Ed, Edd 'n' Eddy's Big Picture Show
Eddy: Everyone loves us! We're finally in, baby!
Edd: And it only took 130 episodes, 4 specials, and a movie, Eddy.
Ed: Let's sing a song!
Ed, Edd 'n' Eddy's Big Picture Show is the 2009 Grand Finale Movie to Ed, Edd 'n' Eddy, one of Cartoon Network's longest-running shows.
This time, the Ed's latest money-making scheme goes greatly awry. How much? The neighborhood is destroyed, and the kids are hunting them down. Desperately, they leave and try to find Eddy's elusive big brother, so they'll be safe. Pursuing the kids, they're the Kankers, who won't let their "boyfriends" being hurt by them.
WARNING! There are unmarked Spoilers ahead. Beware.
- A Lighter Shade of Black: Everybody in the cast at worst ends as Jerk with a Heart of Gold. Eddy's Brother is a Jerk with a Heart of Jerk, beating up his own brother for kicks.
- All for Nothing: The movie reveals Eddy's actions and personality were all done to get his brother's love and affection, as well as to have friends. His attempts led him to become extremely hated by the kids, suffer constant humiliations, and nearly losing the only true friends he's ever had. What makes it this trope is that his brother is an abusive bastard unworthy of any loyalty, making his efforts utterly pointless.
- Amusing Injuries: Surprisingly averted. Unlike most of the other injuries sustained during the show, they don't go away in this movie, which is a bit disturbing.
- Anti-Villain: Kankers this time are a Type I, as they seem concerned about the Eds for once and try to help them (see Pet the Dog below). Eddy is revealed to be a Type II.
- Armor-Piercing Slap: Nazz does this to Kevin in a scene where they are at the campfire.
- Aw, Look -- They Really Do Love Each Other: The Eds, but especially Edd and Eddy.
- Ed and Sarah, although the scene was in the background.
- Audience? What Audience?: Jonny at the end of the movie. Which is weird, considering his Companion Cube Plank has Medium Awareness.
- Bait the Dog: When he first appears, Eddy's Brother seems to be everything Eddy said: The Ace who is kind and willing to protect him. Then all goes to hell when he asks to play "Uncle".
- Be Yourself: This is the lesson Eddy learns over the course of the movie, realizing that acting like a Jerkass like his brother only ruined his life, and has to be himself to be finally accepted.
- Because You Were Nice to Me: This is part of the reason why Edd doesn't blow up at Ed despite him participating in Eddy's infamous quicksand prank. Apart from knowing he's too naive to understand the seriousness of the situation, Ed has been acting like a kind and loyal friend to him, whereas Eddy has done nothing but treat them like shit. He lets Eddy get the brunt of it, whereas the most Ed gets is a Death Glare.
- Being Evil Sucks: Eddy learns this via a brutal Break the Haughty.
- Beware the Nice Ones: Edd and Nazz. Edd snaps at Eddy and Ed for their quicksand prank and decides to abandon them, until Eddy breaks down crying and apologizing, with which Edd is moved by and rejoins them. Nazz destroys Kevin's bike because Kevin cared more about it than her.
- Beware the Silly Ones: Ed and Jonny. Ed curbstomps Eddy's Brother with a steel door after seeing him brutalizing Eddy and Edd; and Jonny defeats all three Eds with little to no effort, and becomes a villain.
- Big Bad: Though it's his only appearance, Eddy's Brother is the closest thing to one when we find out what he's been doing to Eddy all this time.
- Greater Scope Villain: For the rest of the series beforehand, given how he's mentioned all the time but never appears until now.
- Black and Gray Morality/The Good, the Bad, and The Evil: The parties involved are, respectively, a trio of con men running away to avoid being lynched for their latest scam, the kids who want to beat up/kill the aforementioned con men, three bullies/molesters trying to stop the kids and a sociopath beating his own younger brother for kicks.
- Body Horror: Eddy's brother playing "uncle" with Eddy involves him twisting Eddy's leg to the point of extreme pain. Cartoon Physics or not, that is extremely painful to watch.
