< Drawn to Life

Drawn to Life/YMMV

  • Crowning Music of Awesome: Alt and the Lavastream theme.
    • In fact, all of the Lavastream music is awesome. hear it here.
    • How about the vocal songs? I mean they sound pretty good, the ending song to the first game simply titled The End that plays after you beat the game is really good, and the sequel brings us Light of My Life and the other vocal ending song Real Life.
  • Demonic Spiders
  • Draco in Leather Pants: Naming the villain after free will, then making his original form a White-Haired Pretty Boy is a sure way to cause this. The sequel doesn't help.
  • Ear Worm: The Lavastream theme comes to mind.
  • Ensemble Darkhorse: Let's face it. The majority of the players love Crazy Barks. It's probably one of the main reasons he was such an important character in the sequel.
  • Fridge Brilliance: Regarding the Dream Apocalypse. Because the Raposa are rooted in Mike's imagination, it's impossible to destroy them outright. The most he could do is put them aside for a while to wake and live in Real Life. But dreams are by nature recurrent (that's just science!). The next time he sleeps and dreams, the Raposa are free to return as Mike imagines them. Sure, this makes Mike God and the Devil to them, but that's not a foreign concept to the game.
    • In addition, leaving Mike in a coma to die would not have done the Raposa any favors. As products of his mind, they are a part of him. With Mike dead, they're dead too.
  • Nightmare Fuel: The ending of the DS version of The Next Chapter. Once you make the connection to the beginning, you find out that the Raposa are ending their own world, and watched the end credits, nevermind that it was All Just a Dream.
    • See Fridge Brilliance above for some possible High Octane Nightmare Retardant.
    • The Giant Robosa is crying!
      • Only because you just whooped its hand. For some, this cartoonish reaction would make a somewhat imposing boss into Nightmare Retardant.
    • Lots of things Wilfre does.
  • Moral Event Horizon: When Wilfre killed the Mayor, for some people.
    • In the sequel, he tricks the mayor of Watersong into giving up her voice. Without it, she, and the town, will slowly die.
  • Nightmare Fuel: The Council is comprised of a bunch of dolls that look conspicuously like dead bodies.
    • Foreshadowing, maybe?
  • That One Boss: That tree thing.
    • God dammit.
    • Now we have a boss with SIX LEVELS to go through in order to beat, all filled with lava!
    • If it weren't contrary to the trope definition, practically every boss would be That One Boss. Darn bosses.
  • Viewer Gender Confusion: Seeing how you draw your own character, you can choose to make them male or female(or otherwise). However, there's no way to actually set the gender, and your character will be referred to as "he" and "him" various places in the game even if they're a girl.
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