  • Player Punch: Walter.... "tell me how to be a hero"...
  • Rewatch Bonus: There's a short cutscene early in III where Logan scowls over a map of Albion and makes typical tyrant threats ("These cities will bow to my will, or they will burn"). Once you learn of the Crawler and Logan's true motives, this scene comes across completely differently.
  • The Scrappy: Hobson
  • They Changed It, Now It Sucks: Fable III's streamlining of quite a few of its predecessor's features, especially its combat system. Which wasn't exactly the most complex to begin with either.
  • Villain Decay: The Crawler is introduced as a formidable Eldritch Abomination with a dungeon crawl that manages to get genuinely scary. The end fight against the possessed Walter... yeah, not so much.
  • The Woobie: Professor Faraday. Imprisoned by Logan for refusing to turn his machines into war weapons and forced to see his life's work changed into something he never wanted.
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