< Drawn Together

Drawn Together/Characters

The dramatis personae for the animated series Drawn Together.

Captain Hero

A super-powered, sex-obsessed lothario whose machismo hides a fragile ego. Initially a minor character, but eventually came to dominate the show. Parodies Superman as well as the macho jock stereotype.

Foxxy Love

A 1970s-style mystery-solving musician who parodies Josie and the Pussy Cats and Scooby Doo. She plays the token Sassy Black Woman/put-upon minority (also the Village Bicycle, though most of the cast competes for that title). Foxxy was the show's most heavily featured character until Captain Hero took over midway through Season Two.


An ill-tempered Pikachu knock-off. He speaks in faux-Japanese babble (his voice actress calls it "Japorean"...) and seldom interacts much with the other characters (who usually don't understand a word he says). He plays the fish-out-of-water foreigner/TeamPet. He is also incredibly violent (expect bucketloads of blood in any of his scenes) and parodies the tendency of Japanese animation to be far more mature than its Western counterparts despite both being aimed at a younger audience.

Princess Clara

A parody of both the generic Disney Princess (to the point of her design being very close to Ariel's) and the naive airhead, complete with the ability to spontaneously generate fuzzy woodland creatures when she sings. An obsessive religious fanatic, she also parodies the "upper class WASP" stereotype by being condescendingly biased against all ethnic and religious minorities.

Spanky Ham

An Internet-derived character who enjoys exercising his warped, disgusting sense of humor. Parodies both internet Flash animations and the "party animal" stereotype.

  • Ambiguously Jewish (He's also been Muslim and Scientologist).
  • Big Ol' Unibrow: Spanky's voice actor Adam Carolla thinks it's a reference to his own.
  • Catch Phrase: "Nothing can possibly go wrong."
  • Gasshole: One episode has as a major plot point the issue of whether his farts are funny or not.
  • Greed: His primary vice.
  • Only Sane Man: Often is the one to give a speech with the reasonable solution to an issue, like saying that cartoons may be offensive, but denying them as part of our culture is dangerous.
  • Tempting Fate: His catchphrase, uttered immediately before something goes wrong.

Toot Braunstein

A black-and-white cartoon gal from the 1920s who's an overweight, bitter, washed-up, borderline-psychotic, alcoholic parody of Betty Boop. She fills the role of the "bitch" character.

  • Abusive Parents: Neglect toward her Nicaraguan baby, resulting in it running way and getting pregnant itself.
  • The Alcoholic: One of the heaviest drinkers in the cast.
  • Ambiguously Jewish
  • Attention Whore
  • Big Beautiful Woman: Toot thinks she's this. She comes from a time when women having curvy bodies and generally weighing a bit more was considered aesthetically pleasing. Of course, her weight varies depending on Rule of Funny and multiple close-ups of her are quite unsettling.
  • Butt Monkey
  • Character Development: Becomes less spiteful and more proactive over time, possibly as a result of Xandir acknowledging her as a friend, if not a lover.
  • Extreme Omnivore: She's eaten a television and a cell phone, among many other things.
  • Gold Digger: Her reason for marrying Ling-Ling's father, despite initially being repulsed by his advances.
  • Hollywood Pudgy
  • One-Winged Angel: When she swallows a whole lot of jello and grows massive during her fight with Foxxy in the season 1 finale. She soon falls down and loses the fight, though.
  • Pie-Eyed: She's drawn this way to reflect her origins.
  • Plucky Girl: Became one by the end of the series.
  • Transsexualism: Or possibly Hermaphrodite, she's had a fair share of boners poking through her skirt throughout the series.
  • White Dwarf Starlet
  • Yandere: Toward Xandir through the first season and a half.
  • Zettai Ryouiki

Wooldoor Sockbat

A goofy yellow whatsit who parodies the "WTF" cartoon character stereotype, especially SpongeBob SquarePants, but also including Stimpy from Ren and Stimpy, any of the Warners from Animaniacs, any of Tex Avery's wacky characters when Avery worked for MGM, and basically whatever the plot demands. He plays the attention-seeking Team Pet.

  • Ambiguously Jewish
  • Attention Deficit Ooh Shiny
  • Captain Ersatz: Even more so than the other characters. Notably, the other housemates are parodies of their respective characters, but Wooldoor basically is Spongebob Squarepants in all but name, and acts exactly like he would if Spongebob became a more adult-oriented cartoon.
    • A newspaper in one episode even refers to him as a "poorly-conceived Spongebob parody".
  • Catch Phrase: Wooldoor likes to say "WEEEEEE!" a lot, so much so that he has it on his headstone. In "Drawn Together Babies", he claims that due to an injury he sustained, he has to say it very often or he'll drown in his own bile.
  • Cloudcuckoolander
  • Does Not Like Shoes
  • A God Am I: "You ask me if I have a god complex? I AM GOD."
  • Keet

Xandir P. Wifflebottom

An effeminate (later openly gay) elf swordsman and video game character who parodies Link from the The Legend of Zelda games (and Video Games in general). His role on the show is that of the Camp Gay.

The Jew Producer

The only non-housemate to have any sort of recurring importance to the show. Originally, "Jew Producer" was just his nickname amongst the cast until he established that "The Jew Producer" was, in fact, his name.

  • Author Avatar: He is the in-show representation of the show's creators, a rare villainous example of the trope.
  • Aw, Look -- They Really Do Love Each Other: The movie shows that deep down, he truly does care about the housemates.
  • Bad Boss: Never misses an opportunity to abuse his power.
  • Characterization Marches On: In his first non-intercom appearance, he is a heartless creep who is perfectly willing to kill the cast if they disobey him. In the movie, he's kept the housemates supported for his own amusement long after the show has been canceled only to eventually save them from being erased.
  • Driven to Suicide: In the second season clip show he becomes upset after Xandir denies sleeping with him. He kills two staffers and then himself soon after. He got better though.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: He's Killed Off for Real in the movie saving the cast.
  • Jerkass: For many many reasons, though forcing the cast to spend three hours praising his genitals is probably the best example.
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