Double Duck

A parking ticket leads Donald Duck to realise he's actually a former sleeper agent for Cloak and Dagger Government Agency of Fiction, The Agency. However, one of their agents has become a Double Agent and taken a MacGuffin; the world isn't going to save itself, so he's back on the job as Agent Double Duck!
This storyline was introduced in April, 2008. Scripted by Marco Bosco and Fausto Vitaliano. It has proven popular enough and there are several stories in this sub-series. All created in Italy.
Tropes used in Double Duck include:
- Adventure Duo: Donald and Kay K are this, except technically Donald's The Hero and Kay K's The Lancer.
- Alliterative Name: Everyone in The Agency has one. Well, except for the secretary Liz Zago and Gizmo, The Agency's resident Gadgeteer Genius.
- Corrupt Corporate Executive: Marlo Burke, who even in his public guise is considered a "notorious financier". Turns out his private life is even worse, as he likes to indulge himself in a spot of theft in order to get access to secret organisations, so he can Blackmail his way to get even more access to other secret organisations.
- Expy: come on! Just look at him and try not shouting "It's the Kingpin!"...
- Continuity Cameo: Kind of: Double Duck and Kay K are saved by Wilson, an agent of SHUSH Except he's actually working for Marlo Burke.
- Except it's dolled-up: the original Italian version states he's working for "PBI", an acronym for "Paperal Bureau of Investigation" - where "Paperal" is a pun on "Papero", Italian for "Duck" (which would be "Duck Bureau of Investigation" in English). However, yeah, the twist remains the same.
- Double Agent: Agent B-Berry is this until it turns out he's a Fake Defector, as well as Agent B-Black, who were trying to flush out the real mole... Kay K. Turns out she'd been Stealing From the Till, as well as being Classy Cat Burglar Red Primerose on the side.
- Family-Friendly Firearms: averted. In a Disney comic. That is not from Marvel. Again.
- Large and In Charge: Both Jay J and Marlo Burke qualify.
- Double Standard: Sure, Daisy can throw Donald over and go to a fancy event with Gladstone Gander, but if she spots him spending time with another woman, then that's just wrong!
- And Donald's remark about this?
Donald: "Hey, I'm not the only one who has something to explain! You dumped me and ran off with Gladstone!"
Daisy: "Don't change the subject!"
Donald: "Sometimes there's no point in questioning feminine logic."
- MacGuffin: Quite a few of these, some of them playing with the trope itself; Donald's first mission involves obtaining a briefcase which contains Kay K's recipe for tuna salad. Later on, Marlo Burke is after what he thinks is the registry containing all the names of The Agency's operatives. It's actually the file which would allow him to bypass the encryption of the registry, which is in the basement of The Agency. His own Playful Hacker assumes it's all nonsense, so he calls the whole thing off.
- Mind Screw: in the first story arc, there's quite a lot of twists. Not a bad thing per se, but considering the series' target audience are kids (albeit not necessarily), keeping track of the events might turn out to be harder than expected, especially considering the...
- Gainax Ending:... which ends the first story arc. Explained throughout the second story arc.
- Incredibly Obvious Tail: Played very literally indeed: turns out following somebody in this car [dead link] isn't such a great idea...
- Laser-Guided Amnesia: Standard procedure for anyone wishing to retire from The Agency.
- Non-Mammal Mammaries: Kay K is pretty... forthright for a character in a Disney comic.
- Then again, it seems Disney Italia has a record for that sort of thing...
- In this series, when she's wearing a classy opera dress, even the flat chested Daisy gets cleavage. Yes. Daisy.
- Ship Tease: Kay K often seems very affectionate to Donald, and some would argue she's a better trade-in than Daisy... Too bad she's a traitor. As she's being taken away, she tells Donald they "could've been good together". His response? "Sorry Red! There's only one girl for me!"
- Stealth Hi Bye: Kay K is very good at these.
- Sweet Tooth: It turns out B-Black is one. Donald takes advantage of this by giving him a bugged licorice dispenser as a gift
- The Mole/Mata Hari: Kay K. After all, she did say that all good spies lied and that Red Primerose wasn't necessarily a man...
- The Rival: B-Black is this to Donald.
- The Trouble with Tickets: Donald finds his 313 has been given a ticket, he's pretty ticked off - after all, he's never even been to that part of town before! Turns out he was there, retiring from The Agency. Throughout the first story arc, he tries to get out of paying it, but the Vast Bureaucracy stumps him and he finally pays the fine.
- Resignations Not Accepted: Subverted, in that Jay J was okay with Double Duck resigning, but things got too hot for The Agency to handle without him, so it had to turn into a Mandatory Unretirement.
- Where Does He Get All Those Wonderful Toys?: Very much subverted: When Gadgeteer Genius Gizmo equips Donald for his first mission back with The Agency, he takes Donald on a quick tour of his lab, showing him all the recent developments, including "laser pens, radar pencils and sonar markers" (Donald asks if they can write), but as Donald's taking minimal equipment with him on this mission he gets... a cell phone. It doesn't even get great reception...
- Why Didn't You Just Say So?: Daisy asks this when Donald tells her Kay K is a jewellery maker, and the only reason she was in his car was that she had a breakdown, and he was giving her a lift. Of course, it's Donald, so Kay K shows up in Donald's house immediately after Daisy leaves, and when she comes back to apologise some more, she finds them in a perfectly innocent embrace.
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