Escargoancitizen and Friends

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The Mgmt.
Well look here. It seems some weird, talking woodland creatures have decided to invade my Treehouse. This could get interesting.

Escargoancitizen and Friends is a That Guy With The Glasses Crack Fic written by Tyler (geekmuffins), Mosu (abslterror), Mala (malaloba) and another helpful anon or two on Tumblr. In it, a majority of the site’s members are various woodland creatures and plants, with a focus on Oancitizen, who is a snail. And that’s about as much context as you get.

Tropes used in Escargoancitizen and Friends include:
  • Animorphism: If the origin stories are canonical, it would appear that one day all of the TGWTG reviewers save a few transformed into various critters and plants and made their way to Ashens’ garden.
  • Bilingual Dialogue: It’s established that each animal speaks in their own animal-language, but they don’t have any probelm speaking with eachother or the humans who care for them.
  • Body Horror: The Secret Origin of Escargoancitizen
  • Carnivore Confusion: Averted with Bird Brain, MikeJay and Luke Cochrie. Even though they’re birds, they don’t antagonize the insect-based reviewers.
    • Played for laughs with 90s Kid (who's a goat) and Leekara
  • Cats Are Mean: The Nostalgia Kitten.
  • Deadpan Snarker: MikeJay
  • Fan Verse
  • Feather Fingers: Averted. The first main plot concerns the critters enlisting Phelous’ help in writing a birthday card for BushingUpRoses, since non of them have fingers.
  • Funny Animal: A majority of the cast.
  • Hair-Raising Hare: Diamanda Haregan has yet to be seen, but she is most likely this.
  • Keet: Bird Brain and Rants.
  • No Indoor Voice: Rants.
  • Token Human: Phelous and Ashens.
  • Treehouse of Fun: Phelous lives in the Secret Treehouse.
  • Only Sane Man: Phelous. Escargoancitizen fills the role of Only Sane Snail.
    • Hermitcrabthenian as well
  • Origin Story: Malaloba posted an origin story for Escargoancitizen in the form of a Homage to Uzumaki. Sparky wrote one for Bird Brain and MikeJay, which is slightly less disturbing.
  • Plant Person: BushingUpRoses, Leekara, and Speony. However, they sit on the lowest rung of the Sliding Scale of Anthropomorphism.
  • Punny Name: Anybody in the cast who’s been shapeshifted.
  • Round Robin: Of sorts. The anon posts one portion in geekmuffins’ ask box, and geekmuffins replies; she is writing every second part of the story.
  • The Unexpected: Rants, who runs the TGWTG secrets blog.
  • Unwanted Gift Plot: Nostalgia Kitten gives Roses geranium seeds for her birthday, but he doesn’t realize that she;s allergic.
  • Who's on First?: Phelous calls MikeJay a bird brain, and is subsequently corrected by Bird Brain.
  • WingPalm
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