< Dominic Deegan

Dominic Deegan/Awesome

  • Early on, Dominic is facing a powerful sorceress who has cursed him to have fish fall on his head whenever he smokes. Attempting to cure himself, he sneaks into her castle and discovers her plan to make her daughter commit suicide in order to receive compensation from a visiting knight. She gives a speech basically telling him that he can't stop her, at which point Dominic takes a puff on his pipe, reaches off panel catches his Improvised Weapon before it lands on his head, and smacks her out WITH A FISH. Simple but oh so satisfying.
  • Greg Deegan, at the end of the Battle For Barthis story arc/fund raising concert. When he declares that nothing could make him happier given how well the concert went, his nurse-turned-newly-appointed-mayor of a girlfriend strips down before him, intent on giving him a "proper reward" for his efforts. The last panel of said strip is simply his hand thrust into the air, giving The Horns.
    • I do not care what anyone says about recent arcs. The climax of the 'Battle for Barthis' arc was as epic as The Power of Rock can be on the page
    • He gets one much, much earlier than this, though, when, after the Blight is ripped from his body, he shows Jacob what he can really do.
  • Szark gets his own moment a while before that: "Toupee!"
    • And another here where he disarms someone. FROM BEHIND. Yeah, he's just that awesome.
  • Dominic's is probably the gigantic battle with Celesto, where he loses his leg. Another character from that arc gets one during the War in Hell, when he makes a post-mortem comeback.
    • He has another, arguably greater one, here(warning before clicking it, you'll only get the full effect if you've read the entire Battle for Barthis arc).
  • Luna isn't a character that gets a lot of badass moments, but what few there are, they are VERY awesome. Such as later in her battle against Helixa here, and, in a rare occasion where she admits to her own badassery later on, here.
    • FLEE from my- Illusion.
  • Luna proves she can't and won't give in to her sister Amelia's lies. "Dominic would never abandon me. *Ever*."
    • Also, since the comic's tapered off into mediocrity, it almost hasn't been worth reading. And yet, somehow, it spawned this. Go Luna.
  • Miranda Deegan shows us that she is NOT someone you want to anger. EVER.
  • Bumper and Stunt get their own awesome moments as well. Coincidentally, both come in the form of killing a Magnificent Bastard. First, Bumper gets a Crowning Moment of Awesome in this comic, then much later on, Stunt pulls a badass stunt of his own (no pun intended) in this one.
    • Stunt gets another one here.
  • We get three awesome moments from three different characters in a short amount of time in the "Hello Nurse!" arc. First this one from Gregory, who shows us that it's entirely possible to be badass even when about to get your ass kicked, then we get another one two strips later, courtesy of Rachel and her thing-breaking face. Finally, Pam gets a VERY awesome moment here.
  • Jacob Deegan's original entrance would have qualified in and of itself- an unexpected plot twist that was a great example of The Chessmaster in action. But then he followed it up with a series of continually escalating lessons in Magnificent Bastardry, six times a week, for over a month. During which he:
    • Kills the villains of the story arc and hijacks their evil plans for his own ends, after said plans have succeeded and the villains have attained unholy power.
    • Does this by singlehandedly taking them all on in a fight.
    • Immediately proceeds to take on the good guys as well.
    • Finds new and highly amusing ways to screw with Dominic every step of the way.
    • And literally gets away with it all, achieving every last one of his objectives. Forget Jacob; this was a crowning moment of awesome for the comic itself.
    • Personally, Milov jumping into battle against Jacob after he just slaughtered the villains easily and made him puke by telling how he killed one of the villains is nothing short of badass.
  • While Jacob is impressive, another necromancer has an even better series of moments starting here. If this is the first time you're reading this arc, read it through to the most recent strip. Wait for the revelations to sink in, and then read the whole arc a second time for the full effect. What's really impressive is that this necromancer achieves a series of Awesome Moments without getting involved in any fights or killing anybody or even using any necromancy whatsoever. Is there a trope called Crowning Montage of Awesome yet?
    • The awesome is made even greater to this troper because you find out the truth: the 'disguise' is actually the real him. It's a subtle form of awesome, but still.
    • Not only that, but the master plan involved punching Dominic in the balls, which the Snarkdom consider awesome, at least.
  • A couple of CMOAs have come at the expense of Jerkass Brett Taggerty:
    • He punches Rachel Hart in the face and breaks his hand. That's not a typo: Brett punched someone, severely broke his hand, and the would-be victim, Rachel Hart, didn't even flinch.
    • Celesto Morgan uses his newfound chaos magic abilities to barge in on Bret while he's in the middle of getting a lap dance, and cranks out enough chaos magic to make his body mutate before exploding in a bloody, disgusting mess. Consistently regarded as one of the best moments in the series by many fans.
    • And Celesto topped himself when he did the same thing to Bret's Smug Snake boss Serk Brakkis right when he's about to pull a Karma Houdini.
  • Dex Garrit is cool enough normally , but after Getting back up after sustaining what everyone thought were lethal injuries pushes him into complete Badass territory.
  • What every Hatedom member has imagined himself/herself doing to Dominic at least once. Even Mookie admits that Dominic is being a total prick here and found drawing this event extremely satisfying. It's almost as if Mookie is throwing the Hatedom a bone by showing that a) Dominic can be a real Jerkass, b) he's not always right, and c) not everyone in the comic is willing to put up with his crap.
  • Donovan's first meeting with Serk Brakkis, where in Serk insults his friend's son, both within earshot of Donovan AND while he has his sword readily available.

Serk: Tell me, does [Szark] need a new pair of pants every time he kills someone?
(Serk is wide-eyed in surprise at the sound and feel of several sword slashes)

Donovan: (brandishing sword) You're gonna need a new pair of pants every time you insult my son's friend.

Serk: (looking to find the initials D.D. slashed into the seat of his pants) How dare you!

"Now there's the closure I've been looking for."

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