Duklyon: Clamp School Defenders
The Champions of Justice at the CLAMP School Academy
A two-volume Manga by CLAMP, the story of two teenagers at CLAMP Campus, Kentaro and Takeshi. As the superheroes 'Duklyon', they battle the evil Imonoyama Shopping District and their monsters.
Tropes used in Duklyon: Clamp School Defenders include:
- Affectionate Parody
- Affably Evil: Sure Sukiyabashi starts as the Big Bad of the series, but he really is a polite and likeable guy.
- Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever: Used at the climax.
- Breaking the Fourth Wall: When Eri and Kotobuki's romance gets more focus, Kentaro complains that he and Takeshi are supposed to be the real heroes of the manga.
- 'Listen up, Meatball Head, because even if this is a CLAMP book, I won't say it twice!'
- Creator Cameo: Mokona's Author Avatar makes a one-panel appearance at the end of the story.
- Crossover: With CLAMP School Detectives and Man of Many Faces. Eri, Kentaro and Takeshi appear in Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle too. Characters also see a movie about X/1999.
- Human Aliens: Eri and Kotobuki.
- Elaborate University High
- Hilarity Ensues: A lot.
- Ho Yay
- Lighter and Softer: Lampshaded. “Will justice and true love prevail? Well, of course they will! (This isn’t X/1999, you know!)"
- Minion with an F In Evil: More like Evil Overlord with an F in Evil.
- No Name Given: Kotobuki's fiancee.
- Paper-Thin Disguise
- Poke the Poodle: The Imonoyama Shopping District Association's schemes are rarely more dire than stealing some of the school's food. Which makes some sense, considering that if Kotobuki ever did succeed in conquering the globe, he'd have to go home and marry his fiancee.
- School Play
- Sentai
- Secret Public Identity: Kentaro and Takeshi wear Power Ranger-esque costumes but don't go by aliases and frequently scream each other's names in battle. Eri wears an elaborate outfit, but no disguise over her face. And Kotobuki wears a ridiculously huge outfit and face paint, but no disguise over his face. Yet nobody seems to know who they are when they're in costume.
- Shipper on Deck: Everyone seems to ship Kentaro/Takeshi, except Takeshi himself.
- Stripperiffic: Sukiyabashi's fiancee.
- Take That Us!: The students watch the X/1999 movie in the campus theater. Takeshi doesn't think too highly of it, while Kentaro weeps over how “those CLAMP women are so cruel!”
- Unsound Effect: Cadillac!
- Where Are They Now? Epilogue / And the Adventure Continues...
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