- The injuries the Eds inflicted on the townskids are comically over-the-top, but there's something disconcerting about the fact that, unlike most cartoon injuries, they don't comically snap-back when they're done being relevant. Johnny, for example, spends a chunk of the movie with a bear trap on his head.
- Both Sides Have a Point: Downplayed. While Edd is mostly in the right in his fight with Eddy, calling him out for screwing things up and generally being a horrible person and friend; Eddy brings a legitimate point in that Edd did collaborate in the scheme and that he generally tends to deflect the blame onto others to make himself more righteous. Thankfully, they make up after this.
- Break the Cutie/Haughty: Every character gets this, but Eddy deserves special mention. Sniff...
- Breaking the Fourth Wall: It'd hardly be an Ed, Edd n Eddy movie without it, but in order to lend some weight to the proceedings they're used sparingly—at the beginning, the Eds find a glass case in Eddy's brother's room marked "In Case of Movie Break Glass"; and at the end Edd gives the exact number of episodes it took to get accepted by the other cul-de-sac residents. There's also the instance of Jonny finding out that he has no time left in the movie to enact his revenge in The Stinger.
- Broken Tears: All three Eds in the quicksand scene, and Eddy after his brother's defeat, coupled with Manly Tears and Tears of Remorse.
- Captain Obvious: When Eddy's Brother starts throwing Eddy against his trailer, enough to make it tip over.
Nazz: Dude, Eddy's Brother is a real jerk.
- Car Chase:A variant, in that Ed's the one doing the "driving" by smashing his feet through the floor of the car, grabbing the sides and running full tilt.
- Cerebus Retcon: Holy shit.
- Cerebus Rollercoaster: Oh yes, particularly the second half.
- Character Development: This trope is the Chekhov's Gun for the movie. After spending the entire series as largely Static Characters, the Eds have to evolve as people and get over their main vices to not only save themselves and their friendship, but also to earn their happy ending.
- Chekhov's Gunman: Eddy's brother. He's responsible for Eddy's entire character of being a greedy, narcissistic Jerkass, what with the way he brutally abuses Eddy in one of the most serious forms of Slapstick in the entire series.
- Contrived Coincidence: The whole climax.
- Curb Stomp Battle: Edd get knocked out by Eddy's Brother by using Eddy as a weapon.
- Ed returns the favor by knocking Eddy's Bro out with one hit by a door.
- Darker and Edgier: To the main series. While the main series is a slapstick comedy who almost never takes itself seriously, the movie is a straight-up Dramedy who cranks the epic, sad and scary moments up a notch.
- Death Glare/Slasher Smile: Eddy's Brother delivers a nasty one to Edd.
- Deconstruction: Basically everything in this series (The characters, Amusing Injuries, the nature of Eddy's scams...) is portrayed in a more complex and realistic light.
- Despair Event Horizon: All three Eds cross it in the quicksand scene when their friendship it's at its lowest point, which makes their reconciliation all the more heartwarming.
- And Eddy crosses it yet again when he admits his lies to everyone at the end. Again, this makes the happy ending all the sweetest.
- Did You Think I Can't Feel?: Both Edd and Eddy in the quicksand scene.
- Disproportionate Retribution: Eddy's brother beats up Edd, with Eddy, just because Edd stood up to him.
- The Dog Bites Back: Edd, after being constantly pranked by Ed and Eddy, magnificently calls them out of their crap and tries to leave them.
- Nazz destroys Kevin's bike after growing tired of being ignored.
- And Wilfred to Rolf.
- Domestic Abuse: Eddy at the hands of his brother, which is taken very seriously.
- Downer Beginning: The movie begins with the Cul-De-Sac in ruins and the Eds running away from the revenge-driven kids.
- Drama Bomb Finale: With the revelation of what Eddy's brother really is.
- Dramedy: This movie is darker and more dramatic than the main series, but it still retains its trademark comedy.
- Earn Your Happy Ending: Oh, yes. After "130 episodes, four specials and a movie!" of physical, mental and social humiliation, the series ends with the Eds befriending the cul-de-sac and finally getting jawbreakers.
- Easily Forgiven: In a way. The Eds are not only redeemed, but they instantly become friends with the other cul-de-sac kids and get defended by them when Jonny shows up.
