Extreme Dinosaurs
Because dinosaurs that can talk just wasn't extreme enough.
Extreme Dinosaurs is a show, from the creators of the rather similar Street Sharks, about four dinosaurs taken from prehistoric times and turned into Animal Superheroes so they could be used as an alien overlord's minions to conquer a planet from Another Dimension. (Really.) You can pretty much tell everything you need to know about it from the title.
Tropes used in Extreme Dinosaurs include:
- Action Prologue: First episode, "Out of Time"
- Adult Child: Haxx and Spittor. Well, mostly Haxx. Haxx believes in Santa Claus and tried to behave himself so he could get presents for Christmas. He was actually the only one on his team with a Christmas spirit.
- Exclusively Evil: Raptors (as a species, not only Bad Rap, Spittor, and Haxx).
- Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever: The Raptors, in Episode "Tiptoe through the Tulips".
- Badass Normal: Bad Rap, given that his Wave Motion Gun was broken in the first episode, relies mostly on his teeth and the Villain Ball.
- Big Eater
- The Big Guy: Arguably all of the dinosaur characters in certain ways, but more specifically Spike.
- Butt Monkey: Haxx, so many times. Being used as a guinea pig to test the Jurassic Flu virus is just top of the list. In fact, he's usually the first one to be hit, defeated or seperated from the fray. Even his own team mates could be rather firm towards him most of the time. It's usually due to his clumsiness and him being the least smart one.
- Card-Carrying Villain: The Raptors, especially Bad Rap.
- Catch Phrase: "Cretaceous!", "Let's Fossilise'em!", "Let's Carnivate'em!" (We shudder to think what the last one involves.)
- Cool and Unusual Punishment:
Bad Rap: "Do as I say, or I'll pickle your head in the hottest chili sauce I can find."
- Crossover:
- One episode dealt with them teaming up with the Street Sharks
- Another episode had a crossover with Mulder and Scully from X Files. Yes, really.
- Doomsday Device: Various machines, chemicals, and other methods used by the Raptors to bring about global warming.
- Everything's Better with Dinosaurs: The entire premise of the show.
- Evil Laugh: Bad Rap does these on occasion, usually when he has good reason.
- Fatal Flaw: Titanium: Despite being able to smash through concrete walls and break secure bonds, tianium alloys are unable to be bent or dented by the main characters unless it's a plot requirement
- Fantastic Racism : The Raptors refer to the humans as "hairless mammals".
- Forced Prize Fight
- Fish Out of Water: Despite being given sapience and knowledge, they start off very unaccustomed to living from 65 million years ago into the present day. Bullzeye tries to adapt by ordering things of shopping channels and the internet. He repeatedly forgets the things he buys were intended for humans:
T-Bone: Bullzeye, we're dinosaurs. You don't need hair products if you don't have hair.
- Five-Man Band: The Extreme Dinosaurs, specifically in the later episodes when the four-man group becomes five.
- Genius Bruiser: Stegz
- Genre Savvy: T-Bone knows a Raptor ploy when he sees one
- Gosh Dang It to Heck: What do you think "Son of a Brachiopod" implies?
- Grappling Hook Pistol: Every main character has a grappling hook stored in an item of clothing as small as a bracelet in some cases, with large hooks fired from them.
- Hey, It's That Voice!: Bad Rap is voiced by Gary Chalk, who also does Robotnik in Sonic Underground and Optimus Primal in Beast Wars.
- And T-Bone is the ever prolific Scott McNeil
- Human Aliens: Chedra's interdimensional species resembles humans with blue skin and elf ears.
- Humongous Mecha: Monstersaurus Truckadon, a vehicle made and piloted by Spittor in the episode of the same name)
- Dinosaur Popsicle - Used by all the main character to jump from prehistory to the Present Day
- Incredible Shrinking Man: Two episodes invoke this trope, however one was a Freak Accident on the protagonists and the other from a Transformation Ray
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Haxx. has proven himself the nicest one out of the trio of Raptors in the episode "Holiday on Ice".
- Joker Immunity: The Raptors have survived falls, been covered in snow, and even were entirely frozen in ice, and yet are always reunited and perfectly healthy in the next episode.
- Kill All Humans: The Raptors' plots all involve heating up the Earth, making it pleasant for reptiles, but not so good for us humans.
- Large and In Charge: All of the Extreme Dinosaurs and Raptors, T-bone and Bad-Rap respectively as leaders.
- Last of His Kind: All the dinosaurs. Bad Rap is convinced there's other Raptors out there, and no-one has mentioned this to him.
- Merchandise-Driven
- Plot Technology: Usually machines capable of causing global warming
- Punched Across the Room: All of the Dinosaur characters use their tails rather than punching and kicking
- Raptor Attack: The three main villains.
- Rated "M" for Manly: Just watch the intro. Hard rock intro coupled with scenes of muscled-up dinosaurs fighting each other pretty much screams this trope.
- Self-Destruct Mechanism
- Sneeze of Doom: The entire plot of the episode "Saurian Sniffles"
- Stock Dinosaurs
- Spin-Off: The Extreme Dinosaurs and Reckless Raptors both appeared in another animated series, Street Sharks, but their origins among other things were drastically changed when they starred in their own show. In the show, both teams were aliens themselves instead of transformed Earth species.
- Team Spirit Needed for the Extreme Dinosaurs' 'Saurian Stomp' attack.
- Techno Babble Stegz and, to a lesser extent, Spittor.
- Teenage Mutant Samurai Wombats: The Raptors and Extreme Dinosaurs obviously.
- The World Is Always Doomed: Constant threats of global warming attempts.
- Transformation Ray: The cause of main characters' anthropomorphism from regular dinosaurs.
- Trademark Favorite Food: Mexican food for the Extreme Dinosaurs.
- Trickster Archetype: Bullzeye.
- Wolverine Claws: Haxx.
- World's Strongest Man
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