< Earthsea Trilogy

Earthsea Trilogy/YMMV

  • Fanon Discontinuity: Some would rather she'd stopped after the first three.
  • Ho Yay: Arren's introduction to Ged in The Farthest Shore. Look inside the text, you know it to be true. There's also a little bit between Ged and Vetch in A Wizard of Earthsea.
  • Writer on Board: LeGuin was always a feminist, but between writing the third and fourth books of the series, she came to view many of the classic fantasy tropes she'd used in the original trilogy as sexist. The fourth book, Tehanu, has a drastically different tone and perspective, and many readers ended up feeling like they were being told they were wrong and stupid for having liked the earlier books. The fifth book, The Other Wind, follows up on the themes from Tehanu but strikes most readers as markedly less preachy.
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