- Everyone Has Standards: Everyone is horrified at Eddy's Brother beating up Eddy.
- Even Evil Has Standards: ...and that "everyone" includes Kevin, Sarah and the Kankers.
- Face Heel Turn: Jonny after being beaten by the kids. The movie was over though.
- False Friend: Edd suspects this is the case with Eddy for most of the movie. It appears to be confirmed when Eddy (and Ed) pulls a tasteless joke on him, stating he would rather face the angry mob of kids than spending more time with a poor excuse for a friend. Ultimately averted, however, when Eddy cries and apologizes for his behavior, getting him back and becoming friends again.
- Fate Worse Than Death: It's heavily implied Ed considers losing his beloved best friends Edd and Eddy this. He breaks down at the sight of them fighting, and outright pleads the kids to beat him up rather than Eddy.
- First Law of Tragicomedies: In a way. The movie started as a wacky road comedy, but it becomes more dark and serious while still retaining some humor inbetween. Then Eddy's Brother shows up and all goes to hell.
- Foreshadowing: Even though he's running for his life, Eddy takes his sweet time looking around his brother's old room before he finally gets the nerve to enter. If the abuse at his brother's hands was anywhere near as bad as it's implied to be, it makes sense that his room alone would be terrifying in itself.
- From Bad to Worse: The entire movie is this for the Eds, and it's not until the end when they finally catch a break. The kids don't fare much better either.
- Getting Crap Past the Radar: The "sextant" joke.
- Who knows what exactly the Kankers plan to give Eddy's brother (some "mouth-to-mouth") after his defeat.
- Plus when everyone arrives in front of his trailer.
Kevin: No way.
Rolf: Could this be true?
Lee: Get in line, girls!
- Glass Cannon: Eddy's Brother, far stronger that Eddy, but knocked out by one hit by a door. Word of God states this is because he was used to dishing out abuse, but not on the receiving end at all.
- Go Through Me: Ed does this in the scene right after Eddy admits his mistakes, demanding to take him instead. Luckily, the kids weren't trying to hurt them anymore.
- Grievous Harm with a Body: Eddy's Brother clobbers Edd with Eddy.
- Hate Sink: While most of the cast were fairly grey toned (throughout both the movie and the entire show itself), Eddy's brother seems to exist solely as a repugnant bully with no redeeming qualities to bring them all together in their contempt for him.
- Have You Told Anyone Else?:
Eddy's Brother: Do Mom and Dad know you're here?...
Eddy: As if.
Eddy's Brother: Does anyone know you're here?
Eddy: Only these chumps who chased us here.
- Heel Face Turn: Eddy and the rest of the kids (except Jonny, who does the opposite)
- Heel Realization: Eddy learns the hard way that acting like a jerk not only has made him into a hated social pariah (the opposite of what he wanted), but it also nearly costed his friendship with the only two people who truly cared about him. Him having this realization causes him to be finally accepted by the other kids.
- Implied to be the part of the reason for the kids' Heel Face Turn. Especially evident with Sarah, whom after seeing Eddy's Brother beat up Eddy, she hugs her mistreated older brother Ed.
- Heh Heh, You Said "X": Ed and Eddy's reaction to Edd saying "Sextant".
- Hypocritical Heartwarming: The Kankers and the Kids towards Eddy.
- I Just Want to Have Friends: This is basically Eddy's motivation for everything he has done. He succeeds at the end.
- Irony: A tragic case. Eddy has been showing nothing but adoration to his big brother while treating Ed and Edd like shit. The irony comes when it's revealed Eddy's Brother is an abusive bastard who doesn't deserve any of the praise, while Ed and Edd have shown to be the brothers Eddy has always wished to have. The end of the movie has Eddy realise his brother is a lost cause and choose his loyal friends over him.
- Jerkass: Many, but are divided in:
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Kevin, Sarah and the Kankers become this in the end, while Eddy is revealed to have a...
- Jerkass Facade: Eddy cries about how he acted like a jerk to impress the kids and his older brother.
- Jerk with a Heart of Jerk: Eddy's Brother seems intent on playing Good Samaritan to Eddy, but then starts abusing him "for old times sake".
- Jerkass Realization: Everyone in the climax.
