< Epic Meal Time

Epic Meal Time/YMMV

  • Alter Ego Acting - In almost all appearances outside of the show, Harley seems to have the same attitude, but this video looks like the other appearances were simply his personality notched Up to Eleven to maintain the on-screen character.
  • Non Sequitur Scene - Harley starts randomly naming off Kevin Bacon movies and promoting Netflix while making dough in "Candy Pizza".
    • To say nothing about Prince Atari actually making sound effects at the end of the video...
  • Broken Base - "Drunken Mess": the video involves absolutely no cooking; just the guys spending copious amounts of money hiring a limo, buying ridiculously expensive food, and downing many, many shots. Some fans think it's awesome; others think it's the show's jump the shark moment or their Ruined FOREVER moment.
  • Crosses the Line Twice - Their current record for calories is 138,226 calories, and their current record for fat is 6,892 grams. This is from not mostly sugar, but combinations that mostly consist of meat.
    • "Chili Four Loko", using a now-banned alchohol and caffeine beverage in chili that includes some bacon and by "some bacon", if the definition of "some bacon" is all of the bacon in a local supermarket.
    • The Sloppy Roethlisberger
    • "Puzzle of the Lambs": it's a three-headed lamb-based "culinary abomination"...wrapped in bacon.
    • "Mother's Day Special"...just, "Mother's Day Special"...
    • "Turbaconepicentipede": they stuff a quail inside a cornish hen inside a chicken inside a duck inside a turkey, and wrapped it all up in bacon inside a pig. Then they made nine more and stuck them together with bacon "anus to mouth".
  • Crowning Moment of Heartwarming - "Follow your dreams, all you crazy little mother (caw!)ers on the Internet without supervision! Follow your (caw!)in' dreams."
  • Crowning Music of Awesome - They set every culinary escapade to bombastic warrior music.
    • They also now have a special EMT remix of one of their longtime songs.
  • Drinking Game - Take a shot every time Harley says "bacon strips". To make it even more authentic, make sure it's Jack Daniels.
  • Creepy Awesome - In the "Black Legend":

Harley: "You want girls? ...we got girls."

  • Ear Worm - This bit from "Turbaconepicentipede":

Harley: "And connected it to another pig, anus to mouth. Anus to mouth. Anus to mouth."

  • Ensemble Darkhorse: Three.
    • Muscles Glasses, the one guy in the cast that has a backstory, and who does most of the eating.
    • Tyler, who started growing in prominence after "Drunken Mess".
    • Sarah (the girl who ate the Massive Meat Log) popped up in a handful of other videos before disappearing. The fandom rejoiced when she came back for the Angry French Onion Soup.
  • Germans Love David Hasselhoff - Look at the Youtube statistics: Sweden happens to be a large source of views for Epic Meal Time videos. No surprises when it generated the Swedish homage Regular Ordinary Swedish Meal Time.
  • Gross-Out Show - Some people may be disgusted by what they serve up. Viewers beware.
  • Growing the Beard - The beard started to grow in "The Greasiest Sandwich Ever" with the epic music, but the beard was only complete in "The Death of the Double Down" once Harley started to seriously ham it up.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight - The Stinger for "Fast Food Sushi" is "Next time, we eat a gun.". Becomes somewhat hilarious that Harley made good on his promise in "Russian Meal Time", which is full of firearms. Made more hilarious at the end of that video's stinger, where FPSRussia dribbles bullets out from his mouth.
  • It's Popular, Now It Sucks - Some of YouTube has been acting like this, because they have a bigger budget (in part due to advertisements for Netflix and Gamestop) and have collaborations with other YouTube celebrities.
  • Nightmare Fuel - "Zombie Meal Time". The gang decides to look like zombies, there's no over the top yelling or gratuitous bacon strips, the music is actually kind of scary, and they don't even talk. They grunt, moan, and make horrifying noises. The zombie make up looks disgusting and scary, and the first food item they show? It looks like some brains, and it's frightening. Sweet dreams.
  • Memetic Badass - Muscles Glasses, who armwrestles and wins against the likes of Spider-Man, Deadpool, Chewbacca, Boba Fett, Rambo, Judge Dredd, the Joker, Superman, Batman, Robin and Captain America.
    • Captain Australia, actually. Don't worry, a lot of other people were confused, too.
  • Memetic Sex God - Apparently, Harley and his crew stay fit thanks to "copious amounts of sexual activity", as stated in "Maximum Protein Experience".
  • Nausea Fuel - Chocolate and hearts. Happy Valentine's Day.
  • Ruined FOREVER - Declared loudly and often in true internet fashion in "Drunken Mess".
    • "Meat Shield": apparently, needing to pay for bacon makes you a sellout.
    • "12 Gauge Hot Dog" and "Zombie Meal Time"
  • Squick - Some of the recipes can invoke this reaction. "Puzzle of the Lambs" was one, but particular note is the "Mother's Day Special", where they made a "baby rabbit bastard son of a turkey"...complete with a bacon umbilical cord...
    • In the same video, one of the crew passes a bag of breast milk to Harley. Muscles Glasses proceeds to drink shots of Jack Daniels mixed with it.
    • Some of the Erotic Eating is kinda creepy, especially when Harley (who's usually awesome) starts making rape faces.
    • Depending on the episode, guests who eat with the crew don't just eat the meal: they simply smear it around their face.
    • "Zombie Meal Time". Good GOD...
  • What Do You Mean It Wasn't Made on Drugs? - It's not...probably. However, alcohol is used liberally.
    • In "Tequila Taco Night", Harley says that he's been "sippin' on that green and smokin' on that liquor all day."
    • The Stinger for "Epic Chicken Burger Combo" is "Next time, we eat crack". While it seems you're not supposed to take the remark seriously, Harley's stoic expression, coupled with Prince Atari nodding to the statement, seems to imply otherwise.
  • Win Back the Crowd - The "Fast Food Meatloaf" episode with Lights may have been one of these. The episode dialed back on the problems with previous episodes (such as excessive product placement and the actors being complete douchebags) and managed to becoming entertaining again.
    • The "Epic Chicken Burger Combo" even more so: eating a giant sandwich made out of sandwiches can do that.
    • Following their one-year anniversary episode of "Fast Food Pizza Cake", the quality of the episodes has notably increased and harken back to how it was before "Drunken Mess": the return of the epic music, the calorie/fat counter and new meals that topped the last one every other week.

Get the (Vulture Cry) back here and make yourself a lunchtime meal with bacon strips -and bacon strips -and bacon strips.

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