< Ed, Edd 'n' Eddy
Ed, Edd 'n' Eddy/YMMV
- Base Breaker: Nazz and possibly Eddy. The former is due to a broken shipping base with fans pairing her up with various kids and haters claiming she is just -- or decayed into -- a Dumb Blonde stereotype (despite May also fitting this role) who doesn't deserve to be with anyone. The latter is either a Loveable Rogue or a Jerkass who abuses two guys (Ed and Edd) that need to ditch him.
- Also, the Kanker sisters, between those who pair them up with the Eds and those who just find them annoying.
- Crazy Awesome: Ed and Rolf. The two of them would not only be not half as entertaining without their kookiness, but they'd probably be incapable of functioning without it too.
- Dude, Not Funny: The "quicksand" joke in the movie. It actually leads to a very emotional moment in which Eddy realizes that he may have gone too far when Double D (tired of the jokes the other two have been pulling) becomes angered and decides to leave the two, thinking that getting clobbered by the other kids would be better than staying with his so-called "friends".
- Ear Worm: The theme song, which is a nice mix of jazz and whistling.
- If you stub your toe and it hurts you know, FRIENDS ARE THERE TO HELP YOU.
- Ensemble Darkhorse: Marie - she has a much larger fanbase than any other Kanker, and possibly, any other female character in the show, probably because she dresses like a punk rocker.
- Plank may be this as well.
- Rolf is also one, mainly because he's one of the few kids who's actually fairly nice to the Eds... Unless they scam him. He also tends to be Crazy Awesome.
- Of the 3 Eds, Double D seems to have the most fangirls.
- And Ed is the one who creates the most memes.
- Epileptic Trees: Ever wonder what's under Double D's hat? Not even the creators know.
- Yes, they do, and cut The Reveal from the movie after realizing that nothing they could think of would live up to the fan's expectations.
- They couldn't decide on an answer that was good enough, so they don't know what's really under there. They had the same problem trying to name Eddy's brother.
- Ed and Eddy make comments about it now and then though. They were shocked when they finally saw what was under the hat in the movie, they asked Edd if it "hurt when he got that."
- This editor wouldn't call it "finally" seeing what's under his hat, since they already saw what was under it back in Season 2's "Stop Look Ed".
- Yes, they do, and cut The Reveal from the movie after realizing that nothing they could think of would live up to the fan's expectations.
- Genius Bonus: Rolf's "Direct me to your music box." Is funnier when you know that "Music Box" used to be spy code for "Radio".
- Evil Is Sexy: Marie Kanker might count due to her position as an Ensemble Darkhorse.
- Fanon: Double D is usually portrayed as blond in fan-works. When he's not blond he typically has very long, black hair (especially in teenage+ years).
- Fan-Preferred Couple: Marie and Edd.
- Also, Edd and Eddy
- God Mode Sue/Memetic Molester: The Kanker Sisters, that's a really bad combination.
- Harsher in Hindsight: In the very first episode.
Edd: Should we feel guilty about Jonny's predicament?
Eddy: Nah! You know what they say: a little childhood trauma builds character.
- Hilarious in Hindsight: "Toast doesn't go in a toaster, bread does."
- In The Movie, when Eddy says they'll never find his brother in the gag factory, Edd tells him "Never say never, Eddy."
- Ho Yay: An entire page for it.
- I Knew It!: Some fans accurately guessed that Eddy's Brother would appear in the movie and be the antagonist.
- Magnificent Bastard: Double D's reaction to the revelation that Jimmy was behind everything in "If It Smells Like An Ed" is basically to call Jimmy this, being impressed rather than angry like Eddy is.
- Memetic Badass: Eddy's Brother, at least before The Movie came along...
- Memetic Mutation: The infamous "Dickie" line from the Christmas special episode. It's frequently used in YouTube Poops involving the Eds.
- Another example is a clip from A Town Called Ed in which Kevin's TV turns to static before the Ed's film comes on. You Tubers edited the part where the film starts to show something different on the screen.
- There's also a clip of Rolf singing in "Hand Me Down Ed", where You Tubers use a different song. For example, Rolf singing Dancing Samurai.
- *whack whack whack whack* "I'm a woodpecker" *whack whack whack* "'cept with dirt."
- "Slide on the soap! Slide on the soap! Slide on the soap!"
- "Really?" "Yeah!" "Really?" "Yeah!" "Really?" "Yeah!" "Really?" "Yeah!" "Really?" "Yeah!"
- "That's disturbing..."
- "Pickle?"
- "Canadians are weird!" Considering the nationality of the creator...
- There are a couple of Youtube Poops that involve Edd making this [dead link] bizarre face from "Mirror Mirror On The Ed". Not as extreme as some the other examples, but still...
- Double D's house blowing up in "Every Which Way But Ed".
- Moral Event Horizon: Eddy's brother: "'Cause he's little. He's always been little!" Said in the context of beating his little brother to a bloody pulp.
- Most Annoying Sound: "Poke! Poke! Why? YEE-HAW!!!" *cracks fingers loudly*
- Sarah's whining.
- Motive Decay: The show began at first with their motive being whatever it takes to get a jaw breaker. Their problem was they didn't have money. Eventually though their schemes became less centered around attaining jaw breakers and more on gaining quarters in general, though one could assume that the quarters are meant for the jawbreakers, along with tormenting the neighborhood and gaining respect, but jawbreakers still came into play from time to time.
