< FaCe ThE StRaNgE


They tuned it on and the Special Olympics was on. There was a boy/little girl tansvesite THING on the Telly and it had greasy barack hair and a butt chin and was ugly and clearly the most retarded of them all. It was flopping around like a crazy penis because it’s the most retardedest and cant right write.

Della was at a lost for words. She was a virgin and did not know about dicks and it was her first time having a penis.

She wanted him to come back and see treason, because she saw from the way Bella’s eyes were gourged out that she did not know, but then she remembered Bella was a cunt and told Edward, “I think we should kill them both…”

  • Nausea Fuel
  • No Yay: Among Dally's "dream cast" in the Maury portion is Shadow. It's never clarified whether it's her son or the hedgehog, but considering the latter was Killed Off for Real...
  • Possession Sue: Hiei is twisted into a sex-hungry Love Interest who lives to screw Dally.
  • Purity Sue: Dally can do no wrong and is loved by all.
  • Relationship Sue: Dally as the stand-in, vicariously-living-through variety, who is a vampire witch who is loved by all. For the perfect significant other flavor, there's Hiei, who has basically been derailed into a personified sex toy.
  • Rescued from the Scrappy Heap: This is one of those rare stories where you actually will be rooting for and pitying Bella, no matter what you think of her in Twilight.
  • Romantic Plot Tumor: The normal "kill Dumbledore" plot is crummy enough, but the Love Triangle involving Dally, Hiei, and Edward (and later Bill, too) grabs the fic and drags it as far down as possible.
  • Ron the Death Eater: Dumbledore is the Big Bad. Yes, that Dumbledore.
    • Snape. Not only is he turned into a rapist, he also attempts to rape LILY, showing yet again that Dally couldn't give a crap for canon.
  • Rooting for the Empire: Granted, the villains aren't the most moral, but somehow they're less monstrous than the "good guys." It's really picking the lesser of two evils- the Dirty Old Man who tried to (and failed to) rape a handful of boys, or a group of people who murdered quite few characters and gave one of the most sadistic Groin Attacks in the history of fanfiction?
  • The Scrappy: Although everyone in the story is hated to a certain extent, Dally takes the cake. Even her offspring is given a little forgiveness due to pointblank being called a "hellspawn" in the story.
  • Squick
  • Straw Man Has a Point: When Bella's introduced, she's giving a speech about how teen pregnancy is "illegal." If you take "illegal" to mean "not a good thing," she has a point - especially when Delly winds up on the Maury show at the end of the story.
  • Tastes Like Diabetes: Some of the biography and chapter pictures are cutesy chibis. It wouldn't be so bad if it contrasted the feel of the story so much.
    • Shadow's song for Dally when she's in the hospital waiting to give birth.

“youre my honey bunch sugar puff

Hubby ubby umpkins

Youre my sweetie pie

Youre my cuppy cake gumdrop

Shnoogum boogum you're

The apple of my eye…”

“I have em now,” Bellatricks said through a walkie-talkie to Dum. An dMyst. (abbreviated for faster).

  • Uncanny Valley: The only way to describe this image from Chapter 8.
  • Unfortunate Implications: Aside from the many homophobic messages, there's Shadow's funeral, where they light him on fire... Which is how he died initially. Respect for the dead much?
    • Dally gets a second Teen Pregnancy with a grown man, to boot. So how does she learn her lesson? By getting freaking rich from him having to pay her, of course!
    • So, Bella's kidnapped, blinded and raped by Snape, and she thinks it's Edward. Considering this Edward, this says something about their relationship.
    • There's also the occasional anti-Semitic slur in the latter half of the story.
  • Wangst: We're expected to pity Dally, even though most of what she views as "misfortunes" are actually her being a selfish little man-hogger.

Dally started to cry… why was he being so mean to her? She thought.

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