- Karma Houdini Warranty: Everyone (Kevin and Sarah especially) finally get their just desserts for their actions during the series. In a weird way, this actually leads to a Heel Face Turn.
- It turns out that Eddy's Brother has been torturing Eddy for years and he loves tormenting children, all with no repercussions whatsoever. Until the end of the movie, that is.
- Eddy wasn't a Karma Houdini, not by a long shot, but still kept doing scams and pranks and acting like a Jerkass towards his two best friends Ed and Double D (who suffered a lot because of him) like it was no big deal. Here, his actions have very serious consequences, with his latest scam destroying the entire town, the kids wanting to kill him, and Edd snapping epically at him and trying to leave. It took a tearful apology for him to make him stay.
- Karmic Protection: Ed in the quicksand scene. See Because You Were Nice to Me above for details.
- Kick the Dog: Eddy pulling the quicksand prank on Edd, which proves to be the last straw for him.
- Eddy turns out to be the victim at the hands of his brother. And no, this isn't karmic in the slightest.
- Knight of Cerebus: Eddy's brother. The bullying is played in a slapstick manner, but the way it is played makes it the most serious and hard to watch scene in the entire series.
- Knight Templar: The kids, especially Jonny.
- Let Me At Him: Lee to Eddy's Brother. Her sisters have to hold her back.
- Living Emotional Crutch: The Eds are explicitly shown to be this in this movie. The quicksand scene has all of them crossing the Despair Event Horizon in tears when their friendship is at its lowest point. Essentially, their friendship is what keeps them going on in spite of the crap they go through.
- Never My Fault: One of the subplots revolves around Eddy and Edd arguing over whose fault it was that the scam went so horribly, but it's eventually subverted entirely, when Eddy tearfully admits to Edd that everything was HIS fault.
- Nice Job Fixing It, Villain: Thanks to Eddy's Brother's beating, Eddy reveals his Freudian Excuse and breaks his Jerkass Facade completely, earning his happy ending at last.
- No-Holds-Barred Beatdown: Eddy gets one from his brother until Ed intervenes. Jonny also gets one from the kids after he attacks the Eds, who the kids became friends with.
- Noodle Incident: The scam that destroyed the entire neighborhood.
- Oh Crap: Double D gets one immediately after the reveal of Eddy's brother as a jerk, and then everyone else gets one when Eddy's brother uses Eddy to beat Double D. That "everybody" includes Ed, all of the Cul-De-Sac kids and the Kanker Sisters.
- And before any of that, Eddy gives one when his brother asked him to play Uncle.
- OOC Is Serious Business: You know things have gone to utter hell when Edd gets furious and brutally calls people out of their behavior, Eddy cries and admits his faults, and Ed stops being The Pollyanna and does something smart for once.
- Pet the Dog: The Kankers capturing the kids to save the Eds from their wrath. Also, after Eddy's Brother beats up Eddy, they decide to let the Eds go and they give Eddy's Brother his just desserts.
- The Power of Friendship: They achieved their happy ending thanks to this. Ed and Edd face (And, in Ed's case, defeat) Eddy's Brother due to their strong friendship with Eddy, and Eddy realizes his own mistakes after almost losing them because of his actions.
- Quicksand Sucks: A brutal subversion. Ed and Eddy pretended to drown in it as a joke. To say Edd was pissed is a huge Understatement.
- Rage Breaking Point: Edd has been putting up with Eddy's bullshit for the entirety of the series. After he and Ed pull a tasteless prank on him, he epically snaps by magnificently calling him out of his actions, getting into a fight, and trying to leave him.
- Reality Ensues: Lots, given The Movie is partially a Deconstruction of the series itself.
- Unlike with the original series, the kids retain their injuries throughout the movie.
- The movie deconstructs when their scams go awry, with the Cul-De-Sac being nearly ravaged and the kids howling out for the Eds' blood.
- Eddy is a frequent victim of this trope. His horrible behavior towards his two best friends catches up to him; his constant failures in fitting in did not do wonders to his already fragile sanity; and most damning of all, Eddy's behavior is the result of years of horrible abuse by his brother which, combined with the aforementioned failures, has left him with crippling self-hate he tries desperately to compensate.
