Elf Only Inn/Characters
Main Characters
Lord Elf (Character Page Here(Jason)
Lord Elf: How are we even still alive?
April: Falls only reduce you to one hit point, they never kill anyone.
Lord Elf: Go on without me, Herman. I am gravely injured. I may never walk again.
April: Look, I healed you. Can we go now?
Lord Elf: Huzzah! I am rejuvenated!
- "Stop Having Fun!" Guys: Often lampshaded.
My sharp elvish hearing detects the sound of laughter within my room. It is my duty as host to investigate this and put an end to their enjoyment immediately.
- Only Sane Man
- Strawman Feminist, at times, including Vegan
- Left At The Altar here, although only in roleplay.
- Not So Above It All: here
- Unresolved Sexual Tension: With Duke.
- Fan Girl: Over Legolas characters.
- Stupid Sexy Flanders: For a guy playing Legolas. Duke thought he was just Megan.
- Unresolved Sexual Tension: With Megan.
- Deadpan Snarker
- Oh Crap: After he falls in love with Sweet_grrl, he learns she's only 15 (he's in his 30s).
- "Stop Having Fun!" Guys: Occasionally.
Woot, aka Wootsayediditagyn (Will)
- Bizarre Alien Biology: Shown here.
- Improbable Weapon User: A broom. He is the Eternal Sweeper, after all.
- Humans Through Alien Eyes: Elves are so gross.
Supporting Characters:
Milady, aka Lady Sunset Autumn Honey Purity Sunflower Rainbow
- Aren't You Going to Ravish Me?: this is)
- Deliberately Distressed Damsel
- Our Vampires Are Different
- Shoot the Dog: He's not above just stabbing a girl when it's the pragmatically appropriate action. Note that he's playing a paladin.
There's a time and place for chivalry, and this ain't it.
- Good Is Not Dumb: He can differentiate between courage and stupidity.
Percey: And none of you lost any items because you were all hiding when LoD was on his rampage.
Duke: Are you calling me a coward?
Percey: Actually... I'd call you sane, but that's up for debate.
- Not So Above It All: here and here
- Freudian Excuse: Percey ain't having it.
April: Did you even ask him why he did that? There must be a reason.
Percey: Of course there was. People make up reasons for everything they do. It was still wrong.
- Badass: Without armor or weapon, he punched out a shark.
- Sweet Polly Oliver: April's used to getting treated weird unless she pretends to be a boy online. This practice backfires somewhat when she shows up playing herself and everyone else assumes she's crossplaying.
- First hint of her true identity is here.
- Wounded Gazelle Gambit: Not that she tries it, but rather that she falls for it... or seems to, but then turns the conversation in quite a different way.
- The Atoner: here
Duke's Dad, aka Harry Ars (or Harry Arms)
- Noob: Unlike the more idiotic Noob antics of Goku, Duke's dad is merely unschooled in the ways of the MMORPG.
- Is there a trope for being a (knowledge, not annoyance) Noob when you really ought to have figured out the ropes by now?
- Bully Hunter: He stands up to the local bully, and soon attracts help.
- Chivalrous Pervert: To the great embarrassment of his son.
- Eyes Always Shut
- Going Native: He adopts the ways of the troll dolls
- Noob: He demonstrates it admirably
- Spiky Hair
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair
- (stabs everyone - the Yandere description doesn't seem like the right one, though)
Lord of Dorkness, aka LoD
- He explains his problem really well right here:
LoD: Sorry. I have A.D.D.
Milady: Attention Deficit Disorder?
LoD: Yes. I don't get hardly enough. How many more times do I have to kill everyone before I'm center of attention again?
- ...
Lilith, aka Lilith_123, aka Lily
- HornyDevil: She starts in a chatroom for demons and other horrific monsters, and only follows the main characters back to the main chatroom because they insulted her and she wanted payback.
- um... this
Recurring Characters:
- Mascot: Was added as an attempt to be this. It didn't really go well for him.
- ...
Other Chat Room Groups:
The Star Wars chatroom, including the much maligned Ben
- ...
- ...
The Goth chatroom, including Gothboi, Gothgrrl, and Slave
- Slave managed to put his Tuxedo Max costume to work and actually drove off the Lord of Dorkness.
- Gothgrrl turns traitor (apologetically).
Short-Lived Characters:
Lady Juliette, driven away by Lord Elf. Although I think I saw her in the MMORPG cast later, so not sure.