< Elf Only Inn

Elf Only Inn/Characters

Main Characters

Lord Elf (Character Page Here(Jason)

Lord Elf: How are we even still alive?
April: Falls only reduce you to one hit point, they never kill anyone.
Lord Elf: Go on without me, Herman. I am gravely injured. I may never walk again.
April: Look, I healed you. Can we go now?
Lord Elf: Huzzah! I am rejuvenated!

My sharp elvish hearing detects the sound of laughter within my room. It is my duty as host to investigate this and put an end to their enjoyment immediately.


Duke (Kevin)


Woot, aka Wootsayediditagyn (Will)

Supporting Characters:

Milady, aka Lady Sunset Autumn Honey Purity Sunflower Rainbow


  • (instant babies) here
  • (too oblivious to be jealous) here


There's a time and place for chivalry, and this ain't it.

Percey: And none of you lost any items because you were all hiding when LoD was on his rampage.
Duke: Are you calling me a coward?
Percey: Actually... I'd call you sane, but that's up for debate.

April: Did you even ask him why he did that? There must be a reason.
Percey: Of course there was. People make up reasons for everything they do. It was still wrong.

King Herman (April)

Duke's Dad, aka Harry Ars (or Harry Arms)




Lord of Dorkness, aka LoD

LoD: Sorry. I have A.D.D.
Milady: Attention Deficit Disorder?
LoD: Yes. I don't get hardly enough. How many more times do I have to kill everyone before I'm center of attention again?

  • ...

Lilith, aka Lilith_123, aka Lily

  • HornyDevil: She starts in a chatroom for demons and other horrific monsters, and only follows the main characters back to the main chatroom because they insulted her and she wanted payback.
  • um... this

Recurring Characters:


  • Mascot: Was added as an attempt to be this. It didn't really go well for him.
  • ...

Other Chat Room Groups:

The Star Wars chatroom, including the much maligned Ben

  • ...
  • ...

The Goth chatroom, including Gothboi, Gothgrrl, and Slave

Short-Lived Characters:

Lady Juliette, driven away by Lord Elf. Although I think I saw her in the MMORPG cast later, so not sure.

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