- Arguably, Kevin started out as a pretty decent guy who only wanted to keep the other kids from getting scammed by the Eds. Eventually, through Flanderization, he became a MASSIVE Jerkass.
- The writers must have gotten the memo since the final season has Kevin as a blend of both characterizations - still a Jerkass, but a well-intentioned one.
- Arguably, Kevin started out as a pretty decent guy who only wanted to keep the other kids from getting scammed by the Eds. Eventually, through Flanderization, he became a MASSIVE Jerkass.
- Mr. Fanservice: Double D. You'd be surprised.
- Nightmare Fuel: Eddy's brother's No-Holds-Barred Beatdown on Eddy in The Movie.
- Eddy as a "fairy" showing his "ugly" mouth getting too close to some viewers in the episode, "Tinker Ed".
- The scene in "1+1=Ed" in which Jonny and Plank switch places. In other words, Jonny is a disembodied head that can still speak.
- "The Eds are Coming", quite possibly the darkest episode in the series.
- No Problem With Licensed Games: Ed, Edd n Eddy: The Mis-Edventures is actually a respectable video game adaptation of the show, emulating the look, feel and humor of the show successfully, mixed with some fun gameplay.
- However, "Scam of The Century" for the Nintendo DS is widely considered to be terrible.
- Periphery Demographic
- The Scrappy: Sarah and Kevin, mostly for bullying the Eds, whether they're justified or not.
- Also Jimmy, mainly due to "If It Smells Like An Ed". Nazz is also a borderline case at times.
- The Eds are an In-Universe example, though more for Eddy than Ed or Double D. Being a Jerkass with a grating voice, Eddy's also the one most likely to get hate from fans too.
- Jonny has his decent moments, but otherwise seems to channel the obnoxious in your face kids who thought annoying the hell out of others was just playful fun.
- By the end, though, everyone agrees they can hate on Eddy's brother.
- Some Anvils Need to Be Dropped: The movie drops these like a hammer:
- Acting like a douche will not only make you more miserable, but the people you mistreated can and will strike back at you; and not even your friends will stand by you if you keep treating them like shit, as seen with Edd finally snapping at him after messing with him one time too many.
- Trying to please an abusive relative is pointless, and family is much more than blood ties. Eddy learns his brother is a lost cause, but he has way better brothers in Ed and Edd.
- And last but not least, Be Yourself. What makes this anvil work is the consequences of acting otherwise: Eddy acting like a douche has led to the scheme going horribly wrong, the kids going out for his blood, his friends nearly abandoning him, and his brother abusing him. Him apologizing for his own mistakes and dropping his mask leads him and his friends to finally be accepted by the other kids.
- Squick: Ed's room.
- Ed's lunch. It explodes on Double D.
- Ed's belly button doing its impersonation of Nazz.
- Rolf's pig is seen eating sausages in the movie. Yes, it being Rolf, we have no idea what's actually IN the sausages, but still...
- This Is Your Premise on Drugs: The whole show can be summed up as The Peanuts on drugs.
- Tear Jerker: The letter scene and the 'joke' with the quicksand in the movie.
- Plus Eddy's confession that everything he said about his brother was a lie.
- "A Fistful of Ed".
- Edd and Eddy's moment near the end of "Momma's Little Ed".
- Toy Ship: The Kankers to the Eds. Nazz with basically every boy in the cast. Jimmy and Sarah. Really, it applies to almost every ship on the show, given that most of the cast are either children or Plank.
- Ugly Cute: May
- Viewer Gender Confusion: Edd. Very common during the first season.
- Lampshaded by Eddy's brother in The Movie:
"Why is your girlfriend wearing a sock on her head?"
- Voodoo Shark: Word of God says that Plank is just a hunk of wood. While most of the strange incidents concerning Plank could be justified as the insanity of Jonny, Plank's owner, a few things just can't be explained. For example, Plank once told Jonny that Eddy had messed up the kitchen. While Jonny was trapped in a tree far away from the incident. He also drives a bus in The Movie.
- Although we can't be ENTIRELY sure that Plank told Jonny about the kitchen. All we heard was Jonny asking what they did and where they did it, and then demanded to get down, with barely any gaps in his dialogue in which Plank could supply information. Plank could have told him anything. The bus part is still kinda freaky, though.
- The Woobie: Eddy in the end of the movie, when his chew toy status turns ugly.
- Jerkass Woobie: Even with that rather valid Freudian Excuse, his behavior throughout the show is rather extreme.
- Double D is like this in the entire series.
- Jimmy isn't far off from Double D due to his meekness and endless Amusing Injuries, though granted he can show a dark side at times (see below).
- Some fans view May Kanker as this.
- Ed may exist as an Iron Woobie, he puts up with a similar amount of abuse, with the treatment from his younger sister only slightly below that of Eddy from his brother (and unlike Eddy, still has yet to escape from it) but his sheer brainlessness allows him to keep an oblivious sunny disposition of it all.
- After the movie, Sarah doesn't seem to treat Ed like crap anymore after seeing what happened to Eddy's brother by her and Jimmy hugging him.
- That said, it's doubtful Ed's mom is gonna be any nicer to him.
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