Erma is a horror-comedy Web Comic by Brandon Santiago, about a child named Erma (who happens to be half-ghost) and her Genre Savvy classmates. Updates irregularly, but usually one or two strips each week (except that the last 13 days in October get a colour comic each day, followed by the strip going on hiatus in early-to-mid November). Read it at Tapas.
Tropes used in Erma include:
- As You Know: In this strip, telling the readers how Our Monsters Are Different.
- Character Title
- Crowning Moment of Heartwarming: "Silent Night"
- Literal-Minded and Comically Missing the Point:
- Mugging the Monster: in the strip "Down To Clown", a stock horror-movie Evil Clown tries to capture Erma... Have pity on the Evil Clown, because Erma didn't.
- Oh Crap: The local boys might have Erma Surrounded and snowballs ready to fly, but that isn't good enough.
- Paint the Town Red: Discussed after a fashion in this strip, but never actually happens.'
- Poltergeist: Erma, who has poltergeist powers. This makes her regular dentist trips frightening to everyone.
- Shout-Out: So many that the list is now on the Trivia subpage.
- Show Within a Show: "Warrior Unicorn Princess", Erma's favorite cartoon. Clearly styled after My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic, complete with a nickname for fans ("wupers"). Funnily enough, Erma is exactly the target demographic of the show, but considers it a Guilty Pleasure.
- To be fair, Amy and Terry react as if they've "outgrown" the show when Sidney mentions liking it.
- Stringy-Haired Ghost Girl: The character designs of Erma and her mother are strongly influenced by this archetype.
- Summoning Ritual: Amy tries to summon Erma to ask for notes. The summoning worked but we don't see if she actually got the notes.
- Television Portal: Erma forgot her lunch.
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