< Drawn to Life

Drawn to Life/WMG

The Raposa aren't really dead.

See Fridge Brilliance for most of it. The justification is that Dreams don't really fade away permanently. Mike needed to wake up because Real Life was his home. While he's awake, the world of the Raposa doesn't exist. But it's highly unlikely that someone as imaginative as Mike would never dream again. The world of the Raposa is in no danger of ceasing to exist. In my opinion, there is very little to contradict this in game, except for the Raposa's reactions to Mike waking up. But that could be explained by a combination of ignorance, and not wanting to let go even temporarily of their world. And they even get over that.

To extrapolate, considering the long history within the Raposa world, it's not unlikely that Mike's imagination could keep the world running for thousands of years. Now imagine that Mike tells his hypothetical grand kids the stories of the Raposa, and throw in some Memetic Mutation and God knows what you'll get.

The game is an allegory about loss of childhood.

"The Creator", i.e., the player, sat down and drew the Raposa in their sketchbook years ago, when they were a child. They created a whole world for them, and played helping their every need. Eventually, their attention waned as they grew up, and rebellious teenagerdom (represented by Wilfre) took over. They largely forgot about the Raposa's world, as signalled by the eternal flame going out, and the darkness represents forgetfulness. Just as the game opens, though, they rediscover their old notebook and return to their imaginary world.

  • May actually work, now that the second game reveals Mike is the real "Creator"
    • I thought the ending implied that it was Heather.

Wilfre is working with the Mameshiba bean dogs.

Wilfre is responsible for all color failure, ever.

The hero of the first game is still active.

  • At the end of the original game, we see it leaving the village as it believes it's work there is done. In the third game, we see a mannikin in Creation hall, but it isn't explicitly stated to be the original hero. The only time the old hero is mentioned, it's explaining that the new one doesn't have the memories of the old one. But why would that be? Clearly, the new hero doesn't have those memories because the old hero has them. But if the old hero turned back into a lifeless mannikin, he'd cease to exist and so, wouldn't have those memories.

________ knew about Mike and Heather.

  • Heather: The third game is fairly clear about her knowing the truth but being unable to tell anyone.
  • The First Hero: Heather clearly couldn't have told it her name, which means he had to have known through other means, and if he learned her name, he could have learned her origins. And as for Mike, the hero is the only person in Rapoworld who (depending on conversation choices) knows what a human is and that Mike is one.
  • Crazy Barks: Heather can't speak normally without her shadow half scrambling it, but she can speak like Crazy Barks. Assuming Barks can understand his own speech patterns, she could have gotten her message across to him.
  • Wilfre: Of course. The third game makes this clear. Also note that the only time his shadows are seen infecting anyone, it's to keep Heather quiet. And that Mike is being held prisoner close to his lair, while Heather is under guard by a boss in the First world.
  • Mari finds out from Wilfre, of course, and so does Jowee. Mike himself (the aspect we see, at least) stays completely ignorant of it.

This game exists to show why God doesn't intervene in Real Life.

Anyone else get annoyed by the Rapo always asking for favors all the time? Yeah, that is what God is thinking too.

Heather is the Creator.

You are Heather, and that's why the hero in the first game knows her name is Heather. Wilfre kidnapped Heather because she was the Author Avatar. Mike doesn't seem to know what Raposa are, and Heather was the one who answered the questions about what happened. Heather and Mike drove home with dolls that looked like Mari and Jowee, and then they got in a car accident, killing the parents, burning Heather's face, and putting Mike into a coma. In her depression, Heather drew a world and put herself, Mike, and Raposa into it while Mike was comatose, desperately hoping that Mike comes back to her. By The Power of Love, it turned into Mike's comatose dream. Mike wakes up, and the world ceases to exist, but the Raposa live on in Heather's drawings. It was actually implied within the game itself.

The third game's ending is a Take That to the fanbase

  • Many people wanted a sequel to the original. They got one. And what happens? After everything you've done, you must cause a Dream Apocalypse. And you can't say no.

