Elfen Lied: Children of Destruction
Elfen Lied: Children of Destruction is an Elfen Lied and Dragonball Z Crossover Fanfic written by LSSJ2 Gohan
Tropes used in Elfen Lied: Children of Destruction include:
- Accidental Pervert: Poor, poor Kouta-kun... no matter which story he's in, he still gets hit with this trope hard. Gohan to a lesser extent as well.
- All Men Are Perverts: Almost every male in Gohan's classroom outside the main characters.
- All Women Are Lustful: Almost every female in Gohan's classroom outside the main characters.
- Apocalypse How: Gohan and Goten end up on the same beach where Kouta and Yuka first encounter Lucy as adults. Early on, nothing is directly stated about what happened to the AU Dragonball-verse they came from, except that it cannot be returned to. But when one considers the galactic scope of the people Gohan's friends and family knew, the fact that they fled the universe entirely places what might have happened somewhere in the Class X: Planetary Annihilation to Class X-4: Universal Destruction ranges.
- Attempted Rape/Near-Rape Experience: After Oniari, who has taken over Gohan's body, beats the living crap out of Lucy, Makai surfaces and makes it abundantly clear that rape is one of the many things he plans on doing to her as he tortures her to death. He's only stopped from doing so by Gohan regaining control of his body.
- Black Comedy Rape: Nyu does this in a few different chapters. While her sexual harassment of other characters is always treated fairly seriously, the situations involved are so over the top that it's hard for the viewer not to laugh.
- Blood Knight: Gohan's Split Personalities, Oniari and Makai. The slipelit Juuichi actually breaks out of her holding cell, just so that she can test her ever increasing combat abilities against the research facilities security. It's even outright stated that it wasn't the first time she'd done so either. And of course, Bando.
- Boring Invincible Hero: It's Gohan of all people folks, what did you expect?
- Break the Cutie: Several cuties, actually.
- Played straight and deconstructed with Gohan. In comparision with the original series, he actually does get broken over his traumatic childhood experiences. This eventually leads to Gohan making several mistakes that result in the deaths of his friends, most of his family and the destruction of his homeworld. It effects Gohan immensely at the start of the story and causes him to be highly critical and over jugdemental of his actions. After moving into Maple House, he slowly starts to get better.
- Mayu is already broken at her introductory chapter. Being raped by your stepfather, betrayed by your own mother when you finally tell her what happened, being forced to run away from your home to escape it all, then having your only friend taken away will do that to you... oh, and said pedophile stepfather finding you after running away. Like Gohan, after moving into Maple House she slowly starts to get better.
- Lucy. Enough said.
- Inverted with Nana. Despite her harsh life in the facility, she is probably the most optimistic girl you'll ever meet.
- Inverted with Juuichi. Instead of breaking under the facilities experiments, she grows stronger, both physically and mentally, to the point of developing a cocky and haughty personality that takes great pride in not only having survived, but even thrived in the harsh evironment.
- Chick Magnet: To Gohan's confusion/embarrassment, he gets more fangirls after he's seen wearing only a pair of swim trunks at the school pool.
- Clingy Jealous Girl: Yuka and Lucy, just like in the original material, show this in spades towards Kouta. Thanks to helping her come to terms with the rape she suffered at the hands of her stepfather, Mayu becomes some variation of this trope towards Gohan. This is justified by him being the only man, or any person really, that she has complete trust in. Nana too, to a lesser degree, and also towards Gohan.
- Curb Stomp Battle: Gohan has, so far, won every battle he's fought in without putting any real effort into it.
- Darker and Edgier: Some of the stories scenes are more explicit than the canon material. One notable instance is Mayu being raped by her stepfather. The scene is described in great detail.
- Enemy Within: Gohan's Split Personality, Makai. Also the Diclonii's DNA Voice.
- Fan Service: Oh boy, where do we even begin...
- Fantastic Racism: Humans against Diclonii and vice versa. Oniari also tends to look down on any non-Saiyan.
- Genius Bruiser: Gohan, obviously.
- Groin Attack: Gohan incinerates Mayu's stepfathers genitals as punishment for raping her.
- I Just Want to Be Normal: What Gohan thinks.
- Innocent Fanservice Girl: In this version, Nana is one. Nyu is still one as well.
- Lighter and Softer: While much of the story is just as dark as the canon material, a lot of scenes are also much more heartwarming. If fact, it seems with every chapter, the story gets a little less scary and a lot more comedic. Although, considering the two series this story is made after, I wouldn't count on this lasting forever.
- Luminescent Blush: When Yuka is forced to give Nana-san the talk.
- Mythology Gag: In one scene, Nyu and Goten are shown trying to fix a grandfather clock. Another is when Kouta gives Nozomi a music box to help her with teaching Nyu how to sing Lilium.
- Nice Guy: Gohan and Kouta.
- No-Holds-Barred Beatdown: Gohan gives Mayu's stepfather a rather vicious one after he catches him in the act of raping Mayu.
- No One Could Survive That: Lucy assumes Gohan couldn't survive being buried under a pile of tombstones. Gohan is quick to prove her wrong in classic Dragonball Z fashion.
- Original Character: Oniari is a split personality who is an arrogant jackass who looks out for Gohan because of his own selfish reasons. Makai is another split personality who is a Complete Monster that constantly tries to break Gohan to gain permanent control of him. Kazegawa is a human scientist who works at the Diclonious Research Institute and doesn't agree with the harsh treatment of the diclonious. He does what little he can to try and make their lives more bearable. Slipelit Number 11, a.k.a. Juuichi, is a diclonious who, unlike many others, developed a cocky and haughty personality. She has great pride in her strength as a diclonious and takes to the humans experiment with glee, considering them tests worthy of her species abilites.
- Proud Warrior Race Guy: Gohan's split personality, Oniari. Juuichi is a slipelit who takes extreme pride in her diclonious heritage and the combat abilities that come with it.
- Rape as Drama: Mayu gets hit with this even harder than the original canon material. It's one of the few well written examples in fanfics and also serves as a plot point of Mayu building trust with Gohan.
- Shipper on Deck: A rather twisted example. Oniari insistst that Gohan should hook up with any of the girls they live with. He's not doing it out of a genuine desire to make him happy, though. He just wants a womb to harbor more Saiyan hybrids and eventually have them interbreed to rebuild the Saiyan lineage.
- Super-Powered Evil Side: Asides from Lucy being this to Nyuu, as well the DNA voice apparently inherent in all Diclonii we have the shocking example of Gohan having not one, but two of these: Oniari (Essentially embodying what Gohan becomes when he goes Super Saiyan 2) and Makai, who crosses straight into Enemy Within.
- Split Personality: Many.
- We have Lucy + Nyuu + DNA Voice.
- And then there's Gohan + Oniari + Makai.
- Twice-Told Tale : Despite Gohan and Goten's presence, the story is recognizably that of Elfen Lied; they don't so much divert the flow as become part of it, and even the divergences keep it within what any EL fan would know; for example, when Kouta allows Professor Kakuzawa to take Nyu, Mayu still questions the Professor's story, while Gohan is outright furious with Kouta - as he might be with a certain also-gullible deceased father.
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