Dynasty Warriors: Gundam/YMMV

  • And the Fandom Rejoiced: The inclusion of the long-awaited Gundam Deathscythe Hell in Dynasty Warriors: Gundam 3.
    • The inclusion of Gundam X in anything for the first time stateside.
  • Anticlimax Boss: Musha Gundam In Heero/Jerid/Master Asia's Original mode.
  • Ascended Meme: Lacus as a villain in DW:G2, matching up with the popular "Darth Lacus" theory espoused by about half of Gundam SEED Destiny's Broken Base.
    • Henken going on about mass produced Big Zams.
    • Kyouji is available as a partner in DW:G3, meaning that you can now defeat your enemies WITH THE HELP OF KYOUJI!
    • You have to wonder if Koei scripted Duo's death line after hearing Scott McNeil's Big No in the Wing dub...
  • Catharsis Factor: Oh, so much. Especially because of all the explosions and robot body parts flying everywhere.
  • Ensemble Darkhorse: The team-up of Domon, Zechs/Milliardo and Puru is quite popular with Gundam fans. If only for the sheer ridiculousness of the team members' antics and interactions.
    • The team-up of Yazan Gable and Gym Ghingnham have been very popular as well. So much so they, along with their respective mobile suits, received upgrades in Dynasty Warriors Gundam 3.
  • Game Breaker: Equipping the "Overdrive" skill on Wing Gundam Zero, God/Burning Gundam, Zeta Gundam or Turn A Gundam in the second game. Especially Turn A Gundam, which basically lets you run around nuking the field.[1]
    • Two other skills include "Ace Pilot" which boosts base attack and defense by 10% every 100 kills, or 1 for every 10, and "Moonrace" which gives a random stat boost every 50 kills. Comboed with Overdrive and the right suit, and you can power up to insane levels if you take the time by clearing Mooks out before the bosses.
    • Master Gundam with "Overdrive" and "High Tension" can potentially 1HKO Ace Pilots.
    • Nu Gundam's most powerful charge attack is a 1HKO.
    • Strike Freedom Gundam. Its charge 5 attack is hardly ever blocked (even if the enemy was blocking before), and its charge 6 can instantly fill your SP bar when used on a group. This combined with SP Boosters like 'Overdrive' and 'High Tension' makes for a powerful combination.
    • Overdrive and Ace Pilot were made a lot harder to get in the third game. Fortunately Deathscythe Hell doesn't need either. Its charge 6 moves you into groups without taking you high off the ground, letting you charge up for a ground SP that's an instant unblockable KO; the bars you have only determine whether this applies to the ace in front of you or the 40 enemies around him too. And on the off chance you missed or didn't quite finish your kill, the cloaking device activates after that - and apparently that makes you invincible too.
    • Palace Athene doesn't have melee skills because it doesn't need them. C3 is ace-killer, C4 is good for crowd control and filling SP gauges. And as rank 2 MS it can use SP-attack three times in a row.
    • Heck, go back to the first game, Wing Zero was so over-powered in that game that it made every other unit look completely weak by comparison. Heck, after going through a story mode with a character in their unit, you could then switch to Wing Zero and easily get to 1000 kills, save allies that died, beat bosses that gave you trouble, ETC with little to no trouble at all, simply because Wing Zero's Buster Rifle had auto-piercing skills and could mow down rows of enemies easily.
    • Musha Gundam Mk2's Air SP has extremely high power that goes straight through anything, a great strategy for online.
    • in DWG 3, The Double X and its air SP attack (which clears entire fields in one shot, and does the same to aces with 3 SP) makes online mode a joke.
    • The Unicorn Gundam as well - its charge 6 attack basically lets it clear fields with a few blasts of the Beam Magnum, and using an SP Attack causes it to go into Destroy Mode and get boosts to damage and speed, as well as a changed moveset that's good at both one-on-one and field combat. Not to mention that it's one of the easiest Gundams to get unlocked since its principal pilot is one of the initially unlocked pilots. "Beast of Possibility" indeed...
      • Equip it with a Minovsky Drive, Long Reach, and Sniper, and its pilot with Serene Mind, One Man Army, and Ace Killer, and you get a combat monster unstoppable at any range, blindingly fast, which can spam Destroy Mode and has advantages over both fields of enemies and enemy Aces.
