< Everybody Loves Raymond

Everybody Loves Raymond/Funny

  • When Robert and Ray are arguing over the thousand dollars Ray gifted him to pay for bills (Which Robert used to go to Las Vegas), Robert compares the money to the gift of a chair: "Here, Robert, I gave you this chair. Don't sit like this, sit like this!" It's the voice he uses.
  • Ray strolling into the bedroom in satin underpants, trying to seduce Debra.
  • This scene.
  • Frank singing "I Left My Heart in San Francisco".

Frank: "Thank you, ladies and gentlemen. My wife thinks I'm in the bathroom."

  • Once Robert tries to become "hip".

Frank: "I'm talkin' to you on the phone the other day; I can't even understand what the hell you're saying anymore! What did you call me "dog" for?!"
Robert: "That's a nice thing, Dad! You say it to your friends! That means I like you!"
Frank: "Oh yeah? Well, from now on, I'm callin' you "Jackass"! That means he's great!"
Ray: (enters) "Hey."
Frank: "Hey, "Ugly"!"
Ray: "W-what's that all about?"
Frank: "That's "Robert-Talk". That means you're good looking! (looks at Marie) Hey, good looking!"

  • In "Good Girls", after Ray, Debra, and Robert find out that Marie wasn't such a "good girl".

Marie: "Frank and I... succumbed to temptation once. Just once before we were married! I-I was weak... and I fell for your father's boyish good looks... that was a long time ago. I knew we shouldn't have done what we did! But we were in love. Right, Frank?"
Frank: I wanted sex.

    • And the scene continues to deliver:

Debra: "So it was just the once and then you got married?"
Frank: "It was just the once and then we HAD to get married."
Marie: "FRANK!"
Ray: "Woah, woah, had to get married? Wait, so Robert's..."
Robert: "What?"
Robert: "...Oh."

  • From "Traffic School", we have Robert's presentation with the dummy, "Timmy".

Debra: "Come on, Ray, this was YOUR idea [to have Robert's session be more fun]."
Ray: "...Did anybody hear me say "puppet?"

    • "Timmy" asks Marie to give the instructions on how to properly back out. After doing so:

Marie: "That's it!"
"Timmy": "Ohhh, that's it. (Turns to Robert) She thinks that's it."
Robert: "Isn't that everything, Timmy?"
"Timmy": 'Oh, sure, that's everything. But how about making sure your first-born child is in the car before pulling out of a gas station in NEW MEXICO?!"
Ray: "....That's awfully specific."

    • followed immediately by:

Marie: "Robbie, that was an accident!"
"Timmy": "Remember? A great family vacation, going to see the Grand Canyon. Frank stops for gas and you all leave when Robert's still in the men's room?"
Frank: "How would you know? You weren't there!"
Ray: "We got a real battle of wits going on here."

    • Robert sees Timmy missing his head.

Frank: "Not so funny without his head, is he?!"
Robert: "Come on, Dad! What'd you do with his head; I need that!"
(Marie opens freezer, sees Timmy's head, screams)
Frank: (Evil Laugh)

    • Raymond comes to comfort Robert and tell him it's not so great being smothered.

Ray: "Remember when Mom used to follow me to school?"
Robert: "Oh, yeah. She used to hide from tree to tree."
Ray: "Wait... so... THAT'S THE CRAZY TREE LADY FROM THE DREAM! I just had one four nights ago! So... the jumping canoe guy is..."
Robert: "Dad!"

  • Ray wonders just what presents Debra's past boyfriends had given her over the years.

Ray: "Is there anything in here [the bedroom] I should know about?!"
Debra: "...The picture frame."
Ray: "....THAT'S AROUND A PICTURE OF OUR CHILDREN! (Beat) Waaaaaaaaaait..."
Debra: "They're our kids, Ray!"

    • Another such present was a poem entitled "Debra's Eyes". When, the next morning, Ray takes it upon himself to get some "new, better things" (i.e. replacements for all of the gifts), he also takes his own stab at romantic poetry:

"Debra's Ears
One on each side, like a dainty cup
So gently they hold thine sunglasses up.
So round and nice, with a subtle ridge
There's no bone in there, it's cartilage."

  • Ray just witnesses Robert's new girlfriend do something very disturbing after dinner at their house and tells Robert and Debra in the kitchen:

"The fly that was flying around, Angela killed it, it fell on the table, she put it in a napkin, and then she AAATE IIIT!!"

  • Pat McDougall, on she and Hank kicking Peter out and turning his room into a prayer and Bible study room:

"I'm sorry Peter, but we gave your room to Jesus."

  • Ray and Debra are in Debra's redecorated bathroom complaining about each other's annoying habits, right down to the way either one sneezes.

Ray: You don't sneeze! You try to stop it! You keep going, "Ah-hah-haaaah-NYIT! Ah-NYIT!"
Debra: So I should just go ahead and spray everything like you! You sneeze like it's a big Broadway musical finale! "Aaah-choo! Aaah-choo! Ah-CHOOOOOOOO! Good night, everybody! Enjoy my mucus!"

  • And in the series finale, Ray imagines Debra's thoughts if he had passed away while in the operating room.

Ray: "Oh, well, now I'm a widow! I guess I have to raise three kids on my own. On the other hand, I guess I could start dating again. I need a new pair of shoes. Hey, you know who's cute? Gianni!"
Marie: (appalled) Debra!

  • In the aptly-titled episode "Debra Makes Something Good", Frank "cheating" on Marie with Debra[1], even coming to the house with flowers for her.

Frank: "Anyone who can make braciole like this deserves a whole hillside full of heavenly-scented marigolds and daffodils."

  • When Judy and her friends begin to get uncomfortable with Robert hanging around them because he's acting too "ethnic" (hint - Judy is black), she volunteers Ray to explain the situation to him. His response to Robert's dismay is pure gold.

Robert: "That is so whack!"
Ray: "That, right there. We're Italian, Robert. "Whack" means something different to us."

  • Ray finds his parents returned his Christmas gift, a toaster engraved with a message from his whole family, without opening it. After telling them what it said, Frank, who's not yet fully awake, replies, "It spoke?"
  • Ray and Debra have an argument at his parents' home about Debra cracking jokes with the kids about Ray's behavior.

Ray: "She bet the kids that I would do stupid stuff!"
Robert: "Are the betting windows still open?"

Frank: "Can't you ever just be quiet?!"
Marie: "Don't you tell me to be quiet! I have a mind of my own you know! I can contribute! I'm not just some... trophy wife!"
[beat, Frank looks at Marie incredulously]
Frank: "You're a trophy wife? ... ... ...What contest in Hell did I win?"

  • Many moments from the episode where Debra's divorced father arrives at Thanksgiving with his new girlfriend, who turns out to be a lot older than him. Most of them from Frank, including this line:

"Kill is going to Debra you!"

  • This exchange between Ray, Robert, and Marie.

Marie: Oh yes, keep laughing. But one of these days, you're going to turn around, and I won't be here anymore.
Ray spins around
Ray: Not today!
Robert: HA!

  • Frank is poking his used fork into food after Marie tells him that no one else can eat it if he does that.

Marie: He's like an animal, marking his territory! [Frank pokes her with the fork] Ow!
Frank: What? That's a compliment!
Ray: God, I wish this was the wrong house.

  • One of the show's classic moments, after Marie finally realizes a sculpture she made resembles a certain part of the female anatomy.

Marie: Beat...Oh my God, I'm a lesbian.

  1. 's braciole
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