- No, Edd, trying to reason with a sadistic thug much older and stronger than you with just words isn't going to work out at all. Still getting points for trying to defend your best friend, though.
- Redemption Quest: The movie is one for Eddy. He has to confront and admit the fact his selfish and jerkass behavior has only done more harm than good to both him and the other characters, and when the illusion breaks completely, he's finally accepted by the other kids.
- Road Movie: Duh.
- The Runaway: The three Eds are forced to flee from their hometown after all the mess their latest scam caused.
- Say My Name: After Edd gets beaten up by Eddy's brother, Ed and Marie both shout "Double D!" in shock.
- Self-Deprecation: Ed calls the movie cheap after seeing that a peanut was behind the emergency break glass.
- Shout-Out
Eddy: If only you had a brain, Ed!
Ed: Aw, c'mon, Eddy, have a heart!
Edd: Courage, courage, Eddward.
- In a twist, those three things that each other need are the key to being finally accepted by the other kids.
- Smooch of Victory: Nazz gives one to Eddy after his brother's defeat.
- The Sociopath: Eddy's Brother.
- Status Quo Is God: Brilliantly destroyed at the ending.
- Thicker Than Water: Deconstructed, as seen in Irony above. Ultimately subverted at the end, when Eddy admits his brother's a lost cause and chooses his two best friends instead.
- Tragic Dream: Eddy's whole motivation is to gain his brother's respect and be accepted by the community. The former is played tragically straight, as his brother is a complete sociopath who has done nothing but treat him like shit throughout most of his life. Thankfully, the latter is subverted, as his admission of all his mistakes is what finally gets him accepted by the other kids.
- Even better: while he didn't get his brother's approval, he has Ed and Edd by his side, who are leagues more worthy of being called his brothers than his older brother ever was.
- Tranquil Fury:
- Edd spends most of the movie being his usual snarky, collected self, but several hints make it clear he's angry at Eddy for the failed scam and his general assholery. It's not until he reaches his Rage Breaking Point his anger becomes apparent.
- Ed of all people runs into this in the climax of the film. After witnessing his two best friends being beaten up horribly by Eddy's Brother, he gets unusually calm and silent. He has nothing more than a Death Glare when he removes the bolt of the steel door Eddy was clinging onto, turning him into a one-man slingshot and slam the door into Eddy's Brother's face, knocking the bastard out. This is the only time in the entire series he fully intended to hurt someone.
- Traumatic Haircut: Played for Laughs with Nazz's.
- Trauma Conga Line: Everyone gets put through the wringer in this movie. Especially Eddy.
- Tsunshun: Eddy, to an horrifying degree.
- The Un Reveal: Edd's hat.
- "Well Done, Son" Guy: Eddy towards his brother. Tragically deconstructed in that Eddy wanted his approval by acting like a jerk and, as consequence, alienating everyone from him, including his two best friends. And when his brother proves to not give a damn about him, rendering his actions pointless, he breaks down completely.
- With Friends Like These...: Deconstructed and Reconstructed later. Eddy has been treating both Ed and Edd like crap during most of the series, but in the movie, Edd actually snaps at him for this, culminating in him attempting to leave and causing the biggest rift the trio has been experienced. It brings a heartbreaking Heel Realization on Eddy, who tearfully apologizes for his behavior, and not only they become friends again, but also made the trio's friendship a lot stronger than before.
- Wham! Episode: And how. This movie basically changes the entire series with the Eds being actually chased by the kids in a scam Gone Horribly Wrong. And the less said about The Reveal at the end, the better.
- What Happened To The Mouse?: How did Kankers react to the Eds becoming accepted by the cul-de-sac?
- Did Rolf and Wilfred make up after the end of the movie?
- Yank the Dog's Chain: Zig-Zagged. The Eds find Eddy's brother's house. Then the Kankers appear and one expects the standard "offscreen molestation" ending. Also, Kevin and the others free themselves. Then Eddy meets his brother and asks him for help, to which he agrees. Then he starts tormenting Eddy For the Evulz. Then Ed KO's him with a steel door. Then angry mob of kids charges at Eddy. Finally, he apologizes for his actions and earns his happy ending.