< Exalted


  • The story from Glories of the Most High, about the Unconquered Sun. During the Primordial War, he surrendered himself to the Titans in exchange for a single human hostage, reasoning that with so many dying in the war he could not stand idly by while he could do something (doubling as Crowning Moment of Heartwarming - he, the mightiest of gods, did not see himself as more important than a single human being). The Primordials tortured him (and with all the power and insanity of Lovecraftian creators of reality, it must've been torture indeed) and tried to convert him to their side, eventually bringing him to the Games of Divinity to sit at the table as their equal, certain that they could convince him to join them. Instead, the Unconquered Sun bested his masters at their own game, and with the sun ascending in the sky above Heaven for the first time he wrested open the gates of Heaven and allowed for the Exalted to deliver him from his captors. That's right. The Unconquered Sun is so fucking awesome that even when he was, essentially, a Damsel in Distress he managed to shine with pure undiluted awesomeness.
  • Every three-die stunt ever. Mainly because this is why they're three-die stunts.
    • Hey, sometimes they are a Moment of Heartwarming or Funny instead.
  • Return of the Scarlet Empress, dealing with the South: fiendish powers are planning to use a fake Tamas Khan, in order to lure out the real one - a powerful Lunar named Tamuz - so they can assassinate him. Tamuz sees through the entire plan, including the assassination part, in about five seconds. (Of course, since ROTSE deals with multiple potential apocalypses there is a lot of room for feats of epic heroism.)
  • For the developers, Broken Wing Crane. Just the mention of Infernal overflow material was enough to whip the fanbase into a frenzy. The fact that it's named after a legendary (and demonic) text from within the game smacks of coolness. But then you get Kimbery AND Heretical charms (i.e. the "Make your own Yozi. From yourself" charmset) and, well... yeah.
  • From the Yu-Shan book:

On 7 Ascending Water, 764, Lytek sent the following message directly to Chejop Kejak, with copies delivered to every divisional head in Yu-Shan: “It is my very great pleasure to inform you that the Solar Exalted have returned.”

    • To clarify: Lytek is the god of Exaltation, and one of the most senior deities in heaven. During the Usurpation, several Sidereals attacked and restrained him in order to capture the Exaltations of the slain Solars as they returned to him. In essence, this was Lytek giving a massive middle finger to the Sidereals for the entire Usurpation, and for their actions against him in particular.
      • Even better was Chejop Kejak's reaction. After storming over to Lytek's offices and finding him guarded by eight celestial lions and two lesser elemental dragons who only allowed him in after an invasive search of his person, he learned that the Solar Exaltations had started reincarnating earlier that year. Lytek smugly informed him that he'd simply wanted the Exaltations polished up before informing anyone. Not to mention the measures taken to make sure nothing like the Usurpation could happen again:

Kejak’s rage upon hearing this report only worsened when he investigated the assignment of Lytek’s new security detail. The powerful guards protecting the Right Hand of Power were each assigned by different deities, ranging from the three Syndics to Ahlat to Wun Ja, the Director of Humanity. Even deities who were not particularly opposed to the Bronze Faction or the Dragon-Blooded still remembered how rudely Lytek was manhandled during the Usurpation, and the blunt show of force served to show that it would not be tolerated again.

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