Dynasty Warriors: Gundam/Funny

Puru: Come on, Milliardo! Puru puru puru!
Milliardo: Ugh, I can't believe this is happening...

    • Or Puru and Domon:

Domon: This hand of mine is burning red...
Puru: Its ROAR tells me to grasp victory!

Domon: Come out, Gundam!
*The God Gundam flies in, and Domon does his traditional kata as the Gundam starts up*
Puru: Hey, Domon! I wanna try that too! Watch!
Domon: Huh? There's no way you could...
Puru: Come out, Qubeley!
*The Qubeley Mk-II likewise flies in and copies the God Gundam's movements (despite being controlled by a traditional joysticks-and-levers combination) to a T, leaving Domon gobsmacked*
Domon: Huh???
Puru: See? I did it! *while making the Qubeley do a Happy Dance*
Domon: H-how did you do that?
Puru: It's a s-e-c-r-e-t.

  • From the second game, Master Asia's story mission where he plays Warrior Therapist to Judau, Seabook and Kamille. And they thank him for it. Kamille's sequence in particular was possibly a clever ploy to get the player laughing too hard to notice the time limit.
    • Also from the second game, Emma Sheen's story mission "Fighting Giant Enemies." It's a training simulation based on the events of G Gundam, with respawning pilots, giant demon robots, and Hot Bloodedness all over the place. Poor Emma is left thoroughly confused by the end of it.
    • How about Emma's first mission, when she comments on the love/hate friendship between Kira and Athrun being "too in-depth/complicated/unrequired for a simulation." And the reenactment of the One Year War, where she calls Henken out for exaggerating with the Mass Produced Big Zams.
  • In fact, pretty much any time G Gundam interacts with one of the more serious Gundam franchises, the results are either going to be hilarious or awesome.

Heero: Be quiet or I'll miss the target.
Domon: You'll be fine! LET'S DO IT!!

    • In one of the first game's story paths, Master Asia decides to make Heero Yuy his new pupil, over Heero's objections. This eventually culminates in Master Asia trying to teach Heero the Sekiha Tenkyoken... and Heero is actually considering it as he flies away.
  • Scirocco's ending in the first game is also funny and ironic: the Musha Gundam's last words are the same as Scirocco's were in Zeta Gundam.
  • In the 2nd game, if you pilot the Zeta Gundam while not playing as Roux Louka, Glemy mistakes the pilot (even Kamille) for being Roux, and later gets mad when he finds out that the Zeta he saw is not piloted by Roux.
  • Kamille: "KAMILLE'S A MAN'S NAME! AND I'M A MAN!!!"
  • From the first game, Beecha's freak-out when he's near dead. Just his overall tone makes it sound more hilarious than distressed.


Ribbons: "Why do we always pick up the weird ones?"

  • When Duo Maxwell dies in the third game, his death cry is his famous Big No!
    • Duo in general:

"Hey? Bad guys? Having a bad day?"
"Hey, how you doing? I'm doing great!"

  • dies* "Yeeeeaaaahhh... that could have been handled more gracefully, I guess."

"You know, I've almost forgotten what peace feels like... whoa, I take that back, that was totally out of character for me!"

    • His initial encounter with Full Frontal.
  • One Of Amuro's Partner Strike quotes in the third game is "Alright, let's kick some ass!"
  • Domon will be with his Gundam, somebody get him when dinner is ready.
  • Ribbons' "took the field" quote: "Oh hi. By the way, I took that field for you."
    • Which is trumped by Garrod's "Thanks for the field, suckers!"
    • Heck, most of Garrod's dialogue:

(in a ridiculously cocky voice) "Ladies and gentlemen! I present to you: GARROD RAN! Mobile Suit pilot extraordinarie!"

(Upon defeating the player) "What was that, some kind of suicide attempt? Get it together, man!"

  • Full Frontal and Char meet each other. There's an awkward silence, and Char then just comments that "Some things you never notice until you look in from the outside." Full Frontal is not amused and just stands there the entire time staring at Char.
  • The fact that, in the third game's Story mode, infamous lady-killer Scirocco's entire team consists of women, the only males being Loran and Garrod. Throughout the story, both Haman and Mineva make comments about Scirocco's flirting.
  • When Garrod and Ribbons are fighting together, after Ribbons gives one of his Smug Snake statements, you'll sometimes get this line:

Garrod: Geez, whats her problem?

  • Random character dialogue can sometimes produce absolutely hilarious results:

Full Frontal: "What gives you the right to invade another's heart and soul?"
Domon Kasshu: "Gundam Fight International Treaty Article Three!"

Char Aznable: "You can do better!"
Kira Yamato: "I don't think so!"

Jerid Messa: "Alright, time to show 'em how a man does it!"
Elpeo Puru: *giggles* "That's funny!"

Heero Yuy: "I will be victorious. More than anyone on Earth."
Shinn Asuka: "So, you don't just whine all the time."

Full Frontal: "What gives you the right to invade another's heart and soul?"
Setsuna F. Seiei: "I am Gundam!"

Elpeo Puru: "Why are you always so mean to me? I hate you!"
Setsuna F. Seiei: "WHY WON'T YOU LISTEN?"

  • Various lines from various characters in the Gundam Fight Mission:

Gym Ghingaham: "Finally, our wishes have come true. A new Dynasty Warriors Gundam Sequel!"

Kai Shiden: "Come on man, it's an anime. Somtimes we like to party with the good guys."

Master Asia: "Gundam Fight... Ready...."
Shinn Asuka: "GO! Man, I feel kind of stupid for saying that."

Schwarz: "Gundam Fight... Ready..."
Heero: Go.

Schwarz: "Gundam Fight... Ready..."
Banagher: "Huh? Oh! Gooooo!"

Domon: "Enough talk! Gundam Fight!! Ready..."
Frontal: "If this is what I must do, then so be it. Ready, goooo!!"

  • An e-mail from Heero.

From: Heero Yui
Subject: I kill you!
I will kill you!

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