Eko Eko Azarak

A horror series whose main character is Kuroi Misa, a teenage girl with supernatural powers, who fights the type of enemies that leave lots of corpses in their wake. The series began as a manga created by Koga Shinichi in the late 1970's, running in Shonen Champion. It led to several live action films and TV series in Japan starting in the 1990's. The only animated adaptation was the 2007 OAV.

The title of the series itself is a reference to a Wiccan chant; Misa uses one of the versions of the chant when spellcasting.

The various adaptations include the following. Only the first three films and the 2011 version were released in the USA:

  • Eko Eko Ezarak 1 (Wizard of Darkness) (1996): Uses the Ten Little Murder Victims plot with Misa trapped in a school.
  • Eko Eko Ezarak 2 (Birth of the Wizard) (1997): Origin story.
  • Eko Eko Ezarak (TV series, two 13 episode runs in 1997 and 1997-1998). Slowly being fansubbed.
  • Eko Eko Ezarak 3 (Misa the Dark Angel) (1998): Actually the first one to get a release in the USA. Spun off the TV series.
  • Eko Eko Azarak (2001 direct to video): A reboot which departed from the original premise of the series and served as another origin story, sort of a combination of Eko Eko Ezarak and Carrie. Bootlegged but with no official English release.
  • Eko Eko Ezarak ~eye~ (TV series, 13 episodes, 2004)
  • Eko Eko Azarak R-Page and B-Page (2006)
  • Eko Eko Azarak OAV (2007)
  • Eko Eko Azarak: The First Episode of Misa Kuroi (2011 direct to video), directed by the manga creator
Tropes used in Eko Eko Azarak include:
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