The entire series takes place in Mike's subconciousness

  • Here's my view of what happened before the events of the first game. One day in the real world, Mike got his hands on a big, green drawing book and decided to draw some doodles. He drew a planet, the sun, some trees and some creatures which he called Raposa. When he wasn't drawing, he liked to imagine what it would be like to live in the world he created. One night, while he, his sister and his parents are driving home, they get into a car crash . The last thing he sees before he passes out is his sister, with one half of her face badly damaged. So anyway, he and the rest of his family are seen by passers-by, they call the ambulance and get rushed to hospital. The parents managed to escape with minor scratching, but Heather is now blind in her right eye and Mike has gone into a coma from head trauma. A few days later, Heather manages to find her brother's drawing book. She takes a look inside and, as she looks at her brother's pictures of those silly fox-people he kept telling her about, she starts to miss him more than ever. Deciding to keep her brother's memory alive, she then picked up his box of coloured pencils and started to draw...
    • I think that's supposed to be implied...

Drawn to Life is a buildup to Mother 4

  • I mean, not only does the non level areas are in a sort-of bird's eye view just like that of Mother, but both are kids games with an epic tale in them.

Alternately, Drawn to Life was supposed to be Mother 4

  • Jowee might have been based off of the main character. The story is that one day a boy (let's call him Joey) notices that his hometown is being attacked by something. Along the way, he meets some friends; a girl who is the Mayor's daughter (let's call her Mary), the new kid (let's call him Mike), a five year old boy (let's call him Sock), and Mike's older brother (let's call him Drew). As it turns out some dude (Let's call him Wilfred) released/revived/unsealed Giygas for some reason. Giygas then kills Sock (Which turned into Sock turning out to be Wilfre when it got changed into Drawn to Life) and then rips out the souls of the rest of the party from their bodies, sending them into comas. After defeating Giygas, they return to their bodies and wake up (which was changed into the whole Raposa world being a dream and Mike waking up). Somewhere in the making of the game, Nintendo thought that it wouldn't make it and gave the idea and stripes to an American company called 5th Cell. Thus, Drawn to Life was born.

The Council aren't dolls that look like dead bodies. They are dead bodies

  • For a while, there actually was a Council that made all the rules and such. However, they eventually all died of some cause (A cold virus?) Their messenger, Click, found out what happened and panicked about what would happen to the village now that the Council was gone. So he left their corpses where they were and pretended to be the Council himself for the good of everyone...

The Raposa World works the same way as the Homestuck dreamselves, or Dreamkeepers

Alright, so it's quite possible that the Raposa world works as either a Homestuck or a Dreamkeepers realm.

  • Homestuck: The way Homestuck's dreamworld works is that each player has a dreamself that only becomes active when the player in the real world goes to sleep. The same thing happens here, only each human has their own realm they go to. Humans aren't meant to stay in these realms for very long though; about eight to twelve hours, depending on the person. The Raposa are just simply apart of the real world's human's imagination. When Mike enters a coma he remains there for too long by the standards of the gaurdian, who plans to, "awaken him", but unfortunately, Wilfre got ahold of the book of life, which filled him with dark powers. The event that happened at the end of the game wasn't the Raposa's world being destroyed, but rather Mike leaving. That's why when you start Drawn to Life: The Next Chapter after you beat it you can see mike sleeping in bed, because his real world self awoke, and so his dreamrealm self has gone back to bed.


  • Dreamkeepers: Each Raposa is tied to a human on earth, in the same fashion as the dreamkeepers. The difference is that instead of them protecting them (and by extention keeping nightmares away from humans), they are protected by the creator. Now Mike doesn't seem to have one, either because his was deceased before hand, or his Raposa was Wilfre (further explaining why he was so obessed with Mike). When that happened, Mike as himself started to go into the Raposa world. Eventually Mike enters a coma which puts him at risk of getting kiiled by wilfre or the nightmares (baki), so the creator tries to awaken him by manual means (i.e., reseting the raposa world) which causes all of the Raposa to awake along with Mike
    • So the sequel will also double as Homestuck: The Game?

Drawn to Life was yet another dream by the Wind Fish

I guess that means that Jowee's a seagull now.

The Raposa world in the first game and third game are not the same Raposa worlds, however the third is based off the first.

  • According to the first game, there are all sorts of backstory and a bit of mythology of the world of Raposa. The world being Mike's coma kind of contradicts this, unless he just has a real great imagination. So perhaps the third game just takes place in a dream of the world of the first game. It kind of made more sense before I wrote it all out, but I still kind of feel good about this. Not sure how the middle game fits into all that, though.

Mike is Maxwell

  • And thus, the Raposa are fine. He can re-draw them to bring them back. It also explains his amazing powers of creation by notepad.
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