Epic Mickey/Characters
Disney Epic Mickey features a cast of characters, mostly based on Disney properties.
Mickey Mouse
Voiced by: Bret Iwan
The Main Character is none other than Disney's own Mascot, based on his early appearances as a mischevious mouse. His attempts to use Yen Sid's magical paintbrush accidentally led to him creating the game's main antagonist, the Shadow Blot, and causing the Thinner Disaster which ruined the Wasteland.
- Anti-Hero: And in an old concept, it changes his appearance: Type III as Wastelander, Type IV-V as Scrapper.
- Art Attacker
- The Atoner
- Badass Adorable
- Cain and Abel: The Abel to Oswald's Cain.
- The Determinator
- The Hero
- Improbable Weapon User: Mickey wields Yen Sid's magical paintbrush, shooting Paint and Thinner at enemies and the environment alike.
- Karma Meter: Subverted. There's a meter that shows whether you prefer paint or thinner, but not how you're using them.
- Jerkass: If you want him to be this or The Messiah.
- Long Runner
- Mike Nelson, Destroyer of Worlds
- Nice Job Breaking It, Hero
- Not So Different: From Oswald.
- Older Than They Look
- Sociopathic Hero: If you play towards the Darker and Edgier side of the morality system.
Oswald the Lucky Rabbit
Voiced by: Frank Welker
Originally created by Walt Disney before Mickey Mouse, Oswald was the ruler of the Wasteland, but since the arrival of the Blot, he is now fighting against it as leader of La Résistance.
- Anti-Villain: It is hinted throughout the game that Oswald plans to steal Mickey's heart, escape, and leave him stranded in the Wasteland after the Moonliner Rocket is built. Mickey's good deeds eventually get him to change his mind. Type II.
- Anti-Villainous Breakdown: When Mickey confesses that he's the one who dropped the bottle of Thinner and unleashed the Shadow Blot into the Wasteland.
- The Atoner
- Badass Adorable: Probably.
- Cain and Abel: The Cain to Mickey's Abel.
- Chair Reveal
- Chaste Toons: Even so, Oswald managed to wind up with 420 Bunny Children. "Lucky" rabbit, indeed.
- Deadpan Snarker
- Explosive Breeder
- Forgotten Childhood Friend/Long-Lost Relative: And not very happy about it.
- Frank Welker: Not that his voice is used much or anything.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: At the end of the game, he gives back Mickey's heart to him. It also counts as a Crowning Moment of Heartwarming.
- Manipulative Bastard
- Motor Mouth
- The Napoleon: If you don't count the ears, he's much smaller than Mickey is.
- Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: Though not as obvious as Mickey's, near the climax, Oswald accidentally breaks the seal on the real Shadow Blot.
- Nostalgia Level: Before meeting Oswald for the first time, the player is challenged to three stages based on Oswald's cartoon short films.
- Not So Different: From his half-brother, Mickey Mouse. Or the Shadow Blot, for that matter.
- Older Than They Look
- The Resenter: And he makes no secret out of it.
Mickey: "I get that he resents me, but --"
Oswald: "Gee, ya THINK?"
- The Rival/Unknown Rival: Created before Mickey, Oswald was always jealous of his "half-brother" for stealing what he felt should have have been his life.
- Royals Who Actually Do Something: The former king of Wasteland, now leader of La Résistance.
- Sanity Slippage: Yeah...
- Shock and Awe
- Small Name, Big Ego: Ohhhhhhhhhhh yes. Just take a look at all of the monuments in Wasteland with Oswald's likeness. A particularly amusing example is the "OsTown" sign... it's just the word "Toontown" with the first two letters smashed and the 'N' turned on its side.
- Tsundere: To Mickey.
The Mad Doctor
From the 1933 short where he kidnapped Mickey's dog Pluto the Pup, The Mad Doctor stands alongside the Shadow Blot as the main antagonist in the game. He seems prepared to stand alone as the Big Bad in the sequel.
- Big Bad/Big Bad Duumvirate: Alongside the Shadow Blot.
- Chronic Backstabbing Disorder: He suffer from this real badly. First, he backstabbed Oswald when he started to lose the Blot War, and then he plans to backstab the Blot the moment he gets Mickey's heart. And he's at it again in the sequel. Guy just doesn't quit.
