< Everybody Loves Raymond

Everybody Loves Raymond/Heartwarming

  • Frank taking the fall for Debra when she tries to hide a family heirloom of Marie's because he considers her to be like a daughter to him. The fact it pissed off Marie was a bonus.
  • The series finale ends with Debra and Ray reconciling their differences with a simple, touching scene towards the end where they reiterate that they really do love each other.
    • In addition, Ray's near-death experience seemed to have the same effect on Robert, as Amy reveals that on the ride home from the hospital Robbie had to pull over for a while because he had tears in his eyes. Despite their sibling rivalry, he did genuinely love Ray.
  • Ray helping a bed-ridden Robert (who was hit by a charging bull) put on a new upper thigh bandage in "Robert's Rodeo".
  • When Robert, Ray, and Frank are going to the horse racing track instead of going to therapy, there's this:

Ray: So granddad hit your dad, and your dad hit you, and... you never really hit us.
Frank: I couldn't, you know. I was always weaker than him.
Robert: Maybe you didn't want to be like him.

  • In "Frank's Tribute", after a massive fight in bed during which Marie accuses Frank of not loving her and not having a single nice thing to say about her, Frank silently gets up and leaves the bedroom. Things look bleak for a moment, but then Frank returns and starts tenderly wiping Marie's beauty facial mask off.

Marie: Hey! Frank I need that! What're you—?
Frank: Shh. I love you better without that crap on your face.

  • One episode involves Ray dancing with Ally at a some school event and reminiscing about her birth. The whole episode can technically qualify as this trope, but particularly the bookend scenes in the present day that show Ray smiling wistfully at Ally and then agreeing to dance with her despite his insecurity about his dancing skills.
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