  • Goddamned Bats: Doms, Rick Dias, and other bazooka-armed Mooks. Having a Mook suddenly knock you out of a combo with a dash attack is bad enough without them being able to do it from a distance. The missile mechanic thankfully got nerfed in the third game, though: not only can you swat down incoming missiles with a sword now, but they no longer knock you out of the air unless you're attacking.
    • Not to mention the Gundam Heads.
  • No Yay: Domon yelling about how no one can stand against the combined force of his and Master Asia's, err, "passion."[2]
  • Scrappy Mechanic: Regenerative health in the third game. The new damage system allows for two types of damage - permanent "need an item to fix" damage and temporary "regeneratable" damage. Sounds great, right? Well, two things - one, it's given to every ace; and two, your damage to aces is usually about 1:5 permanent/regeneratable. What this means is that you can beat the living crap out of an ace, have to leave them before you can finish them due to a battle event, and come back to find the ace is back up to 80% health. It also makes the "chip away at a really tough ace" strategy useless, which goes a long way in making the Hard difficulty Knight Gundam That One Boss.
  • Squick: Pru often says things that sound rather precociously sexual, given that she's about eleven years old.
  • That One Boss
    • In the first game, Haman Karn on Judau Ashta's Official route. It's his second (and last) mission, and his first in the ZZ Gundam, so you'll probably have a pilot level of six and MS level of two when you reach the last fight. You fight Haman four times, and she runs away the first three times, but that's not the worst part. In the first three fights, she gets continuous reinforcements of Mecha-Mooks you can kill for armor, buffs and SP recovery. The fourth fight? No reinforcements, and when you get her down to 25% armor, she fully recovers and Turns Red.
      • Also in the first game, if you did not level grind the Hyaku Shiki in Char's story mode, well, let's just say that Paptimus Scirocco and Haman Karn decide they hate you more than they hate each other. In between Qubeley's beams and The O's heavy hitting, you will find it HARD to fight back.
    • In the second game, the Dark/Devil Gundam. Sweet Jesus, the Dark/Devil Gundam. Especially when you have to use the low-level Mobile Suits. It's armed with several powerful beam attacks, has the ability to paralyze any pilot who tries to get in close, and is protected by a set of Gundam Heads. At the first tier, there are only 5. At the second tier, there are 8. At the highest tier, they burrow after you. On top of that, the only way to get the Dark/Devil Gundam's main body to power down (and therefore become vulnerable to damage) is to destroy one of its Gundam Heads first, which can only be damaged in any significant manner when they attack and also become vulnerable. This doesn't seem too bad at first until you realize they are only weakened for the duration of their attack, meaning that when you try to hit it you're more than likely to be knocked flat on your ass by said attack or the zillions of other beams that the other Gundam Heads and the Dark/Devil Gundam itself are already firing at you nonstop, making destroying but a single Gundam head an excercise in both patience and ability! Then, when you finally DO get the main body powered down, you are given a window of all of seven seconds to inflict as much damage as possible before the entire process repeats all over again. GAAAAHHH!
    • This time in the Third Game, we have Knight Gundam.One thing to note : He has two modes. Normal and SP. Where he gains a flaming sword and new armor. At first he isn't really a threat. That is until you attempt to unlock his SP equipment. Granted, this has to be done on Hard Mode. But take this into consideration. You can defeat Both Musou Gundams, two Dark/Devil Gundams , Big Zam, Both Psycho Gundams and Two Quin Mantas with absolutely no problem on hard. Knight Gundam can one hit kill any mobile suit with defense less than 350 and can kill any suit with just 2 hits. Not even the game breaking skills of Little Giant, Ace Killer, Temptation, Overdrive, High Tension, Beginner's Aid , Final Sacrifice, Armor Gain, Pressure Hit, etc can chip away at him. The only thing you can do? Hope you can stun lock him to death.
      • Did mention he has a 5 hit on recovery instant combo attack and he can trigger his SP attack anytime he wishes? Oh, one more thing!
        • Remember than SP mode I mentioned from the start? He's always in that mode for the battle.
          • The biggest problem is that because he's an ace, he has regenerative health, so you can't just chip away at his health, forcing you to take the offensive. However, the Serene Mind and Knockdown skills let you use SP Attacks without having to attack him and giving you a free shot at him afterwards (though he can cancel out of the powerdown, the cheap bastard.) This gives you a fighting chance against him.
  1. Literally - you chuck one of the nukes the Turn A had stored in its chest at one point in the show.
  2. Doubtless referring to the Hot-Blooded kind of "passion," not the Ho Yay kind, but since when has that ever stopped a Yaoi Fangirl?
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