Doubt (manga)
Not to be confused for a theater play, a mystery drama movie set in a Catholic school, or a tv series about a defense lawyer.
Doubt is a heartwarming manga centered around the adventures of Yuu Aikawa and his girlfriend Mitsuki, and...
Oh, who are we kidding here?
Doubt is a horror manga written by Tonogai Yoshiki with enough bloodshed and plot twists to make your head spin. Yuu is just your average teenager who has agreed to meet up to play Rabbit Doubt (which you win by killing a wolf hidden between a group of rabbits) with his friends: Eiji, Hajime, Haruka, and Rei.
Along the way, he meets up with his childhood friend Mitsuki, goes to a karaoke bar, and has fun.
And then, he gets bashed on the head with a wrench by a guy wearing a giant bunny mask and they all get kidnapped to play a real life version of Rabbit Doubt.
Definitely not to be confused with the Pulitzer-prize winning play of the same name (or the movie based on it). Also not to be confused with the manga Doubt!! by Kaneyoshi Izumi.
May or may not have a sequel in Judge.
Needs Wiki Magic Love
- Abandoned Hospital: Most of the story takes place in one of these.
- Anyone Can Die
- Badass Bookworm: Hajime
- Big Bad: The Wolf. At first thought to be Mitsuki, then it's revealed to be Rei.
- Big Bad Friend: Mitsuki even said that she would have let Yuu live if he hadn't lied during the game.
- Brainwashed: Rei does this to Mitsuki and all the other Wolves through the TV.
- Brainwashed and Crazy: All of the Wolves.
- Double Take: Yuu in the first chapter.
- Downer Ending: Hajime is hanged, Mitsuki kills Yuu and is prosecuted, and Rei kindly asks for the check in some random Cafe somewhere. What a heartwarming ending!
- Drop the Hammer: In the special chapter, the Wolf for the drama CD is shown holding a hammer.
- Expy: Compare Yuu to Mamoru Akasaka in the Higurashi arc Tonogai worked on.
- Fan Service: No matter what's going on, we get to see a good shot of Haruka's cleavage at least three times per chapter. Or at least, until she gets killed off.
- Foreshadowing: On the first cover Mitsuki is wearing the same rabbit mask as the person who hit Yuu over the head to kidnap him, and on the first title page Rei is holding it on her lap.
- Girl with Psycho Weapon: Why, hello there Mitsuki.
- Hair-Raising Hare: It's not called Rabbit Doubt for nothing.
- Horrible Judge of Character: Yuu.
- Karma Houdini: Rei. For what we know, at least.
- Kill'Em All: Mitsuki and Rei are the only survivors.
- Or as far as we can see. Who's to say what happens to Mitsuki after she's prosecuted?
- Male Gaze
- Missing Mom: Mitsuki's mother.
- Ms. Fanservice: Haruka
- Nice Guy: Oh, Yuu...
- Nietzsche Wannabe: Mitsuki and Rei.
- Not What It Looks Like: Yuu and Haruka in the first chapter; Mitsuki was not pleased.
- Parental Abandonment: Mitsuki's mother died before she met Yuu. Also, Rei tells Yuu that the reason Mitsuki came to her to become the Wolf and despises liars, is that her father has actually been dead for a while.
- Peek-a-Boo Corpse
- Plot Induced Stupidity: Basically a requirement for any main character in a horror manga.
- Poor Communication Kills: Obviously. The Reveal contains a particularly nasty example - Mitsuki basically murdered Kei and put Yuu through the game because the two of them bought her a birthday present as a surprise.
- Retcon: Hajime's shirt is magical, bitch!
- Stepford Smiler: Rei
- Ten Little Murder Victims
- The Bad Guy Wins: See Downer Ending entry above.
- The Man Behind the Man: Rei
- The Chessmaster: Rei
- Troubled but Cute: Eiji
- Yandere: Mitsuki is one of the yangire variety... Unless, you know, you want to see her love for her father in that way.
- With her Backstory, Rei also count as one. A manipulative Yandere.