< Exalted


Describe Exalted here.


  • There are dinosaurs that eat opium and piss out heroin. They are called The Beasts of Resplendent Liquids.
    • Several version of the Beasts of Resplendent Liquids existed in the First Age, each being biological constructs designed to do the first stage of medicinal processing while requiring minimal effort. Brown ones eat opium and piss heroin, blue ones (the only other ones known to have survived to the present day) eat more exotic plants and piss the main ingredient of anti-aging medicines.
  • There is country in the East of Creation called the Republic of Chaya, where each and every single person is infested with magical nanites. And do you want to know what is even weirder than that? The fact that it's a real democracy, not a place where the Exalted rule from behind the scenes and let them mortals think that they have, but a real Republic... with the exception of the gods of those magical nanites, who are the ones who set up the country's Constitution.
  • Exalted was initially promoted as the prehistory of The World of Darkness (the old version), and references to this connection were made in gamebooks of both settings for a while, but the idea was dropped, especially with the 2nd edition of Exalted and the end of the Old World of Darkness. There are still some similar terms used between Exalted and the new WOD, like Stygia and Neverborn.
  • In First Edition, the Neverborn were referred to as Malfeans (another term for them from Wraith: The Oblivion). This confused people, because you had dead Primordials called MALFEANS and imprisoned (but still very alive) Primordials who lived in MALFEAS. They dropped the Malfean term in 2nd edition to avoid that confusion.
  • A few NWOD references have slipped in, too. For instance, the mortal creators of the Alchemicals are known as demiurges (the name for those mortals who create Prometheans), and according to Word of God, the Liminal Exalted are basically the Promethean Exalted.
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