- Evil Laugh: It is even lampshaded in a cutscene when Gus asks Oswald exactly which Evil Laugh it was.
- Insistent Terminology: During his boss fight, he becomes enraged that Gus continues calling him "Doc" instead of "The Mad Doctor".
- Mad Scientist: He's responsible for creating the Beetleworx, among other things. And he flies around in a hovering snowglobe.
- Manipulative Bastard
- Morally-Ambiguous Doctorate
- No Name Given: While he was named "Dr. XXX" in his original short, here he is simply "The Mad Doctor".
- Older Than They Look
- Robotic Reveal: When defeated at Lonesome Manor, his paint partially peels away to reveal that he himself is a Beetleworx, knowing that animatronics would be the only thing that would survive the Shadow Blot's inevitable draining of Wasteland.
- Villain Song: In the sequel.
The Shadow Blot
Originally the "Phantom Blot" from the Mickey Mouse Comic Universe, the Shadow Blot is the game's main antagonist, a creation of Paint and Thinner that threatens the Cartoon Wasteland.
- Big Bad/Big Bad Duumvirate: Alongside the Mad Doctor.
- Blob Monster
- Dark Is Not Evil: If you redeem the smaller Shadow Blot, he becomes this.
- Eldritch Abomination
- Evil Overlooker
- Fighting a Shadow: The Boss Battle atop Mickeyjunk Mountain. It is actually just another Blotling, merely an unusually large droplet of the real thing leaking out of the bottle!
- Not So Different: From Oswald.
- One-Winged Angel
- Sealed Evil in a Can: Oswald and Ortensia sealed the real Shadow Blot inside the same bottle of Thinner that Mickey dropped into the Wasteland.
- Slasher Smile: Just look at the picture!!!
Gus Gremlin
Voiced by: Bob Joles (first game only) Cary Elwes
Mickey's first companion, Gus is one of the Gremlins fighting against the Shadow Blot, and providing commentary and exposition for Mickey.
- Captain Obvious
- Deadpan Snarker
- Exposition Fairy
- La Résistance
- Percussive Maintenance: Like his brethren, he can fix up a machine just by whacking the hell out of it.
- Plucky Comic Relief
- Sidekick
Animatronic Goofy, Animatronic Daisy and Animatronic Donald Duck
Mickey's classic comrades appear as animatronic recreations made by the Mad Doctor so Oswald could have his own close friends. They're located in various hubs around Wasteland, who have been attacked and disassembled by the Mad Doctor's Beetleworx army.
- Brain In a Jar
- Dark Is Not Evil: Okay, they're creepy looking, but they're nice animatronic toons.
- Robot Buddy
Peg-leg Pete
The chief authority in Mean Street, Pete has several counterparts in other areas of Wasteland, including Small Pete near Gremlin Village, Petetronic in Tomorrowland, and Pete Pan in Pirates of the Wasteland; all of them know each other. He may become nicer (or not) depending on the player's actions.
- Tennis Boss: Petetronic.
Oswald's love interest.
- And I Must Scream: See below.
- Explosive Breeder: 420 children.
- Interspecies Romance
- Nice Hat
- Taken for Granite: What happened to her after she and Oswald stuffed the real Shadow Blot in a giant bottle. In the end, it's reversed.
Clock Tower
The smiling, golden-faced Clock Tower from the "It's A Small World" ride serves as the first boss. He'll try to flatten Mickey with his huge armored fists and arms.
- And I Must Scream: If you defeat him instead of redeem him.
- Ax Crazy
- Background Boss: For most of the battle. If you're redeeming him, you'll interact with his face.
- Clockwork Creature: Of course.
- Giant Hands of Doom
- Ludicrous Gibs: When you completely thinned the Clock Tower's hands and arms, thinner sprays from the stumps. Eeeewww.
- Slasher Smile: In his "crazed" mode. YMMV on whether or not it's creepier than his normal expression.
The Bunny Children
- Amazing Technicolor Wildlife
- Cheerful Children
- Ridiculously Cute Critters
- You Gotta Have Blue Hare
- Zerg Rush